2014-2-26 0:00:
No Violations
2007-1-19 0:00:
No Violations
2007-1-19 0:00:
No Violations
2007-1-19 0:00:
No Violations
2007-1-19 0:00:
No Violations
2007-1-19 0:00:
No Violations
2012-11-20 0:00
No Violations
2007-1-19 0:00:
No Violations
2014-7-29 0:00:
No Violations
2013-9-3 0:00:0
No Violations
2014-6-19 0:00:
No Violations
Preliminary Restoration
No Violations
Preliminary Restoration done information from Data Point
Annular Disposal
No Violations
FOLLOW UP TO NOV # -368314419 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1169305543 A.D. not hooked up, well is equipped with 11 conductor 8 surface pipe and 4.5 production casing and 1.5 tubing and 1-100 bbl tank and separator all valves on wellhead were shut on the day of my inspection suspect water has broken in on formation no ch
Annular Disposal
No Violations
FOLLOW UP TO NOV # -1681853865 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1169305543 A.D. not hooked up, well is equipped with 11 conductor 8 surface pipe and 4.5 production casing and 1.5 tubing and 1-100 bbl tank and separator all valves on wellhead were shut on the day of my inspection suspect water has broken in on formation no ch
Annular Disposal
No Violations
FOLLOW UP TO NOV # -2049467695 FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1169305543 A.D. not hooked up, well is equipped with 11 conductor 8 surface pipe and 4.5 production casing and 1.5 tubing and 1-100 bbl tank and separator all valves on wellhead were shut on the day of my inspection suspect water has broken in on formation no chart on meter last production reported on well was back in 2002,if placed into production dike work will need to be preformed at site.
Production Wells
Violations Noted
The wellhead is equipped with 11 conductor 8 surface pipe and 4.5 production casing and 1.5 tubing. There is one full 100 barrel tank and separator. All valves are shut and the well is not hooked up to production equipment. ID has incorrect owner but correct API. There is no chart on meter. Well is incapable of production and needs to be plugged.
Annular Disposal
No Violations
FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1169305543 A.D. not hooked up, well is equipped with 11 conductor 8 surface pipe and 4.5 production casing and 1.5 tubing and 1-100 bbl tank and separator all valves on wellhead were shut on the day of my inspection suspect water has broken in on formation no ch
Plug / Plug Back
No Violations
The site does not yet meet final restoration. The operator has planted grass and vegetation is established in most areas however the site does not yet meet final restoration requirements.
Administrative Inspection
No Violations
I talked with Bill Arnholt and he said they are most likely not going to plug back this well. They will prob plug the well and have requested an extension to September 1st, 2013. They should have there rig at that time.
Administrative Inspection
No Violations
I called Bill Arnholt and he stated they will move the service rig in to plug the well in the next few weeks. They are currently finishing a plug job in Guernsey County.
Plug / Plug Back
No Violations
The site does not yet meet final restoration. The location and access road have been graded, however the operator has not yet seeded the area. I called and left a message with Earl barnes of Northwood regarding the restoration status.
Administrative Inspection
No Violations
I received an email from Bill Arnholt stating they had suspended all operations through December up until now and that they plan on plugging the well by May 30th, 2014.
Annular Disposal
Violations Noted
A.D. not hooked up, well is equipped with 11 conductor 8 surface pipe and 4.5 production casing and 1.5 tubing and 1-100 bbl tank and separator all valves on wellhead were shut on the day of my inspection suspect water has broken in on formation no chart on meter last production reported on well was back in 2002,if placed into production dike work will need to be preformed at site.
Annular Disposal
No Violations
Inspection found AD not hooked up or in use -with the following equipment present -4.5 production casing -1.5 tubing with the production lines unhooked and the well shut in and no reported production since 2002, A 100 barrel tank separator and meter are present with no current chart and improper well owner Identification ,well is incapable of production in its current state and inspector will refer over to lead inspector Cindy Vandyke for plugging order .
Production Wells
No Violations
Compliance Action Follow-ups -359543538: The well is still idle and there has been no resolution to any of the issues. I called and left a Bill Arnholt a message regarding the issues.
Annular Disposal
No Violations
FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1169305543 A.D. not hooked up, well is equipped with 11 conductor 8 surface pipe and 4.5 production casing and 1.5 tubing and 1-100 bbl tank and separator all valves on wellhead were shut on the day of my inspection suspect water has broken in on formation no chart on meter last production reported on well was back in 2002,if placed into production dike work will need to be preformed at site.
Administrative Inspection
No Violations
I talked with Bill Arnholt of Northwood and he said they are going to file a permit to plug back and try and produce out of the Upper Devonian Shale. He will email me a copy of the permit once it is submitted here in the near future.
Plug / Plug Back
No Violations
Earl Barnes of Northwood and Davis Well Services had moved rig onto location today to prepare to plug the well. They dug a pit and set a liner. Tomorrow Cemenco will come in and set the bottom hole plug.
Plug / Plug Back
No Violations
I was on location to witness Cemenco set a bottom hole plug from 5000-5400 using 30 sacks of class A cement through 2 3/8 tubing. The tubing was stuck down the hole somewhere but they were able to pump water through before setting the plug. They displaced cement with 12.5bbls of salt water. Operator has someone coming out in the next hour to shoot off the tubing above the plug. They will return on Monday to pull tubing and attempt to get telegraph on the 4.5.
Administrative Inspection
No Violations
Earl Barnes of Northwood called and stated they ripped the 4.5 at around 3990.
Plug / Plug Back
No Violations
I was on location to witness Davis Well Services and Cemenco successfully set plugs through the Big Lime (3710-3910) and the bottom of the surface casing (1620-1820). The fluid level was around 450 so they set a brush and stone plug followed by a surface plug (0-200). There was no circulation throughout job. Cemenco used 154 sacks of Class A cement with 2% Gel.
Annular Disposal
No Violations
FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1169305543 A.D. not hooked up, well is equipped with 11 conductor 8 surface pipe and 4.5 production casing and 1.5 tubing and 1-100 bbl tank and separator all valves on wellhead were shut on the day of my inspection suspect water has broken in on formation no ch
2007-1-19 0:00:
No Violations
Final Restoration
No Violations
Location meets 1509.072 final restoration requirements.
Annular Disposal
No Violations
FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1169305543 A.D. not hooked up, well is equipped with 11 conductor 8 surface pipe and 4.5 production casing and 1.5 tubing and 1-100 bbl tank and separator all valves on wellhead were shut on the day of my inspection suspect water has broken in on formation no chart on meter last production reported on well was back in 2002,if placed into production dike work will need to be preformed at site.
2013-5-22 0:00:
No Violations
2014-3-4 0:00:0
No Violations
No Violations