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Well ID: 34-075-20643 | Loading map...
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Country: United States | |
State: Ohio | |
County: Holmes | |
Municipality: Hardy Township | |
Operator Name: A MILLER OIL COMPANY | |
Well Pad ID: | |
Farm/Lease Name: BOWEN SETH | |
License Status: Producing | |
License Date: | |
Spud Date: 1954-06-28 | |
Spud Drilling Contractor: | |
Final Drill Date: 1954-09-20 | |
Well Total Depth: 3682.00 ft | |
Configuration: Vertical | |
Latitude: 40.530000 | |
Longitude: -81.970000 |
For data sources see[1]
Well Status | Well Status Date | Comment |
CO | 1801-01-02 | 1890 MILLER A OIL CO |
Oil and Gas | 1802-01-01 | |
Original Spud | 1954-06-28 | |
Completed | 1954-09-20 | |
Reached Total Depth | 1954-09-20 | |
Record Last Modified | 2018-05-30 |
For data sources see[2]
Period | Operator Name | Gas Quantity (mcf) | Oil Quantity (bbl) | Production Days |
1984 | OBERMILLER CLARENCE TRUST | 0.00 | 632.00 | 0 |
1985 | OBERMILLER CLARENCE TRUST | 0.00 | 1281.00 | 312 |
1986 | OBERMILLER CLARENCE TRUST | 0.00 | 558.00 | 365 |
1987 | OBERMILLER CLARENCE TRUST | 0.00 | 469.00 | 365 |
1988 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 0.00 | 521.00 | 365 |
1989 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 843.00 | 505.00 | 365 |
1990 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 921.00 | 425.00 | 365 |
1991 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 0.00 | 0.00 | 365 |
1993 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 1025.00 | 369.00 | 365 |
1994 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 979.00 | 270.00 | 365 |
1995 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 937.00 | 380.00 | 365 |
1996 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 1018.00 | 275.00 | 365 |
1997 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 746.00 | 315.00 | 365 |
1998 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 1164.00 | 233.00 | 365 |
1999 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 780.00 | 328.00 | 365 |
2000 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 838.00 | 347.00 | 365 |
2001 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 703.00 | 396.00 | 365 |
2002 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 587.00 | 238.00 | 365 |
2003 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 598.00 | 262.00 | 365 |
2004 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 279.00 | 164.00 | 365 |
2005 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 410.00 | 261.00 | 365 |
2006 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 355.00 | 263.00 | 365 |
2007 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 391.00 | 228.00 | 365 |
2008 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 295.00 | 185.00 | 365 |
2009 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 258.00 | 180.00 | 365 |
2010 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 394.00 | 157.00 | 365 |
2011 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 500.00 | 140.00 | 0 |
2012 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 450.00 | 100.00 | 366 |
2013 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 376.00 | 94.00 | 365 |
2014 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 357.00 | 70.00 | 365 |
2015 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 228.00 | 55.00 | 365 |
2016 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 190.00 | 30.00 | 365 |
2017 | A MILLER OIL COMPANY | 346.00 | 38.00 | 365 |
Inspection ID | Inspection Date | Inspection Type | Inspection Result | Inspection Comments |
-1427459052 | 2019-8-20 0:00: | PW | No Violations | 0.30 |
-1759043546 | 2011-5-23 0:00: | PW | No Violations | |
-236672036 | 2019-12-3 0:00: | PW | No Violations | 0.30 |
-389051118 | 2016-5-20 0:00: | PW | No Violations | |
-86530413 | 2013-5-6 0:00:0 | PW | No Violations | |
-980559001 | 2011-6-13 0:00: | PW | No Violations | |
000PL15948 | Preliminary Restoration | No Violations | Preliminary Restoration done information from Data Point | |
0086530413 | 2013-05-06 | Production Wells | No Violations | This is a producing pump jack well. There were no problems noted at the time of the inspection. |
0238969110 | 2017-07-25 | Production Wells | No Violations | This is a producing pump jack well. There were no problems noted at the time of the inspection. |
0389051118 | 2016-05-20 | Production Wells | No Violations | This is a producing pump jack well. There were no problems noted at the time of the inspection. |
0548399131 | 2015-04-03 | Production Wells | No Violations | This is a producing pump jack well. There were no problems noted at the time of the inspection. |
0980559001 | 2011-06-13 | Production Wells | No Violations | ID placed on tank as requested. |
1503292089 | 2019-04-29 | Production Wells | No Violations | On the day of my inspection I found an 8 5/8-inch diameter casing, 4 1/2-inch diameter casing, and 2 3/8-inch diameter tubing and rods, operated by a pumping unit with an electric motor. The production equipment is made up of one 100 bbl. steel tank. The dike area is shared with other wells. The well is properly identified, and production reporting is up to date. |
1594733529 | 2020-6-3 0:00:0 | PW | No Violations | 0.30 |
1759043546 | 2011-05-23 | Production Wells | No Violations | Producing, no problems noted. |
238969110 | 2017-7-25 0:00: | PW | No Violations | |
548399131 | 2015-4-3 0:00:0 | PW | No Violations | |
PL15948 | PL | No Violations |
For data sources see[7]