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Well Details

Well ID: 34-093-20738
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: <County>
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: URIG LEO
License Status: Orphan Well - Ready
License Date:
Spud Date: 1938-05-24
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date: 1938-06-21
Well Total Depth: 2399.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 41.460000
Longitude: -81.980000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Original Spud 1938-05-24 I&O CASE # 1989 06 083. QUAD=BEREA
Completed 1938-06-21 I&O CASE # 1989 06 083. QUAD=BEREA
Reached Total Depth 1938-06-21 I&O CASE # 1989 06 083. QUAD=BEREA
Changed to Orphan Well Ready 1989-06-01 Changed Well To Orphan Ready
Correction to Well 2007-09-13 I&O CASE # 1989 06 083.
Record Last Modified 2019-03-25 I&O CASE # 1989 06 083. QUAD=BEREA

For data sources see[2]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1316942118 2014-9-16 0:00: OR No Violations
-722876369 2015-12-10 0:00 OR No Violations 4.00
0722876369 2015-12-10 Orphan No Violations Site visit to become familiar with location. Collected additional pictures and confirmed GPS coordinates, and walked proposed means of ingress and egress.
1129309077 2005-10-14 Orphan No Violations Requested by Dave Hodges to locate well. Well is a 10 casing and 3 casing above ground leaking gas at 30% lel. Entrance is from Avon Rd. New water lines and sidewalks are in way of entrance to old lease rd. Many trees will have to be removed to enter well location. New homes are built within 100 of west side of well location. Possible entrance thru development would save trees. Landowner needs to address this issue. Ground conditions are dry at this time but it is a low lying area and will remain wet most of the year. SEM # 298, Sun, 70 degrees.
1316942118 2014-09-16 Orphan No Violations Inspected orphan well on 09/16/2014 with Norburt Lowder to update GPS coordinates and photos. The well is equipped with an approximately 10-11 wellhead with a swedge and gate valve. The well is leaking gas and oil, affecting an area of approximately 3 x 2.
1412175444 2014-09-16 Orphan No Violations This inspection was conducted with DOGRM Inspector Allie Sherwood on 9/16/14 to confirm GPS coordinates and obtain additional information to complete the orphan case file(1989-06-083). The information listed is as follows:
      1.	 The correct GPS: Lat: 41.46509, Long: -81.98032 

         Pine Drive
      3. This well is equipped with 10.75 diameter surface casing, 5 diameter casing and 3 tubing 
          with valves going to a flow line, which has been disconnected from the casing.
1476401611 2010-08-24 Orphan No Violations Terracina, I inspected the well and added GPS location, 41.46509 - 081.98018. The well is 20 east of address 1645 Pine Drive, west of Peach Drive and South of Avon Rd. in Lot 28 of Lorain Co. The land, the well is on, is not developed. Heavy wooded area. The land is between Pine Drive and Peach Drive. I spoke to a home owner nearest to well and he advised Oster Homes may have purchased the property. I did not see that on the Lorain County auditors website. Well is shut in and no leakage. No access to well at this time. Road will have to be built off Avon Rd. WillowCreek is name of development closest to the well. I am unable to contact David Kirschenbaum. Please advise me if I can be of further assistance.
2123910658 2017-03-09 Orphan No Violations On location today as part of an investigation into this well being in the Orphan Well Program. There is a great deal of water surrounding the well head , the result of much rainfall. The leaks previously noted on the well head have not increased in intensity. Point of ingress and egress will be surveyed in later next week.

For data sources see[3]

