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Well Details

Well ID: 34-073-23086
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Hocking
Municipality: Green Township
Operator Name: KNOX ENERGY INC.
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: COOK
License Status: Final Restoration
License Date: 2008-04-18
Spud Date: 1985-05-24
Spud Drilling Contractor: CO TOOLS
Final Drill Date: 1985-07-31
Well Total Depth: 3090.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 39.490000
Longitude: -82.360000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Oil and Gas 1985-04-16 Issued Date 4/16/85 Expired Date 10/13/85 Acres 0162700 Tool Type CT Proposed Formation CLINTON Proposed Depth 03090 Proposed Drill Depth 03090
Original Spud 1985-05-24 FDT=GRAY
Completed 1985-07-31 FDT=GRAY
Reached Total Depth 1985-07-31 FDT=GRAY
CO 1985-08-20 651 STEWART PRODUCERS GeoDate 4/16/85
Completion Report Received 1985-10-11 FDT=GRAY
CO 1992-02-03 4074 OIL ENTERPRISES GeoDate 4/16/85
Change of Owner 1999-12-22 Operator changed from 4074, OIL ENTERPRISES to 6295, KNOX ENERGY INC.
Plugged/Abandoned 2008-04-14 FDT=GRAY
APP 2008-04-18 Proposed Formations:CLINTON, Issued Date:4/18/2008, Expired Date:4/18/2009 6:00:00 AM, Drilling unit acres:162.7, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:
Construction Permit Expires 2009-04-18 FDT=GRAY
Record Last Modified 2017-02-15 FDT=GRAY

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
1997-06-29 3043 3075 0
3043 3075 0
3043 3075 0

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
H2O 0 1500 Bbl 20000 FRAC;H2O,SAND

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1985 STEWART DRILLING CO. INC 230.00 939.00 180
1986 STEWART DRILLING CO. INC 444.00 685.00 365
1987 STEWART DRILLING CO. INC 446.00 531.00 365
1988 STEWART DRILLING CO. INC 136.00 451.00 365
1989 STEWART DRILLING CO. INC 0.00 409.00 365
1990 STEWART DRILLING CO. INC 0.00 287.00 365
1993 OIL ENTERPRISES 0.00 400.00 365
1994 OIL ENTERPRISES 0.00 362.00 365
1995 OIL ENTERPRISES 0.00 290.00 365
1996 OIL ENTERPRISES 0.00 280.00 365
1997 OIL ENTERPRISES 0.00 129.00 365
1998 OIL ENTERPRISES 0.00 65.00 365
1999 OIL ENTERPRISES 0.00 0.00 0
2000 KNOX ENERGY INC. 139.00 0.00 150
2001 KNOX ENERGY INC. 0.00 136.00 365
2002 KNOX ENERGY INC. 0.00 127.00 365
2003 KNOX ENERGY INC. 0.00 98.00 365
2004 KNOX ENERGY INC. 0.00 80.00 366
2005 KNOX ENERGY INC. 0.00 30.00 365
2006 KNOX ENERGY INC. 0.00 38.00 365
2007 KNOX ENERGY INC. 0.00 0.00 0
2008 KNOX ENERGY INC. 0.00 0.00 105

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1985 STEWART DRILLING CO. INC Brine 720 180
1986 STEWART DRILLING CO. INC Brine 1095 365
1987 STEWART DRILLING CO. INC Brine 182 365
1988 STEWART DRILLING CO. INC Brine 182 365
1989 STEWART DRILLING CO. INC Brine 365 365
1990 STEWART DRILLING CO. INC Brine 280 365
1993 OIL ENTERPRISES Brine 628 365
1994 OIL ENTERPRISES Brine 600 365
1995 OIL ENTERPRISES Brine 600 365
1996 OIL ENTERPRISES Brine 600 365
1997 OIL ENTERPRISES Brine 600 365
1998 OIL ENTERPRISES Brine 600 365
1999 OIL ENTERPRISES Brine 0 0
2000 KNOX ENERGY INC. Brine 0 150
2001 KNOX ENERGY INC. Brine 0 365
2002 KNOX ENERGY INC. Brine 0 365
2003 KNOX ENERGY INC. Brine 0 365
2004 KNOX ENERGY INC. Brine 46 366
2005 KNOX ENERGY INC. Brine 0 365
2006 KNOX ENERGY INC. Brine 0 365
2007 KNOX ENERGY INC. Brine 0 0
2008 KNOX ENERGY INC. Brine 0 105

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1353695261 2008-4-14 0:00: PB No Violations
-1418905575 2007-8-23 0:00: PW No Violations
-396063282 2007-8-22 0:00: AM No Violations
-740581204 2007-8-23 0:00: PW No Violations
-839081262 2008-10-15 0:00 FR No Violations
000PL16116 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Preliminary Restoration done information from Data Point
0396063282 2007-08-22 Administrative Inspection No Violations On 8/21/2007, a complaint was received via email alleging that a gas leak was observed from an above ground plastic line. The complainant states that the line could either be from the Raymond & Orland Cook #1 or #2 well. The well owner, Knox Energy, was contacted by telephone on 8/22/2007 and informed of the complaint and approximate location of the line. The Ohio Pump & Supply Shop contacted the Division of Mineral Resources Management and stated that they would be visiting the site and performing the repair. A telephone message was left for the complainant on 8/22/2007.
0740581204 2007-08-23 Production Wells No Violations An inspection conducted on 8/23/2007 revealed no gas leak from this location. The Ohio Pump & Supply shop states that a black plastic gas line contained a pinhole leak and was repaired on 8/22/2007. The complainant was contacted by telephone and informed that the line has been repaired.
0839081262 2008-10-15 Final Restoration No Violations An inspection revealed that the final restoration meets requirements.
1313249839 2008-04-10 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Witnessed bottom plug.
1353695261 2008-04-14 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Washing clay to the surface.
1418905575 2007-08-23 Production Wells No Violations A complaint was received on 8/22/2007 alleging that there is a gas leak from the Cook Lease. The well owner, Knox Energy, was contacted and informed of possible gas leak.
PL16116 PL No Violations

For data sources see[9]
