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Well Details

Well ID: 34-083-22252
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Knox
Municipality: Union Township
Operator Name: B & J DRILLING CO
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: J.A. BESSIE SMITH
License Status: Producing
License Date: 1976-03-11
Spud Date: 1976-05-03
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date: 1976-06-02
Well Total Depth: 3068.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.460000
Longitude: -82.220000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
CO 1976-03-11 372 PATTEN W H DRLG CO GeoDate 3/11/76
Original Spud 1976-05-03
Completed 1976-06-02
Reached Total Depth 1976-06-02
Change of Owner 2018-10-11 Operator changed from 372, W H PATTEN DRILLING CO to 438, B & J DRILLING CO
Record Last Modified 2018-10-11

For data sources see[2]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
H2O 0 1200 Bbl 15000

For data sources see[3]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1984 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 1626.00 914.00 0
1985 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 3157.00 1602.00 104
1986 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 2778.00 1293.00 104
1987 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 1225.00 96
1988 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 1161.00 96
1989 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 1009.00 96
1990 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 850.00 96
1991 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 855.00 365
1992 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 862.00 96
1993 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 814.00 707.00 96
1994 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 1067.00 697.00 96
1995 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 397.00 152.00 96
1996 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 296.00 365
1997 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 139.00 146.00 365
1998 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 79.00 0.00 365
1999 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 0.00 365
2000 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 61.00 51.00 365
2001 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 94.00 141.00 365
2002 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 228.00 365
2003 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 141.00 365
2004 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 144.00 365
2005 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 0.00 365
2006 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 260.00 365
2007 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 225.00 365
2008 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 146.00 365
2009 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 151.00 365
2010 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 74.00 365
2011 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 0.00 365
2012 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 0.00 366
2013 B & J DRILLING CO 0.00 170.00 365
2014 B & J DRILLING CO 0.00 135.00 365
2015 B & J DRILLING CO 0.00 130.00 365
2016 B & J DRILLING CO 0.00 124.00 365
2017 B & J DRILLING CO 0.00 63.00 365
2018 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO 0.00 0.00 365

For data sources see[4] [5]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1985 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 20 104
1986 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 0 104
1987 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 0 96
1988 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 0 96
1989 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 40 96
1990 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 0 96
1991 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 96 365
1992 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 0 96
1993 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 20 96
1994 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 40 96
1995 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 80 96
1996 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 925 365
1997 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 135 365
1998 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 0 365
1999 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 0 365
2000 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 1251 365
2001 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 1060 365
2002 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 975 365
2003 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 550 365
2004 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 495 365
2005 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 60 365
2006 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 625 365
2007 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 310 365
2008 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 199 365
2009 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 155 365
2010 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 25 365
2011 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 0 365
2012 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 0 366
2013 B & J DRILLING CO Brine 80 365
2014 B & J DRILLING CO Brine 40 365
2015 B & J DRILLING CO Brine 75 365
2016 B & J DRILLING CO Brine 80 365
2017 B & J DRILLING CO Brine 40 365
2018 W H PATTEN DRILLING CO Brine 0 365

For data sources see[6] [7]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
1878158873 2017-12-18 Production Wells No Violations This well is a producing well and the production records are current. The issue with this well is that W H Patton Drilling Co is listed as the owner and B & J Drilling Co is producing it and reporting production on it as well. There were no other issues to note about this well. I talked with B & J drilling and they are in the process of getting the ownership straightened out.

For data sources see[8]
