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Well Details

Well ID: 34-083-23905
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Knox
Municipality: Clay Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: ARMFELT MARK A
License Status: Producing
License Date: 1990-08-28
Spud Date: 1990-09-10
Spud Drilling Contractor: CO TOOLS
Final Drill Date: 1990-10-27
Well Total Depth: 2708.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.270000
Longitude: -82.360000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
CO 1990-08-28 449 MORAN JACK OIL CO GeoDate 8/28/90
Oil and Gas 1990-08-28 Issued Date 8/28/90 Expired Date 8/28/91 Acres 0192000 Tool Type CT Proposed Formation CLINTON Proposed Depth 02708 Proposed Drill Depth 02708
Original Spud 1990-09-10
Completed 1990-10-27
Reached Total Depth 1990-10-27
Completion Report Received 1991-01-29
Construction Permit Expires 1991-08-28
Change of Owner 2010-02-18 Operator changed from 449, MORAN JACK OIL CO to 5142, MORAN WELL SERVICE
Change of Owner 2017-01-24 Operator changed from 5142, MORAN WELL SERVICE to 9658, MORAN SHERMAN DEAN
Record Last Modified 2017-02-15

For data sources see[2]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments

For data sources see[3]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1992 JACK MORAN OIL CO 12977.00 0.00 365
1993 JACK MORAN OIL CO 9439.00 48.00 365
1994 JACK MORAN OIL CO 6944.00 0.00 365
1995 JACK MORAN OIL CO 7556.00 0.00 365
1996 JACK MORAN OIL CO 7818.00 0.00 365
1997 JACK MORAN OIL CO 6245.00 0.00 365
1998 JACK MORAN OIL CO 4349.00 55.00 365
1999 JACK MORAN OIL CO 4511.00 0.00 365
2000 JACK MORAN OIL CO 3628.00 0.00 365
2001 JACK MORAN OIL CO 2805.00 0.00 365
2002 JACK MORAN OIL CO 2555.00 0.00 365
2003 JACK MORAN OIL CO 3163.00 0.00 365
2004 JACK MORAN OIL CO 4040.00 35.00 365
2005 JACK MORAN OIL CO 4157.00 72.00 365
2006 JACK MORAN OIL CO 5063.00 0.00 365
2008 JACK MORAN OIL CO 940.00 0.00 365
2009 JACK MORAN OIL CO 889.00 0.00 365
2010 MORAN WELL SERVICE INC. 673.00 0.00 365
2011 MORAN WELL SERVICE INC. 1666.00 0.00 0
2012 MORAN WELL SERVICE INC. 715.00 0.00 366
2013 MORAN WELL SERVICE INC. 921.00 0.00 365
2014 MORAN WELL SERVICE INC. 829.00 0.00 365
2016 MORAN WELL SERVICE INC. 603.00 0.00 365
2017 MORAN WELL SERVICE INC. 0.00 0.00 0
2018 MORAN SHERMAN DEAN 0.00 0.00 365

For data sources see[4] [5]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1992 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 80 365
1993 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 40 365
1994 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 0 365
1995 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 0 365
1996 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 60 365
1997 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 80 365
1998 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 80 365
1999 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 0 365
2000 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 0 365
2001 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 0 365
2002 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 0 365
2003 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 0 365
2004 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 35 365
2005 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 35 365
2006 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 0 365
2008 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 0 365
2009 JACK MORAN OIL CO Brine 0 365
2010 MORAN WELL SERVICE INC. Brine 10 365
2012 MORAN WELL SERVICE INC. Brine 10 366
2013 MORAN WELL SERVICE INC. Brine 10 365
2014 MORAN WELL SERVICE INC. Brine 10 365
2016 MORAN WELL SERVICE INC. Brine 10 365
2018 MORAN SHERMAN DEAN Brine 0 365

For data sources see[6] [7]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
0000016434 Preliminary Restoration No Violations PASSED Y WITNESSED 7/25/91 INSPECTOR RINE, JOHN DATE 07/2519/91 DATA FROM OLD VAX INFO
001287i129 2001-07-09 Production Wells Violations Noted no id at well or tanks
001287i277 2001-08-20 Production Wells No Violations compliance , id posted
0072213850 2002-10-29 Production Wells No Violations compliance
0402393859 2013-09-24 Production Wells No Violations CA issues with this well have been resolved.
0599642794 2001-07-09 Production Wells Violations Noted FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1287i129 no id at well or tanks INSPECTION OF 8/31/05 SHOWED THAT ID HAS BEEN PLACED ON TANK.
1125501256 2005-08-31 Production Wells No Violations Well is producing. ID on tanks- NOV terminated today. Not much dike around the tank which close to small creek. Tank GPS reading taken today.
1287i129 2001-7-9 0:00:0 PW No Violations
1287i277 2001-8-20 0:00: PW No Violations
16434 PL No Violations
402393859 2013-9-24 0:00: PW No Violations
599642794 2001-7-9 0:00:0 PW No Violations
72213850 2002-10-29 0:00 PW No Violations

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
001287i129 US-OH-107980 2001-07-09 Failure to legibly identify well
0599642794 US-OH-126766 2001-07-09 Failure to legibly identify well

For data sources see[8]
