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Well Details

Well ID: 34-073-23606
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Hocking
Municipality: Starr Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: LEAMAN
License Status: Well Drilled
License Date: 2017-05-19
Spud Date: 2018-01-15
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date: 2018-03-07
Well Total Depth: 6750.00 ft
Configuration: Horizontal
Latitude: 39.470000
Longitude: -82.390000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2017-05-19 Proposed Formations:CLINTON SANDSTONE, Issued Date:5/19/2017, Expired Date:5/19/2019 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:111.108, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL
Record Last Modified 2018-04-30 STATUS PER INSPECTOR
Construction Permit Expires 2019-05-19 STATUS PER INSPECTOR

For data sources see[2]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1015405730 2018-12-7 0:00: DD No Violations 1.30
-108210354 2018-8-16 0:00: PL No Violations 2.00
-1095557974 2019-3-28 0:00: PW No Violations 0.60
-122485204 2018-8-27 0:00: PL No Violations 4.00
-1237790413 2018-5-9 0:00:0 DD No Violations 1.50
-1257591192 2019-2-21 0:00: PW No Violations 1.20
-1325815293 2018-11-30 0:00 PL No Violations 1.00
-1454747545 2018-5-29 0:00: DD No Violations 1.50
-1542752836 2019-2-6 0:00:0 PW No Violations 1.50
-1643572999 2019-7-1 0:00:0 PW No Violations 0.10
-1654189389 2018-2-8 0:00:0 DD No Violations 1.50
-1715557497 2018-12-6 0:00: DD No Violations 0.20
-1750784185 2018-5-3 0:00:0 DD No Violations 1.00
-1794016822 2018-8-14 0:00: PL No Violations 0.10
-1843805334 2020-2-3 0:00:0 PW No Violations 0.50
-192692259 2018-1-11 0:00: DD No Violations 0.30
-1966539178 2018-9-6 0:00:0 PL No Violations 2.50
-2037232613 2019-7-19 0:00: PW No Violations
-2100209066 2018-1-10 0:00: DD No Violations 1.50
-2128574875 2018-4-30 0:00: DD No Violations 8.00
-2141007119 2019-7-11 0:00: PW No Violations 0.50
-305318794 2018-1-18 0:00: DD No Violations 2.50
-388577095 2018-5-1 0:00:0 DD No Violations 8.00
-424946862 2017-12-29 0:00 SC No Violations 1.30
-47020106 2020-2-3 0:00:0 PW No Violations 0.40
-486243873 2018-10-4 0:00: PL No Violations 0.50
-50953584 2018-12-12 0:00 DD No Violations 1.00
-645029489 2018-5-2 0:00:0 DD No Violations 0.30
-673733952 2019-7-19 0:00: PW No Violations
-748719940 2018-12-6 0:00: DD No Violations 0.20
-770869703 2019-1-24 0:00: PW No Violations 0.70
-818447310 2019-3-14 0:00: PW No Violations 1.00
0050953584 2018-12-12 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations An inspection of drilling operations revealed Decker Rig 11 has reached a measured depth of approximately 3700 feet. Steel tanks are being used instead of earthen pits for the mud circulation system. Well owner Doug Kitchen was on location during my inspection. Mr. Kitchen told me that the annular BOP was tested early today and passed. The BOP was tested at 650 pounds. During the inspection the bit was tripped out of the hole and a new bit was installed. Time of inspection: 4:15 PM. Weather: 44 degrees F, Overcast
0108210354 2018-08-16 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Met Doug Kitchen, Dave Poling, Deputy Chief Bob Worstall, Rick Anderson, Kip Thompson, Paul Logan and Dan Goins at the lease road entry. Deputy Chief Worstall requested Hocking Hills Energy provide a plan that will address the violation on the site and lease road and when they will have the violation corrected. Paul Logan provided the company with a Best Practice Management booklet and explained the need of erosion controls in the ditches along the lease road and out flows to slow down erosion.
0117609692 2018-05-21 Completion Testing No Violations Hocking Hills Energy hired Knox Energy to attempt to remove an obstruction. The obstruction is located at approximately 3440 feet They are using a power swivel and a tapered mill to remove the obstruction. Fluid returns show metal when a magnet is used.
0122485204 2018-08-27 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Engineer Mark Atkinson, Dan Goins and I walked the lease road and well site. Mark feels there may be several issues along the lease road and well site that should be addressed by other agencies and may fall outside of our jurisdiction. A phone call was placed to OEPA and to the Army Corps of Engineers to notify of possible 401 and 404 violations.
0192692259 2018-01-11 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations My inspection revealed the well has been postponed until the weather gets below freezing. I inspected the township road for mud and it was free of mud.
0260721035 2018-03-02 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations My inspection revealed that Battelle is in the process of running logs on the well bore to determine the feasibility of storing carbon dioxide.
0281888688 2018-01-24 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Mitchell Drilling has reached 2098 feet. They have stopped drilling and are cleaning the well bore. The directional company will be on site on 1.25.18 to take the drilling over. Their target depth is 2850 feet.
0305318794 2018-01-18 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Mitchell Drilling has reached 612 feet using a 12.25 inch diameter PDC bit. They are mixing fresh water based mud to condition the hole. They will run a deviation tool and then circulate and condition the hole prior to running 8.62 inch diameter surface casing.
0388577095 2018-05-01 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations My inspection purpose was to monitor this well and adjacent wells during stimulation to ensure the existing and plugged well continued to maintain there integrity,
0424946862 2017-12-29 Surface Facility Construction No Violations My inspection revealed the dog house and top head drive have been delivered. The drill rig will be on site later today.
0486243873 2018-10-04 Preliminary Restoration No Violations I conducted a follow-up inspection today to check on the progress of the restoration. Shawn Maynard was working on installing a culvert just before the well pad. I took photos of the road and culvert. Time of inspection: 8:35 AM. Weather: 71 degrees F, Partly cloudy
0645029489 2018-05-02 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations My inspection revealed the third stage stimulation has been accomplished. I check the adjacent wells during stimulation for casing integrity. I did not witness any problems.
0658414070 2017-12-14 Surface Facility Construction No Violations My inspection revealed the access road has been built, The pad is approximately 75 % done. I met with Bobby Mitchell who owns Mitchell drilling. Mitchell drilling will be drilling the vertical portion of this well. I have been informed there will be a pre spud meeting on 12.19.17.
0748719940 2018-12-06 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations During the inspection the drilling rig and equipment was still being moved in. I did not drive back to the well location as the road was blocked with equipment. Time of inspection: 2:50 PM.
0770869703 2019-01-24 Production Wells No Violations My inspection revealed that the well was equipped with a pumping unit and electric motor. The well was pumping during the inspection. The well is currently pumping into a 300 barrel frac tank on the well location. There were no personnel at the well location. I did not observe any violations during the inspection. Time of inspection: 1:10 PM. Weather: 28 degrees F, Overcast
0785779959 2018-03-07 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Mitchell Drilling is tripping out their drill pipe. They will be out of the hole in approximately 10 hours. They will run 6750 feet of 4.5 inch diameter N-80 11.6 pound per foot casing. The casing is on site and is used. The casing was tested at 7200 psi.
0818447310 2019-03-14 Production Wells No Violations A meeting took place at the yard of Hocking Hills Energy and Well Service as part of a Chiefs Order follow-up regarding Order No. 2019-39. Those present for the meeting were Southwest Region Supervisor Dan Goins, Engineer Beth Pratt, Engineer Tech Martha DAnna and Doug Kitchen with Hocking Hills Energy and Well Service. During the meeting the Chiefs Order was discussed with Mr. Kitchen and the findings from an inspection conducted by DOGRM staff on 2/20/2019. Refer to Chiefs Order No. 2019-39 for details. Time of inspection: 9:45 AM.
0873384044 2017-12-19 Surface Facility Construction No Violations My inspection revealed the 1 mile long lease road has been graded. The road will have a stone base to allow for winter construction traffic. The pad is approximately 75% complete and is made of naturally occurring rock. The last phase of the construction will be to build a pond to hold fresh water used in the drilling operation.
0881036444 2018-11-21 Preliminary Restoration No Violations I conducted a compliance notice follow-up on this well today. Shawn Maynard was at the well location during the inspection. I observed the road, culverts, and well pad and took photos. The road and well location was muddy due to rainfall on 11/19/2018. Berry Well Service had a service rig on the well last week and milled a window through the production casing. A drilling rig is scheduled to move in possibly next week. Shawn informed me that approximately 300 tons of stone will be applied to the well pad and approximately 200 tons on the road prior to the drilling rig moving in. Time of inspection: 12:10 PM. Weather: 37 degrees F, Overcast
0884075703 2018-08-24 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Rick Anderson, Dan Goins and I walked the lease road and well site to collected photos and begin a comprehensive assessment of the site. The company has installed a few straw bales in ditches along the lease road and is starting to grade the well site. Substantial sedimentation is still able to enter the creeks, pond and woods from the lease road and well site. No sediment controls have been placed along the perimeter of the excavations and earthworks.
0886735219 2018-07-17 Preliminary Restoration Violations Noted My inspection revealed Hocking Hills Energy continues to work on the preliminary restoration. They are removing soil that was pushed into the tree line during winter operations. This soil is being incorporated into the road. They have not completed the restoration within the 6 months time frame.
0988260647 2018-06-04 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I spoke with Mr. Bill Mitton with Knox Energy. Knox Energy has a service rig with a power swivel attempting to drill out the frac baffles. As of 6.1.18, they have not been able to drill out the second frac baffle.
1005860014 2018-01-03 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations No activity today due to low temperatures. The site has been finished and the drilling equipment is on site.
1009553890 2019-7-3 0:00:0 PW No Violations 2.00
1015405730 2018-12-07 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations An inspection of drilling operations revealed Decker Rig #11 has moved in. Drilling should commence later this evening. Time of inspection: 11:05 AM. Weather: 28 degrees F, Sunny
1075584742 2018-05-14 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Knox Energy service rig on site. They drilled out one frac plug using a power swivel and tri cone bit. After drilling out the plug they encountered an obstruction. They tripped out of the hole and tripped back in with a reamer bit to attempt to remove the obstruction. I spoke with Knox Energy on 5.15.18 and was told the obstruction was not milled out and Hocking Hills Energy is considering options to fix the problem.
1091738618 2018-03-09 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Current progress is Mitchell Drilling has ran 115 joints of 4.5 inch diameter casing down to approximately 4830 feet. They have encountered a obstruction at 4830 feet and are unable to run any more 4.5 inch diameter casing. They are having a meeting to decide if tripping out the 4.5 inch diameter casing and reaming the hole will allow then to run the 4.5 inch diameter casing to total depth of 6700 feet. Mitchell Drilling has not tripped the 4.5 inch diameter casing out of the hole. They have continued to work the pipe and a slowly making progress running additional 4.5 inch diameter casing. I asked to be called when they finish running the casing.
1095557974 2019-03-28 Production Wells No Violations My inspection revealed that Doug Kitchen was preparing to work on unclogging the culvert that was plugged. I took photos during my inspection. Mr. Kitchen said the culvert should be clear be the end of the day and would send me photos when it is finished. The tank battery has been set up and the well can now pump into the tanks. Time of inspection: 1:10 PM. Weather: 61 degrees F, Overcast
117609692 2018-5-21 0:00: CT No Violations 2.00
1177355912 2018-09-13 Preliminary Restoration No Violations I conducted a follow-up inspection on the well location and lease road to assess erosion after rainfall event the previous weekend. I took several photos during my inspection. Shawn Maynard was at the well location during inspection. Time of inspection: 11:25 AM. Weather: 74 degrees, Partly cloudy
1237790413 2018-05-09 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations My inspection revealed Knox Energy on site running in tubing to drill out the stimulation plugs. Cornerstone Completion Services on site to oversee and advise during the drilling out of the stimulation plugs. They are currently do not have a blow off preventer on the wellhead. I instructed Hocking Hills Energy the blow off preventer will be in place before any plugs are drilled out.
1250183773 2018-01-22 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Mitchell Drilling has reached 1300 feet drilling on fluid. They are using a 8.75 inch diameter PDC bit.
1257591192 2019-02-21 Production Wells No Violations I arrived at 11:00 AM to the yard of Hocking Hills Energy and Well Service to check on the brine clean up. When I arrived Doug Kitchen was in the process of moving the 500 barrel frac tank so that the ground could be checked for chlorides. Emergency Responder Nathan Lane arrived during my inspection. I left the property as the tank was being moved. Nathan Lane stayed to check for chlorides. I will return to follow-up on the clean up.
1325815293 2018-11-30 Preliminary Restoration No Violations During the inspection I observed the lease road and well location. Stone has been applied to the well location and road in preparation for a drilling rig. Shawn Maynard was at the well location when I arrived. Shawn informed me that a drilling rig will be moving in on 12/3/2018 and drilling will probably begin later in the week. Time of inspection: 10:00 AM. Weather: 37 degrees F, Overcast
1444483079 2018-01-16 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Mitchell Drilling has drilled the mouse hole and has reached 30 feet using a 12.25 inch PDC bit. The rig is having problems with steel lines freezing.
1454747545 2018-05-29 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations My inspection revealed Knox Energy on site attempting to drill out the second frac baffle located at 3550 feet. They are using a power swivel and a PDC plug buster bit. They are drilling approximately 8 inch and hour.
1515506602 2018-01-09 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations My inspection revealed the top head drive will be installed today. The 3 compartment pit has been constructed and lined. The Pason system has been delivered and will be set up today.
1517411557 2018-01-31 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations It was reported to me Mitchell Drilling has ran 7 inch diameter J-55 20 pound per foot casing to 2790 feet. The float shoe was placed at 2790. The first stage of cement was placed from 2790 feet to 1700 feet using 150 sacks of cement. The second stage of cement was placed at 1055 feet to the surface. They used a multi stage cement tool to ensure this cement would return to surface. They used 185 sacks of cement that returned to the surface. Approximately 2.5 barrels of cement was returned to the mud pit. 16 centralizers were used on the 7 inch diameter casing.
1517784991 2019-11-6 0:00: PW No Violations 0.70
1517843397 2018-02-05 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations My inspection revealed the bottom hole assembly is stuck down hole. The drilling assembly became stuck at 3602 feet. They can circulate the hole but the bottom hole assembly will not move. The rig pulled approximately 240,000 pounds and did not get the bottom hole assembly to move. They have decided to use nitrogen to dislodge the bottom hole assembly. The nitrogen was added to the drill pipe and the mud pump was used to circulate nitrogen mixed with 9 pound drilling mud. As the weight of the drilling mud was reduced, more nitrogen was added. They used a total of 141,000 cubic feet of nitrogen at a max rate of 9000 cubic feet per minute. The bottom hole assembly broke free at 3:50 PM. Reliance Energy provided the nitrogen for this project.
1519222826 2018-02-21 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations My inspection revealed the well has reached approximately 5800 feet. The pits are in good shape. The lease road is in poor condition. I discussed the options of repairing the road. I will reinspect the site in 2 days to determine if the lease has been repaired.
1535543713 2018-08-09 Preliminary Restoration No Violations On 7-17-18, Inspector Kip Thompson issued a Compliance Notice for Preliminary Restoration not being completed by the 6 months required in ORC 1509.072(A). Regional Supervisor Dan Goins and I performed a quality assurance inspection and found the company has not complied with the Compliance Notice and restored the lease road and well site. There is substantial erosion and sedimentation along the lease road entering creeks and the woods. I notified Inspector Kip Thompson to perform a follow up inspection as soon as possible. Later in the afternoon Dan Goins received a phone call from Mr. Doug Kitchen, he stated he did not feel the time frame on the Compliance Notice was fair and he had no plans of having the restoration done so soon. Dan explained to Mr. Kitchen, by law he had 6 months to complete the restoration and he should review the law.
1536263187 2018-09-06 Preliminary Restoration No Violations I am accompanied by Division Engineer Mark Atkinson. We met OEPA rep. Carol Siegley, Diversified Engineer Chad Van Sickle, Gregg Mason, Doug Kitchen and landowner Robert Leaman. Diversified turned over a copy of their current well site plan. OEPA rep. Siegley indicated that she would return with Army Corp. personnel and complete a site assessment.
1537466506 2018-09-19 Preliminary Restoration No Violations I am accompanied by Division Engineer Mark Atkinson. We met Army Corps of Engineer personnel Adam Fannin and Emma Kist along with Doug Kitchen, Shawn Maynard and Chad Van Sickle. We reviewed the potential 404 impacts including the pond that was built in the stream adjacent to the lease road.
1537846776 2018-01-18 Casing String Witnessed No Violations I was on location today to witness the surface casing being cemented back to surface. When I arrived on location the drilling rig was still pulling out drill pipe. I waited on location with Formation Cementing to witness the job. The drilling crew finished pulling the drill collars from the well and then started running the 9 inch diameter casing in the well. I was unable to witness the job so I spoke with Chris from formation Cementing after the job was over.
1542397195 2018-11-15 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Mark Atkinson and I reviewed the site with Hocking Hills Energy personnel Doug Kitchen and Shawn Maynard. Mark identified a number of items that need additional work or correction prior to the Division releasing the phase one bond. Doug Kitchen stated that all work would be done by November 26, 2018. He also stated that all of the corrections would be documented by photograph and emailed to Mark and me.
1542752836 2019-02-06 Production Wells No Violations I conducted a follow-up on this well today. There was a heavy rainfall during the inspection which prevented me from driving to the well. I observed at least two culverts that were plugged along the lease road. I took several photos during my walk to the well location. The well was pumping during the inspection. I observed two frac tanks on the well location. The well was pumping into one of the frac tanks which did not have any containment around the tank. I took several photos of the well location. I left a voicemail message for Doug Kitchen at 2:16 PM on 2/8/2019. Time of inspection: 10:00 AM. Weather: 52 degrees F, Rain
1545935861 2018-12-27 Completion Testing No Violations During my inspection 2.38 inch tubing was being tripped in the hole. Berry Well Service was contracted for completion services. The well will be swabbed on 12/28/2018. Doug Kitchen was present during the inspection. Time of inspection: 12:40 PM. Weather: 45 degrees F, Overcast
1546014931 2018-12-26 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I inspected the location to ensure that the compliance agreement was being followed. All sediment controls were still in place and still functioning with the exception of one sediment cage and a couple of rock checks that have filled with sediment. I directed Shawn Maynard to clean the rock checks and replace the sediment cage.
1551100374 2019-02-25 Production Wells No Violations This inspection was conducted at the yard of Hocking Hills Energy and Well Service on Logan Horns Mill Rd. in response to a brine spill. Doug Kitchen has moved the frac tank that caused the spill. Mr. Kitchen dug a small pit where the tank was sitting and placed a sump pump in the pit to catch any brine water to pump it into a tank. Time of inspection: 8:00 AM. Weather: 24 degrees F, Sunny
1553269995 2019-03-22 Production Wells No Violations During my inspection I observed that two tank batteries have been set for the well. The well will produce into a tank battery that consists of (3) 210 barrel tanks inside an earthen dike near the well. I also observed (2) 210 barrel tanks that will be used for shipping tanks near the road. Keith Matheny was plumbing the well into the tank battery during my inspection. It was revealed that the last culvert before you arrive to the well location was completely plugged up with sediment. Some of the sediment controls in place have been covered with mud and sediment. I took several photos of this during the inspection. I contacted Doug Kitchen at 11:18 AM and advised him that the culvert needs cleaned out to allow water and sediment to flow properly. I also advised him of the sediment controls that were covered with mud. Mr. Kitchen said he will work on culvert and sediment controls next week and will have it all corrected. Time of inspection: 10:00 AM. Weather: 42 degrees F, Overcast/rain
1557417220 2019-5-8 0:00:0 PL No Violations
1560518808 2019-6-13 0:00: PW No Violations
1561380381 2019-6-24 0:00: PW No Violations 0.50
1561474790 2019-6-25 0:00: PW No Violations
1562005761 2019-6-13 0:00: PW No Violations
1563377413 2019-7-16 0:00: PW No Violations 2.70
1563897638 2019-7-23 0:00: PW No Violations
1563978372 2019-7-24 0:00: PW No Violations 0.30
1564580027 2019-7-30 0:00: PW No Violations 2.00
1565186599 2019-8-1 0:00:0 PL No Violations 2.50
1579613295 2020-1-15 0:00: PW No Violations
1615419144 2018-01-17 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations My inspection revealed the rig has reached 368 feet using a 12.25 inch diameter PDC bit. They are drilling on fresh water fluid. The low temperatures have slowed the efforts to reach 600 feet to set surface casing. The surface casing will be set and cemented on 1.18.2018.
1654189389 2018-02-08 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I spoke with driller Mr. Bobby Mitchell, Mr. Mitchell is currently reaming out the hole. The bottom hole assembly was lodged and removed on 2.5.18. They will continue to ream the hole and circulate drilling mud to ensure they can drill without further problems.
1706279077 2018-07-11 Preliminary Restoration No Violations My inspection revealed Hocking Hills Energy is working on the site. They have began to pull back the soil that was removed from the road during winter operations. This material will be placed and incorporated into the access road. Approximately 40 percent of the material that needs to be pulled back has been accomplished. Pictures were taken during my inspection.
1715557497 2018-12-06 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations During the inspection the drilling rig and equipment was being moved in. I did not drive back to the well location as the road was blocked with equipment. Time of inspection: 8:50 AM.
1750784185 2018-05-03 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Reliance Energy is on site stimulating this well. They are currently stimulating the 7th stage of 12 stages. I am monitoring the annulus pressure on 3407321483 as the stimulation process is getting closer to this well. At this time the two pin recorder has registered approximately 12 psi.
1757402847 2018-01-02 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations My inspection revealed the drilling equipment has been delivered with the exception of the drilling rig. Sub zero temperatures prevented the rig from being delivered. The drilling rig is expected to be on site on 1.3.18.
1794016822 2018-08-14 Preliminary Restoration No Violations I arrived today at 7:45 AM to document the lack of preliminary restoration. I took videos of the area where the hill side has slipped, where soil has been pushed into the trees, the erosion that came from the soil pushed into the trees and the stream that flows into the pond. There was equipment on site during my inspection working on the preliminary restoration. They were building a stone lease road. This will prevent any additional soil from being used in the road bed. The remainder of the soil that will not be used in the road base needs to be stabilized and erosion control devices need to be put in place to prevent erosion.
1966539178 2018-09-06 Preliminary Restoration No Violations I conducted a compliance notice follow-up inspection on the lease road this day accompanied Southwest Region District Supervisor Eric Conrad, Division Engineer Mark Atkinson, and Carol Siegley with Ohio EPA. Also present during the inspection was Doug Kitchen, Shawn Maynard, and Greg Mason all with Hocking Hills Energy. Engineer Chad VanSickle with Diversified Engineering Inc. was present on behalf of Hocking Hills Energy. The landowner Mr. Steve Leaman accompanied us during the inspection. The entirety of the lease road was walked and observed. Hocking Hills Energy has consulted with Diversified Engineering Inc. and is in the process of reclaiming the lease road. Time of inspection: 9:00 AM.
2060589286 2017-12-28 Surface Facility Construction No Violations My inspection revealed the access road is complete. Mitchell Drilling has delivered 3 loads of equipment. I plotted plugged offset well within a 3000 foot area to determine how and when they were plugged.
2083927907 2019-02-21 Production Wells No Violations This inspection was conducted at the yard of Hocking Hills Energy and Well Service on Logan Horns Mill Rd. in response to a brine spill. I arrived at 8:10 AM and met Doug Kitchen on site. Hocking Hills Energy and Well Service reported the spill on 2/20/2019. Brine had reportedly been transported to the yard from the Leaman #1-H well and stored in a 500 barrel frac tank. Hocking Hills Energy and Well Service was not approved to store brine on the property. A brine leak occurred at the frac tank and Doug Kitchen reported that approximately 1 barrel of brine was spilled on the ground. When I arrived Mr. Kitchen was in the process of pumping water from the frac tank to a brine truck to be hauled for disposal at API permit number 34-127-2-6595. Once the tank was emptied the tank would be moved to check for chlorides where the tank was sitting when the leak occurred. I left at 8:40 AM while the frac tank was being emptied.
2100209066 2018-01-10 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations My inspection revealed the rig is being worked on. The top head drive is not functional and the are several issues with the rig preventing them from spudding the well.
2100650982 2018-04-23 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Knox Energy on site with a service rig to drill out the mud anchor on the end of the production string. Hocking Hills Energy is attempting to make the road passable for the rig to access the well site.
2120025112 2019-7-1 0:00:0 PW No Violations 0.40
2128574875 2018-04-30 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Reliance Well Service on site at 0943. The lease road has been improved to allow access to the wellhead. I have plotted wells in the area that were plugged in order to monitor these wells during the stimulation process. My inspection today consisted of monitoring the wells in the area.
2134833122 2017-10-04 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations My inspection today revealed the construction entrance has been installed. No other work has been performed on this site.
2135830967 2017-12-26 Surface Facility Construction No Violations My inspection revealed the lease road is finished and the pad construction is approximately 90 percent complete. I was asked by Hocking Hills Energy to meet on site to determine if the site met the minimum requirements for pad construction. The rig is due to move in 12.28.17.
260721035 2018-3-2 0:00:0 DD No Violations 1.50
281888688 2018-1-24 0:00: DD No Violations 0.30
658414070 2017-12-14 0:00 SC No Violations 1.50
785779959 2018-3-7 0:00:0 DD No Violations 2.00
873384044 2017-12-19 0:00 SC No Violations 2.00
881036444 2018-11-21 0:00 PL No Violations 1.20
884075703 2018-8-24 0:00: PL No Violations 2.50
886735219 2018-7-17 0:00: PL No Violations 0.30
978442743 2019-8-27 0:00: PW No Violations 2.20
988260647 2018-6-4 0:00:0 DD No Violations 0.30

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
0886735219 US-OH-130099 2018-09-26 NONE5 Failure to restore within six months

For data sources see[3]
