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Well Details

Well ID: 34-111-24403
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Monroe
Municipality: Lee Township
Well Pad ID: US-OH-000740
Farm/Lease Name: HERRICK UNIT B
License Status: Producing
License Date: 2013-07-03
Spud Date: 2013-06-22
Spud Drilling Contractor: PATTERSON DRILLING
Final Drill Date: 2014-07-14
Well Total Depth: 17434.00 ft
Configuration: Horizontal
Latitude: 39.640000
Longitude: -80.960000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2013-06-14 Proposed Formations:ONONDAGA, Issued Date:6/14/2013, Expired Date:6/14/2015 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:0, Proposed Well Type:ST, Proposed Well Class:STRT
APP 2013-07-03 Proposed Formations:POINT PLEASANT, Issued Date:7/3/2013, Expired Date:7/3/2015 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:642.667, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:EDPW
Correction to Well 2013-12-13 CHANGE IN CASING PROGRAM.
Reached Total Depth 2014-07-14
Construction Permit Expires 2015-07-03
Completion Report Received 2016-03-22
Record Last Modified 2017-02-15

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2014-07-29 10830 11016 0
10830 11016 0
10830 11016 0

For data sources see[3]

Fracking Activities

Fracking Jobs

Job Number Job Start Date Job End Date True Vertical Depth (ft) Total Water Volume (gal) Total Non-Water Volume (gal)
1 03/28/2014 04/09/2014 64000 11,235,700.0 0

Fluid Composition Data

Job Number Trade Name Supplier Purpose Ingredient Name CAS Number Additive Percentage by Mass Job Percentage by Mass Mass Used (lb)
1 H015, Slickwater, YF115ST+, WF115 Schlumberger Corrosion Inhibitor, Bactericide (Myacide GA25), Scale Inhibitor, AntiFoam Agent, Acid, Breaker, Crosslinker, Gelling Agent, Friction Reducer, Iron Co Sodium erythorbate 6381-77-7 0.00611 0.0007 0
Sodium hydroxide 1310-73-2 0.18011 0.02065 0
Ammonium sulfate 7783-20-2 0.02025 0.00232 0
Ethanol, 2,2',2-nitrilotris-,

1,1',1-tris(dihydrogen phosphate), sodium salt

68171-29-9 0.01064 0.00122 0
Phenolic resin 9003-35-4 0.21499 0.02465 0
Water (Including Mix Water Supplied by Client)* NA 0 88.5327 0
Trisodium ortho phosphate 7601-54-9 0.00468 0.00054 0
Alkenes, C>10 a- 64743-02-8 0.00052 0.00006000 0
Sodium tetraborate decahydrate 1303-96-4 0.14761 0.01693 0
Sodium sulfate 7757-82-6 0.00387 0.00044 0
1, 2, 3 - Propanetriol 56-81-5 0.24602 0.02821 0
Diammonium peroxidisulphate 7727-54-0 0.04402 0.00505 0
Fatty acids, tall-oil 61790-12-3 0.00305 0.00035 0
Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane 556-67-2 0 0 0
Dimethyl siloxanes and silicones 63148-62-9 0.00002000 0 0
Copper(II) sulfate 7758-98-7 0 0 0
Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane 540-97-6 0 0 0
Polypropylene glycol 25322-69-4 0.00124 0.00014 0
Hydrogen chloride 7647-01-0 1.35984 0.15594 0
Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me,

reaction products with silica

67762-90-7 0 0 0
Urea 57-13-6 0.00117 0.00013 0
Acrylamide, 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic

acid, sodium salt polymer

38193-60-1 0.01772 0.00203 0
Glutaraldehyde 111-30-8 0.06147 0.00705 0
2-propenamid 79-06-1 0.00003000 0 0
poly(tetrafluoroethylene) 9002-84-0 0.00012 0.00001000 0
Guar gum 9000-30-0 1.25662 0.1441 0
Crystalline silica 14808-60-7 96.3941 11.0539 0
Thiourea, polymer with formaldehyde and 1-phenylethanone 68527-49-1 0.00251 0.00029 0
Magnesium silicate hydrate (talc) 14807-96-6 0.00028 0.00003000 0
Tetrasodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate 64-02-8 0.00003000 0 0
Vinylidene chloride/methylacrylate copolymer 25038-72-6 0.00918 0.00105 0
Alcohols, C14-15, ethoxylated (7EO) 68951-67-7 0.00117 0.00013 0
Decamethyl cyclopentasiloxane 541-02-6 0 0 0
Ethane-1,2-diol 107-21-1 0.00133 0.00015 0
Polymer of 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonic

acid sodium salt and methyl acrylate

136793-29-8 0.0019 0.00022 0
Methanol 67-56-1 0.00415 0.00048 0
Non-crystalline silica 7631-86-9 0.00363 0.00042 0
Prop-2-yn-1-ol 107-19-7 0.00078 0.00009000 0

For data sources see[4]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
2014-04-03 H2O 8 371061 Gal 446600 Schlumberger STAGE 10

40 Shots

2014-04-09 H2O 8 375750 Gal 448251 Schlumberger STAGE 25

40 Shots

2014-04-08 H2O 8 380292 Gal 456160 Schlumberger STAGE 22

40 Shots

2014-04-02 H2O 8 380473 Gal 476212 Schlumberger STAGE 7

40 Shots

2014-04-07 H2O 8 375447 Gal 416600 Schlumberger STAGE 18

40 Shots

2014-03-31 H2O 8 397754 Gal 389803 Schlumberger STAGE 5B
2014-04-06 H2O 8 362437 Gal 447300 Schlumberger STAGE 17

40 Shots

2014-04-08 H2O 8 389526 Gal 452320 Schlumberger STAGE 21

40 Shots

2014-04-04 H2O 8 433300 Gal 4553180 Schlumberger STAGE 12

40 Shots

2014-04-09 H2O 8 396097 Gal 449205 Schlumberger Stage 26

40 Shots

2014-04-07 H2O 8 452687 Gal 430700 Schlumberger STAGE 20

40 Shots

2014-04-04 H2O 8 382967 Gal 453060 Schlumberger STAGE 13

40 Shots

2014-03-28 H2O 8 538292 Gal 303840 Schlumberger STAGE 1

40 Shots

2014-03-31 H2O 8 322457 Gal 288740 Schlumberger STAGE 5A

40 Shots

2014-04-05 H2O 8 478207 Gal 458440 Schlumberger STAGE 16

40 Shots

2014-04-05 H2O 8 346891 Gal 430480 Schlumberger STAGE 15

40 Shots

2014-03-31 H2O 8 427955 Gal 453260 Schlumberger STAGE 4

40 Shots

2014-04-08 H2O 8 411867 Gal 453580 Schlumberger STAGE 24

40 Shots

2014-04-04 H2O 8 248730 Gal 398460 Schlumberger STAGE 11

40 Shots

2014-04-01 H2O 8 416218 Gal 452220 Schlumberger STAGE 6

40 Shots

2014-04-07 H2O 8 355986 Gal 452960 Schlumberger STAGE 19

40 Shots

2014-03-28 H2O 8 531827 Gal 449400 Schlumberger STAGE 2

40 Shots

2014-03-30 H2O 8 382239 Gal 447230 Schlumberger STAGE 3

40 Shots

2014-04-03 H2O 8 382235 Gal 459380 Schlumberger STAGE 9

40 Shots

2014-04-02 H2O 8 553228 Gal 498060 Schlumberger STAGE 8

40 Shots

2014-04-04 H2O 8 463512 Gal 450300 Schlumberger STAGE 14

40 Shots

2014-04-08 H2O 8 364812 Gal 448200 Schlumberger STAGE 23

40 Shots

For data sources see[5]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2014 ECLIPSE RESOURCES I LP 1573183 0 199
2015 ECLIPSE RESOURCES I LP 1263053 0 362
2016 ECLIPSE RESOURCES I LP 630298 0 360
2017 ECLIPSE RESOURCES I LP 594332 0 329
2018 ECLIPSE RESOURCES I LP 430578 0 304
2019 ECLIPSE RESOURCES I LP 105787 0 80

For data sources see[6] [7]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2014 ECLIPSE RESOURCES I LP Brine 42690 199
2015 ECLIPSE RESOURCES I LP Brine 18660 362
2016 ECLIPSE RESOURCES I LP Brine 7992 360
2017 ECLIPSE RESOURCES I LP Brine 8218 329
2018 ECLIPSE RESOURCES I LP Brine 7783 304
2019 ECLIPSE RESOURCES I LP Brine 1551 80

For data sources see[8] [9]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1110688977 2014-7-30 0:00: PL No Violations 0.50
-164655777 2016-4-14 0:00: PL No Violations 1.00
-1696603059 2020-6-17 0:00: PW No Violations 1.30
-1871256537 2013-12-9 0:00: DD No Violations 2.50
-2098496569 2013-12-10 0:00 DD No Violations 0.50
-439248008 2013-12-22 0:00 DD No Violations 1.80
-62798970 2018-8-21 0:00: PW No Violations 0.30
0062798970 2018-08-21 Production Wells No Violations On site inspection found the well pad perimeter protected by a 8 chain link fence. The lease rad and pad surface are of stone construction and are in good repair. The company has posted signage at the beginning of the lease road and at the entrance of the well pad and at each well head and tank battery. The well head consists of a lower A and upper B section with riser pipes valves and gauges present above grade level to monitor annular pressure. The As action which monitors between the 9.625 and 13.375 shows 384 pounds per square inch pressure(psi) the B section which monitors between the 5.5 and 9.625 diameter casing strings shows 1950 psi on the gauge. The 5.5 diameter internal working pressure is 742 psi and the production flow line pressure is 470 psi. The well is equipped with a production flow cross and a production tree. The well is producing off the production tree with 3 manual shut down valves and one emergency shut down valve. At the rear of the well pad is 3 line heaters and 3 sand trap separators along with a natural gas compressor. On the left (east) well pad is the production fluid facility consisting of (3) steel 400 barrel fluid volume tanks and one 100 barrel steel tank situated inside a polymer lines steel containment dike with hazard warning labels on the tanks. On this day I contacted Bruce Carpenter with Eclipse and informed him they needed to address the annular pressure.
0164655777 2016-04-14 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Preliminary Restoration status check inspection found the area affected by the construction of the well pad meets ORC 1509.072 with erosion control and vegetation established. Addressing the well - the well drilling and completion process has been completed the well is in production. The company has installed annular monitoring devices on the well head. 3-400 barrel capacity production tanks are present inside a polymer lined steel containment dike area. Proper well identification is posted.
0439248008 2013-12-22 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection on the recovery efforts of the 12.250 whip stock lost at 5704. Inspection found the company has not been successful at recovering the tool using a overshot fishing tool and was pulling out of the hole with the drill string in preparation to run back in and set a kick plug to deviate around the lost tool.
0590143787 2014-01-22 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection on the drilling process found the current drilling depth to be 9,012 using a 8.750 directional drilling tool and the drill string pulled out of the hole for a bit change.
1110688977 2014-07-30 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Preliminary restoration status check inspection found the well drilling and completion phases are now complete and the well is in production with 3-400 barrel production tanks present in a metallic dike area with a plastic liner, proper well identification is present. On this day it was discovered that Eclipse has conducted recent excavation to the well pad and slope grades with the installation of multiple site drains, I will request a copy of the drawings for this work and submit them as a addition to the original plans.
1163248814 2020-5-29 0:00: PW No Violations 0.30
1212403994 2013-12-20 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection found the company working to set a kick plug over a whip stock that was attempted to be set over their last kick plug, the initial plug depth was 8752 to 8100, the whip stock set down and is at 5704 with efforts made to mill it and drive it to bottom unsuccessful, the company will now set a 460 plug over the lost whip stock and try and deviate the well bore at a 4 degree angle from the original well bore.
1372032691 2013-06-22 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Phone notification was received from the company man on site that the said well has been spudded and 100 of 24 conductor is to be set and cemented back to surface. Inspector will stand by for the surface casing job to be up in the next 48 hours.
1372161718 2013-06-25 Casing String Witnessed No Violations On site inspection to witness the running and cementing of 1070.48 of 18.625 surface casing. The test water was checked and showed no chlorides and a PH of 7. We had 40 barrels of cement returns to surface and the casing is to be pressure tested during the BOP test when the next rig moves in.
1384239458 2013-11-12 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status update on the drilling progress, I spoke with the company man on site and the current drilling depth is 2,400 using a 17.5 bit with a projected total depth for this casing string to be 2,700.
1385045330 2013-11-21 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Notification was received on 11/20/13 @ 8:45 Pm that the drilling company, Patterson Drilling had encountered H2S gas while pulling out of the hole with the drill string, The current drilling depth is 6,260 and the borehole is 12.250, The monitored level of gas is 27 Parts Per Million, The company reported they would like to isolate the H2S zone with a cement plug and then attempt to drill back through the plug on air with the anticipation of isolation the zone, I spoke with my supervisor Rocky King on the matter and the required law with the understanding that if the gas is not isolated and reoccurs they shall convert to fluid as the law reads. I was on site on this day to witness the cement plug to be set, Total Safety a 3rd party contractor was on site to monitor the gas levels and I informed Steve Opritza with the Divisions permitting section of the situation also.
1385426564 2013-11-22 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Report to document the lost 12.250 hammer bit and directional assembly, The down hole drilling assembly was lost at 6,270 and 2 abandonment plugs were set on 11/23/13 with the cement top being tagged at 5,547. On 11/25/13 a on site inspection found the company deviating at a 3 degree tangent around the lost assembly with a projected total depth on this current 12.250 2nd intermediate well bore section of 8,900 setting 9.625 casing.
1387623965 2013-12-17 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Administrative inspection to document the setting of a kick plug in the 12.250 well bore section from 8752 to 8100. Schlumber was the cement contractor on site and a 123 bbl 17.5# .94 yield cement mix was used.
1389658701 2014-01-13 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Status check inspection on the drilling progress found the current drilling depth to be 6,777 in the 8.5 production borehole section, a formation integrity test shall be performed at 8,900 and the company will then switch to oil based drilling fluids to begin drilling the horizontal well bore section. The last casing set was the 9.625 2nd intermediate at 6,641 due to borehole conditions the total depth was not achieved.
1392169897 2014-02-11 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations The 8.5 production well bore has been completed and drilled to a depth of 17,447 the company is currently running the 5.5 production casing at a depth of 2193.
1394815827 2014-03-14 Completion Testing No Violations On this day I received complaint #4630 and responded to the County Road leading to the well site along with the County Road Supervisor Bruce Jones, we both evaluated the area described to me in the complaint and found no signs of pollution or contamination. I visited the well site and the drilling process is complete and the Patterson drilling rig has moved off location and the area is being mopped up in order for the completion process to begin.
1871256537 2013-12-09 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Notification was received on 12/08/13 that the bottom 12.250 directional drilling assembly has been lost in the hole at 8762 and recovery efforts were underway. Upon inspection on 12/09/13 I was informed that recovery efforts were unsuccessful and the company was preparing to set a 300 kick plug to deviate around the lost tool joint. It was discovered while reviewing the drilling permit that the 9.625 casing string was not a permitted casing string, notification was made to the permitting section of the Division and to the Company man on site so the issue could be worked out.
2098496569 2013-12-10 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Administrative inspection to record the setting of a borehole deviation plug while drilling the 12.250 2nd intermediate well bore section, The Directional Drilling down hole assembly was lost at 8762 and a 300 plug was set on 12/09/13 to allow the company to deviate around the lost equipment and continue on with the current well bore section. Schlumber was the cement contractor using a Class H 17.5# cement with a total of 360 sks that equaled a 60 barrel cement mix, the plug was set from 8751 to 8451. The last well bore survey taken at 8629 showed the current well bore position indicating a Inclination of 1.59 and azimuth of 223.11 degrees.
590143787 2014-1-22 0:00: DD No Violations 1.20

For data sources see[10]
