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Well Details

Well ID: 34-115-24096
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Morgan
Municipality: Center Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: ULLMAN
License Status: Active Injection
License Date: 1989-07-19
Spud Date: 1990-02-12
Spud Drilling Contractor: R WOLFE DRLG
Final Drill Date: 1988-08-17
Well Total Depth: 1725.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 39.600000
Longitude: -81.670000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Oil and Gas 1988-07-27 Issued Date 7/27/88 Expired Date 7/27/89 Acres 0010000 Tool Type RTA Proposed Formation BEREA Proposed Depth 01725 Proposed Drill Depth 01725
Original Spud 1988-08-16 CONVERT 7-22-89
Completed 1988-08-17 CONVERT 7-22-89
Reached Total Depth 1988-08-17 CONVERT 7-22-89
CO 1989-07-19 471 EAGLE MOUNTAIN ENERGY GeoDate 7/19/89
Conversion to Injector 1989-07-19
Salt Water Injection Well 1989-07-19 Issued Date 7/19/89 Expired Date 7/19/90 Acres 0010000 Tool Type RTA Proposed Formation BEREA Proposed Depth 01725 Proposed Drill Depth 01725
Storage Well 1989-07-19 Issued Date 7/19/89 Expired Date 7/19/90 Acres 0010000 Tool Type RTA Proposed Formation BEREA Proposed Depth 01725 Proposed Drill Depth 01725
CO 1990-04-19 471 EAGLE MOUNTAIN ENERGY GeoDate 7/27/88
First Injection 1990-04-19 CONVERT 7-22-89
Completion Report Received 1990-07-13 CONVERT 7-22-89
Construction Permit Expires 1990-07-19 CONVERT 7-22-89
Annulus Pressure Monitoring Approved 1995-04-06 CONVERT 7-22-89
Water Analysis 1999-04-06 CONVERT 7-22-89
Change of Owner 1999-04-30 Operator changed from 471, EAGLE MOUNTAIN ENERGY to 4801, BANCEQUITY PETROLEUM CORP
Last Compliance Report 1999-06-24 CONVERT 7-22-89
Change of Owner 2000-03-09 Operator changed from 471, EAGLE MOUNTAIN ENERGY to 4801, BANCEQUITY PETROLEUM CORP
Change of Owner 2018-05-04 Operator changed from 4801, BANCEQUITY PETROLEUM CORP to 9086, GENESIS RESOURCES LLC
Record Last Modified 2018-05-04 CONVERT 7-22-89

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2006-09-11 1621 1631 15
2000-05-02 1623 1633 2
1623 1633 2
1621 1631 15
1621 1631 15

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
H2O 0 24554 Gal 11500 FRAC:SAND/WATER
2011-07-08 ACID 20 1000 Gal 0 Producers Service Corporation Gauge on annulus shows 350#. Co ran 500gal HCL, followed by 300 gal brine, waited 45 min. Then ran 500 gal HCL followed by 300 gal brine, waited 45 min - then plan was to run another 1000 gal brine. Had to leave, out of hrs.

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1988 EAGLE MOUNTAIN ENERGY 41.00 0.00 365
1989 SCION ENERGY INC 571.00 280.00 365
1990 EAGLE MOUNTAIN ENERGY 0.00 0.00 365
1998 EAGLE MOUNTAIN ENERGY 0.00 0.00 365

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1988 EAGLE MOUNTAIN ENERGY Brine 1998 365
1989 SCION ENERGY INC Brine 2087 365

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1012901132 2006-6-12 0:00: SW No Violations
-103412991 2003-8-13 0:00: SW No Violations
-1069991807 2005-3-14 0:00: SW No Violations
-1088881751 2011-12-8 0:00: SW No Violations 1.00
-114799947 2012-11-13 0:00 SW No Violations
-122327686 2004-5-10 0:00: SW No Violations 2.00
-1363062924 2008-12-23 0:00 SW No Violations
-1471400290 2019-4-29 0:00: SW No Violations
-155887095 2018-1-18 0:00: SW No Violations
-1620549187 2003-5-19 0:00: SW No Violations
-1651033502 2009-2-27 0:00: SW No Violations
-1760634271 2003-9-11 0:00: SW No Violations
-1779810536 2017-7-31 0:00: SW No Violations
-1788678905 2011-7-8 0:00:0 WR No Violations 8.00
-1933168151 2018-7-9 0:00:0 SW No Violations
-1938471976 2009-8-18 0:00: SW No Violations
-205852625 2015-7-31 0:00: SW No Violations
-309056247 2014-7-31 0:00: SW No Violations
-392994248 2009-5-1 0:00:0 SW No Violations
-41580236 2007-2-22 0:00: SW No Violations
-439112181 2013-3-12 0:00: SW No Violations
-638827834 2005-4-26 0:00: SW No Violations
-705882430 2012-11-20 0:00 SW No Violations
-70590697 2007-5-29 0:00: SW No Violations
-770614830 2020-3-5 0:00:0 SW No Violations
-834472129 2016-8-2 0:00:0 SW No Violations
-837953406 2017-6-2 0:00:0 SW No Violations
-878531680 2019-2-11 0:00: SW No Violations
-911096962 2008-11-3 0:00: SW No Violations
-979228071 2009-7-22 0:00: SW No Violations
0000PL9266 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Preliminary Restoration done information from Data Point
0000UIC990 1990-10-25 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations 1509.22 A 1&2 C 3 STORAGE & DISPOSAL-B
0000UIC991 1990-10-25 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations 1501:9-3-04 (A) PREVENT OF CONTAM -B
0000UIC992 1990-10-25 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations 1501:9-1 07 PREVENT OF CONTAM -B
000UIC1677 1997-08-18 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations 1501: 9-3-07 (D) EXCEED MAX. INJ. PSI
000UIC1678 1997-08-18 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations 1509.03 EXCEED MAX. INJ. PSI
001289i522 2002-07-17 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations NO VIOLATIONS NOTED INJECTION PRESSURE ON VACCUM
0041580236 2007-02-22 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Suggest applying more pressure to annulus of tubing when weather permits to help inspector better monitor pressure,walked flow line area to monitor forpossible leaks none found).

0070590697 2007-05-29 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Pump was not in operation during my inspection. Note: Small leak noted by load line coming from oil tank its in need of repair,weed eating needed in areaof flow line going to wellhead.

0083162236 2014-02-10 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection revealed that injection pump was not in operation today due to extreme cold weather conditions.
0103412991 2003-08-13 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted this inspection.

(11)repair cracks in unloading pad area. Suggest preforming M.I.T. test on well contact inspector prior too doing so to enable inspector to witness test. Remove bad 100bbl tank from tank area. Note:Walked flowline.

0114799947 2012-11-13 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection revealed that injection pump was not in operation during my inspection and it was noted that H&L Water Services was unloading at facility during my inspection and positive pressure needs to be applied to annulus of tubing in the near future and contact inspector prior to doing so.
0122327686 2004-05-10 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted on the day of my inspection,facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Walked flowline:

0152401945 2006-11-20 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection,

Pump was in operation on the day of my inspection local well tender was at site during my inspection.

0155887095 2018-01-18 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection revealed that well is not in service at this time due to extreme cold weather.

Note: Walked flowline area today.

0185736766 2006-12-20 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Pump was not in operation during my inspection.

0189113372 2013-09-18 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection revealed that injection pump was not in operation during my inspection and it was noted that storage tanks have been recently painted.

Note: Walked flow line area to check area for any possible leakage (none found) ,called well operator and requested that he change out faulty valve on storage tank.

0205010483 2004-03-10 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

(4) fresh water needs to be removed from dike area to allow for space in the event of spill. (10)flowline from pump to edge of hill needs to be replaced,showing signs of leakage within dike.

0205852625 2015-07-31 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection on this day indicated that injection pump was in operation and I called and talked to Tracy Lindenmode and told him that the two unused 100 bbl. storage tanks need to be removed from site they are showing signs of fatigue.
0309056247 2014-07-31 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations The injection pumping unit was active when I arrived on location. The injection pressure was 492psi and the annulus tested at 166psi. The needle valve was faulty on the annulus and the tubing is starting to rust. I called and left Tracey Lindemore with Bancequity a message regarding the issues.
0392994248 2009-05-01 Salt Water Injection Well Violations Noted An inspection of the well revealed several fittings on water pump leaking and will need replaced, 100bbl storage tank leaking around the bottom seam needs repaired or replaced. Lease road eroding in several areas and creek crossing not passable. Well needs a MIT test done. ID needs rewrote at the sticker at the storage tanks.
0393170249 2011-01-06 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Follow-up on NOV, In-Compliance.
0401898669 2015-12-07 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection on this day indicated that injection pump was in operation and I walked flow line area to monitor area for any potential leaks none were found on this day of my inspection.
0425962229 2008-08-28 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Faciliy appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Note: Oil has been cleaned up in tank area,suggested to well tender to properly dispose of oil absorbant pads and any other material used to clean up facility.Pump was not in operation during my inspection.

0439112181 2013-03-12 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection revealed that injection pump was not in operation today due to fact that well caretaker was having injection pump fluid end rebuilt.
0638827834 2005-04-26 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations On site to witness mini test on annulus of tubing due to fact that tubing head had 2valve replaced and lost annulus pressure.

LoweryWell Service on site to flush injection line and pressure test backside of tubing,pumped 110 gal fresh water and anhib to flush line and then pressured up to 680psi on backside of tubing and monitored pressure for 15 min. with no decline in pressure(Test Passed).

0648613320 2003-12-22 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted,facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.
0652758881 2008-08-01 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Upon inspecting well site,found oil tank had run over since last inspection notified well tender and discussed clean up efforts at site,told him to place more absorbant pads in dike area to soak up remaining free standing oil he stated he was enroute to location to place pads.
0660601101 2003-02-02 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations WITH DAVE BALL; COULD NOT GET BACK TO WELL DUE TO TO HEAVY DRIFTS OF SNOW ON ROADS IN AREA.
0677693039 2009-01-22 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection revealed that well was not in operation during my inspection.

Note: Old tanks at site should be replaced with ones with no holes in them and plumbing materials should be removed also,belt guard on injection pump should be placed back on pump to ensure safety when pump is in operation.

0705882430 2012-11-20 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations On site to witness mini test on annulus of tubing, company rep on site to witness testing also they pressured up on annulus of tubing and we monitored pressure for 15 minutes with no decline in pressure.
0817895508 2019-04-07 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection revealed that well is currently not in operation.

Note: New owner will need to change identification reflecting that new owner has well properly identified.

0834472129 2016-08-02 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection revealed that injection pump was not in operation during my inspection.

Note: Old unused tanks within dike area still need to be removed from containment area to allow for volumes needed to contain fluids in the event of a catastrophe failure.

0837953406 2017-06-02 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection today revealed that injection pump was not in operation during my inspection and it was noted that storage tanks have been recently painted .
0871391660 2004-07-30 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted,facility doesnt appear to be used much.

(3)Housekeeping needed in tank area.

0878531680 2019-02-11 Salt Water Injection Well Violations Noted he Division has not received the 3rd & 4th quarter brine disposal fees for 2018. Please forward disposal fees and sheets to the Division by 3/12/2019.
0911096962 2008-11-03 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection,

Note: Pump was not in operation during my inspection, noted that heater tube on oil tank has been recently plugged apparently it was showing signs of leakage no brine/oil noted at this time around tube!!.

0932730510 2010-08-11 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Follow-up on NOV, Non-Compliance, unloading pad wall has not been repaired, dike around storage tanks standing full of water. Will send company a letter requesting those violations be corrected.
0961465684 2016-03-29 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Injection pump not in operation today and it appears that facility is not used much at this time.
0979228071 2009-07-22 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Follow-up on NOV, Non-Compliance, remedial work not done on lease road, MIT test not witnessed by inspector. Will send company a letter about violations.
0990873826 2007-10-31 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Pump was not in operation during my inspection, called local well tender and discussed issues to be aware of at site, old storage tank not being used is showing signs of deterioration.

1012901132 2006-06-12 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted,facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Note: 3 valve on upright storage tank is showing signs of fatigue suggest replacement of valve.

1045911883 2003-02-20 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Unable to check well due to weather conditions.
1047491282 2003-03-12 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted

(2) clean brush away from wellhead (3)general housekeeping in tank area (11)repair drain line on unloading pad+clean up pad Called company+updated them on well mainentence needed

1055755553 2014-01-08 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection revealed that injection pump is being worked on this inspection it appears that owner is replacing pistons on fluid end of injection pump.
1056387436 2003-06-23 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations (11)need drain line from unloading pad repaired.

(3)bottom seam on tank #3seeping alittle suggest replacing tank. (4)clean up in dike area needed.

1058538980 2003-07-17 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Facility appears to be in good repair this inspection.

Suggest weed eating path to wellhead+around tank site,remove 100bbl tank from tank area(the one that has bottom leaking)

Note:Walked flowline.

1069991807 2005-03-14 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.(3)Plumbing of 3 piping in need of repair!

(7)2 valve on annulus side of wellhead needs replaced after replacing contact inspector to witness pressure check on annulus.

1070014824 2003-11-26 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted,facility appears to be in good repair today.

Note:walked flowline Local pumper on location(Tracy Lindamore)

1076409905 2004-02-09 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted,facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

(4)fresh water should be removed from dike area to allow for volume in the event of a spill. (9)suggest placing belt guard on pump(safety hazard)

1084417974 2005-06-08 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Weedeating needed on path to wellhead! Pump was in operation on the day of my inspection.

1088881751 2011-12-08 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations My inspection this day found No activity, the pump was not running and there were no trucks present. I walked down to the well and checked pressures. The tubing tested 0 PSI and the annulus 50 PSI. Proper identification signs are posted at both the well and pump. Containment at the tanks was full of fresh water due to the inclement weather. The unloading pad is clean.
1101941511 2004-11-30 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Pump was running on the day of my inspection. Walked flowline.

1124073582 2004-11-01 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility does not appear to be used much,have some concerns with plumbing at tank site called well operator and discussed issues at site he said he would contact pamper and have him make contact with inspector and issues would be resolved.
1124548751 2005-08-17 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection pump was running on the day of my inspection and I noticed valve caps starting to seep suggest replacing seals.
1129283733 2005-10-11 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations On site to witness acid job being preformed on well(Producers Service Corp.) applied a total of 1000 gal of 28% acid,first they pumped 500 gal. And displaced with 300 gal of fresh water shut in for 25 min. then proceeded to spot additional 500 gal and displaced with additional 300 gal fresh water and then shut in too let soak operator is going to resume injection operations 10/13.
1133020981 2005-11-25 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Suggest changing 2valve on annulus of wellhead and apply pressure to annulus of tubing.

1135170906 2005-12-20 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Noted: Pump was running on the day of my inspection,also walked flowline.

1138919935 2006-01-30 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, well appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Called well owner and discussed placing pressure on annulus of tubing and he stated that he would contact his well tender and schedule date/time to perform mini-test.

1139671744 2006-02-10 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations On site to witness mini test on annulus of tubing operator pressured up to 200 psi and held pressure for 15 min with no decline in pressure.No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Also walked flowline to wellhead no leaks noted.

1143850424 2006-03-31 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Note:Fresh water needs to be removed from dike area too allow for volume in the event of spill.

1157117951 2006-08-29 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Note:Pump was running during my inspection(needs belt guard back on)safety factor. Walked flow line to wellhead to monitor for leaks.

1174992367 2007-03-26 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Walked flow line area to monitor for possible leakage(none found)in conversation with well tender suggested he apply pressure to annulus of tubing so inspector can better monitor well. Pump was not in operation during my inspection.

1186617784 2007-08-07 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition .

Note: Plumbing on storage has been changed from 3 piping to 2 piping since my last inspection,suggest weed eating path to wellhead in area of flow line!

1189728841 2007-09-11 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Note: Well tender on site during inspection preparing to perform weed eating around facility,pump was in operation during my inspection.

1195295785 2014-10-20 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection revealed that injection pump was not in operation during my inspection and it was noted that production chart was changed on 10/16/14 and is due to be changed 10/23/14.
1198794659 2007-12-24 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Note: Fresh water needs to be removed from dike area to allow for volume in the event of spill. Pump was not in operation during my inspection.

1213573533 2008-06-09 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Note: Pump was not in operation during my inspection, also flow line to wellhead area in need of weed eating and unloading pad area in need of a good cleaning.

1289i23657 2002-04-02 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations S.W.I.W. INJECTION PRESSURE ON VACCUM.
1289i23657869 2002-4-2 0:00:0 SW No Violations
1289i522 2002-7-17 0:00: SW No Violations
1333380391 2012-04-02 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations My inspection this day due to quarterly reporting. This day found pumping running with 300# on tubing, 200# on annulus. Facility clean, identification good.
1363062924 2008-12-23 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Note: Pump was not operating during my inspection,road to well head is showing signs of potential errosion owner will need to have it repaired as weather permits.

1396632471 2014-04-04 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations
1421248545 2015-01-13 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations The pumps were not active upon inspection. There were no issues at the tank battery and there was good identification at the loading pad and the wellhead. The ball valves on the wellhead are not working properly and need to be replaced with working parts. The injection pressure was tested at 22psi and the annulus was tested at 237 psi. I contacted the field technician Tracey Lindemore and he stated that he would replace the valves on the wellhead.
1471400290 2019-04-29 Salt Water Injection Well Violations Noted Our records indicate that the Division has not received the Salt Water Injection Well Annual Report (Form 204) that was due on April 15th for 2018, Please submit the Form 204 to the Division by 5/29/2019.
1512443199 2008-02-01 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Note: Stone is needed on lane to unloading pad and also flow line path need brush removed from it so inspector can monitor area for potential leakage.

1519054676 2018-02-18 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection today indicated that injection pump was not in operation during my inspection.

Note: Fresh water needs to be removed from dike area to allow for volume in the event of potential tank failure.

152401945 2006-11-20 0:00 SW No Violations
1580761839 2013-03-12 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations I accompanied Dave Ball on the inspection and testing of UIC well. The pump was not running at the time of arrival. Well tender, Tracey Lindemore was repairing the pumpinng unit. There are four 1000 barrel tanks and one 300 bbl tank on location.
1598268708 2010-03-08 Salt Water Injection Well Violations Noted An inspection of the storage facility revealed unloading pad walls need repaired or replaced. Need to build unloading pad walls higher and seal walls after built. Dike needs water pumped out and disposed of in a proper manner.
1620549187 2003-05-19 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Facility appears to be in good repair,no violations noted.

Lease Rd. to wellhead in need of repair (9)Clean-up in pump area needed (3)flow-line in tank area needs replaced.

1651033502 2009-02-27 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection revealed that injection pump was not in operation during my inspection, walked flow line area to monitor for leaks (none found) noted that owner has not made any attempts to change out faulty storage tanks,will contact well tender and discuss future plans for old tanks at site.
1672542090 2018-12-06 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Well is currently not in operation, owner stated that flowline was plugged up and they plan on replacing line in the near future told him that once line is replaced we would require pressure testing of new line.
1750864276 2014-07-31 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Accompanied Inspector Jake Glascock on Injection well review.
1760634271 2003-09-11 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted on the day of my inspection.

(11)cracks in unloading pad wall in need of repair oil tank in tank area needs replaced remove fresh water dike area

1762826637 2006-04-25 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noed,facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Note: Pump not running today,walked flow line to ensure integrity.

1779810536 2017-07-31 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Injection pump was not in operation today and at the present time well is not being used much.
1788678905 2011-07-08 Work Over Reconditioning No Violations Inspection this day to re-acidize the Berea zone. Producers pressured up to 1100# and treated well with 500 gal 20% HCl, followed by 300 gal brine. Waited 45 min. then pressured up again and well treated at 1000# with another 500 gal 20# acid, followed by another 300 gal brine. Waited 45 min. Then plan was to push another 1000 gal brine back in formation. Out of time so I had to leave after 300 brine. Operator ran chart - should be sending. Gauge showed 350# on annulus thru out the procedure.
185736766 2006-12-20 0:00 SW No Violations
1866026675 2020-7-21 0:00: SW No Violations
189113372 2013-9-18 0:00: SW No Violations
1924749948 2019-9-3 0:00:0 SW No Violations
1933168151 2018-07-09 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection revealed that injection pump was not in operation during my inspection.
1937460527 2016-11-08 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Inspection revealed that injection pump was in operation during my inspection.

Note: There is 1-250 bbl. tank and 2-100 bbl. tanks for brine storage and also 1-100 bbl. tank for oil recovery within dike area.

1938471976 2009-08-18 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Follow-up on NOV, In-Compliance, done a mini test on annulus side of well.
1992970737 2016-02-18 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Injection pump was not in operation during my inspection.
2018772179 2006-10-10 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Noted that 3 valve on tank has been removed since my last inspection as requested walked area of flow line well tender need to remove brush and fallen trees from this area too allow inspector better access to flow line area.

2042871982 2014-04-15 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations The injection pumping unit was active when I arrived on location. The injection pressure was 480psi and the annulus tested at 500ps. There are no issues to report at this time.
205010483 2004-3-10 0:00: SW No Violations 2.00
2068150539 2007-11-30 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations No violations noted, facility appears to be in satisfactory condition this inspection.

Note: Pump not running during inspection, walked flow line area to monitor area for potential leaks none found).

2101872845 2003-10-10 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations no violations noted

cracks in unloading pad wall are in process of being repaired. Preformed pressure test on annulas of well to check integrity of tubing and packer pressured up on annulas of well to 560psi for 30 min test passed

393170249 2011-1-6 0:00:0 SW No Violations
401898669 2015-12-7 0:00: SW No Violations
425962229 2008-8-28 0:00: SW No Violations
648613320 2003-12-22 0:00 SW No Violations 2.00
652758881 2008-8-1 0:00:0 SW No Violations
660601101 2003-2-2 0:00:0 SW No Violations
677693039 2009-1-22 0:00: SW No Violations
817895508 2019-4-7 0:00:0 SW No Violations
83162236 2014-2-10 0:00: SW No Violations
871391660 2004-7-30 0:00: SW No Violations
932730510 2010-8-11 0:00: SW No Violations 1.00
961465684 2016-3-29 0:00: SW No Violations
990873826 2007-10-31 0:00 SW No Violations
PL9266 PL No Violations
UIC1677 1997-8-18 0:00: SW No Violations
UIC1678 1997-8-18 0:00: SW No Violations
UIC990 1990-10-25 0:00 SW No Violations
UIC991 1990-10-25 0:00 SW No Violations
UIC992 1990-10-25 0:00 SW No Violations

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
0392994248 US-OH-124175 2009-05-04 Failure to conduct or pass mech. integrity test
0392994248 US-OH-124176 2009-05-04 Failure to legibly identify well
0392994248 US-OH-124177 2009-05-04 Equipment pressure rated below operating pressure
0392994248 US-OH-124178 2009-05-04 Failure to pass required test
0878531680 US-OH-130004 2019-04-08 Failure to report disposal fees
1471400290 US-OH-113548 2019-05-09 Failure to file salt water injection annual report
1598268708 US-OH-115649 2010-03-09 Pollution/Contamination
1598268708 US-OH-115650 2010-03-09 Pits not liquid tight/Improper construction or use

For data sources see[9]
