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Well Details

Well ID: 34-099-23139
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Mahoning
Municipality: Coitsville Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: MIHALY UNIT
License Status: Producing
License Date: 2011-01-11
Spud Date: 2011-04-25
Spud Drilling Contractor: G & H DRLG
Final Drill Date: 2011-05-01
Well Total Depth: 5729.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 41.080000
Longitude: -80.550000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2011-01-11 Proposed Formations:CLINTON/MEDINA, Issued Date:1/11/2011, Expired Date:1/10/2013 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:49, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:EOUT
Reached Total Depth 2011-05-01
Completion Report Received 2011-06-21
Construction Permit Expires 2013-01-10
Record Last Modified 2017-10-24

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2011-09-02 5459 5438 53
2011-09-02 5619 5623 9
5459 5438 53
5619 5623 9
5459 5438 53

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
2011-05-09 H2O 15 84540 Gal 60000 Universal Well Services Inc. 13 perf balls dropped. No significant pressure change throughout fracturing procedure.
2011-05-09 H2O 15 84540 Gal 60000 Universal Well Services Inc. CLINTON/MEDINA BOTH TREATED

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
0 0 0
2011 BOCOR HOLDINGS, LLC 6006.00 0.00 222
2012 BOCOR HOLDINGS, LLC 6322.00 0.00 366
2013 BOCOR HOLDINGS, LLC 2771.00 0.00 365
2014 BOCOR HOLDINGS, LLC 1984.00 0.00 365
2015 BOCOR HOLDINGS, LLC 1580.00 0.00 366
2016 BOCOR HOLDINGS, LLC 1460.00 0.00 365
2017 BOCOR HOLDINGS, LLC 1193.00 0.00 365
2018 BOCOR HOLDINGS, LLC 912.00 0.00 365

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2011 BOCOR HOLDINGS, LLC Brine 350 222
2012 BOCOR HOLDINGS, LLC Brine 80 366
2013 BOCOR HOLDINGS, LLC Brine 42 365
2014 BOCOR HOLDINGS, LLC Brine 85 365
2015 BOCOR HOLDINGS, LLC Brine 0 366
2016 BOCOR HOLDINGS, LLC Brine 80 365
2017 BOCOR HOLDINGS, LLC Brine 52 365
2018 BOCOR HOLDINGS, LLC Brine 0 365

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1049452111 2011-4-26 0:00: DD No Violations
-1247055330 2011-4-27 0:00: DD No Violations
0112068887 2011-07-21 Preliminary Restoration No Violations There is vegetation growth on the drilling location and the access road into the well. This well PASSES PRELIMINARY RESTORATION.
0172557952 2011-05-16 Preliminary Restoration No Violations The drilling pits are closed. The drilling rig is gone. There were no violations at this time.
0598394599 2011-06-14 Preliminary Restoration No Violations The top soil is still in piles. There were no violations at this time.
1049452111 2011-04-26 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Chris Grimm and myself witnessed the cementing of the 8 5/8 casing. Universal preformed the cementing of the job. There were no violations at this time.
112068887 2011-7-21 0:00: PL No Violations
1247055330 2011-04-27 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Chris Grimm and myself preformed a rig inspection on G & H drilling rig #91. The BOP was installed and had been tested to 360psi. It held for 30 minutes. I waived the right to witness the BOP testing. The drilling depth was 746 and the rig was drilling on air. This inspection satisfies 1501:9-9-03. There were no violations at this time.
1248413176 2011-05-02 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Chris Grimm and myself preformed a rig inspection on G & H drilling rig #91. The rig crew were in the process of running into the hole with 4 1/2 casing. TD was 5229.
1303930480 2011-04-26 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Chris Grimm and myself performed a rig inspection on G & H drilling rig #91. The drilling depth was 746. The rig crew were running into the hole with 8 5/8 casing. This inspection satisfies 1501:9-9-03. There were no violations at this time.
1304009746 2011-04-28 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I met with Chris Grimm to preform a rig inspection on G & H rig #91. The drilling depth was 2109 and drilling on air. We both walked around the drilling pits and pumps and the drilling location. This inspection satisfies 1501:9-9-03. There were no violations at this time.
1304360755 2011-05-02 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Chris Grimm and myself witnessed the cementing of the 4 1/2 casing by Universal. The rig was G & H drilling rig #91. There were no violations at this time. This inspection satisfies 1501:9-9-03. There were no violations at this time.
1305302350 2011-05-09 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations On site for Fracturing of the well. Job went as planned. No circulation on the annulus. No pressure anomalies during the job. Operator broke down formation, ran acid 500 gallons 15% HCL, Gel, water and sand, balled off 15 balls, flushed.
172557952 2011-5-16 0:00: PL No Violations
321680663 2019-8-8 0:00:0 PW No Violations 1.00
598394599 2011-6-14 0:00: PL No Violations

For data sources see[9]

