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Well Details

Well ID: 34-115-24685
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Morgan
Municipality: Center Township
Operator Name: PDC ENERGY INC
Well Pad ID: US-OH-000823
Farm/Lease Name: PALMER
License Status: Final Restoration
License Date: 2013-11-15
Spud Date: 2013-11-27
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date:
Well Total Depth: 5864.00 ft
Configuration: Horizontal
Latitude: 39.600000
Longitude: -81.660000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2013-11-15 Proposed Formations:POINT PLEASANT, Issued Date:11/15/2013, Expired Date:11/15/2015 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:627, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:EDPW
Correction to Well 2013-12-06 CORRECTION TO SURFACE Y COORDINATE.
Plugged/Abandoned 2014-05-24
Construction Permit Expires 2015-11-15
Record Last Modified 2017-03-14

For data sources see[2]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1071221264 2014-5-16 0:00: DD No Violations
-1099929692 2014-6-12 0:00: DD No Violations 10.00
-1226106508 2014-2-11 0:00: DD No Violations 1.30
-1369156865 2014-5-10 0:00: DD No Violations
-1415656730 2014-5-24 0:00: PB No Violations
-1422132650 2015-1-27 0:00: PB No Violations 5.50
-1532787579 2014-5-9 0:00:0 DD No Violations
-1684512103 2014-5-23 0:00: PB No Violations 10.00
-1787864939 2014-5-5 0:00:0 DD No Violations 5.00
-1791972313 2015-6-17 0:00: PW No Violations 2.30
-2054898290 2015-2-10 0:00: PB No Violations 1.50
-492866792 2014-3-3 0:00:0 DD No Violations 1.50
-567438866 2017-3-9 0:00:0 FR No Violations 1.00
-760503083 2014-5-13 0:00: AM No Violations
-876023443 2014-6-12 0:00: DD No Violations 8.00
0094606286 2015-01-13 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Compliance Notice Follow-up 1399294820: I was on location for a site inspection. I walked the areas of the east and west slopes with CK & Associates field scientist Keith Caywood. He explained that they have been restoring the east slope after the excavation and removal of material from the last few weeks. They have also excavated material containing drilling fluid on the east slope, all which has taken offsite to an approved landfill. They have been sampling these areas and according to Tony long and himself, the west lateral has come back below clean up standards. The west lateral is still showing signs of residual product. The next plan on the west slope will be to remove the sediment basin just above the locations of the sheen. I will continue to monitor as they work on location cleanup.
0370724392 2014-07-31 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Compliance Notice Follow-up 1399294820: Inspector Josh Garland and I walked the location with Jennifer Busby of C K & Associates. We went over some of the secondary containment areas up by the road which have some small breaches. They have corrected some of the issues but they still need to work on some areas. We walked around the wellpad and adjoing streams and there is still hydrocarbon product seeping out of several areas, however these places are all being continuously sampled and controlled through pump systems and diapers. CK and PDC are working on a plan for post completion in regards to short and long term remediation.
0399851492 2015-02-26 Production Wells No Violations Accompanied by engineer tech Andy Thomas to review removal of the sediment traps and pond. Trees must be removed from the area and the ponds must have the water removed before the sediment can be removed.
0492866792 2014-03-03 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations PDC is currently setting up for Halliburton to perform a cement squeeze job in the shale late this evening in order to resolve the lost circulation issues. Once they get the issue resolved they will be back to drilling the lateral. They have already drilled around 900 in lateral.
0521438614 2014-05-20 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Inspection revealed that while running free point tools in well they broke wireline and it became lodged within drill string and they came out of hole and removed tool from drill pipe and then they ran a set of hydraulic jars in well and reattached to drill string and they tried to work stuck drill string free.
0567438866 2017-03-09 Final Restoration No Violations The well meets final restoration requirements with ORC 1509.072(B).
0620066483 2014-05-04 Drill / Deepen / Reopen Violations Noted

1849: Mike Sherron (Ohio EPA Emergency Response) called me to get details and directions to the well site. 1934: I called Field Supervis

0760503083 2014-05-13 Administrative Inspection No Violations Tony Long called and stated that TetraTech was working 12 hour shifts using 8 pumps in order to move the product off of the holding areas and to also be ahead of any heavy rain that may come in the next few days. They are also currently washing the east and west laterals with water hoses and believe the rain will be the final wash they need to remove all of the free product down to the pumps. Today they began sealing of the drain pipes to the catch basins in order to manage the pad fluid with sump pumps and vac trucks. A water filtration system will also be installed to treat and discharge some of the water. I also spoke with Betsy Nightingale of USEPA, and she stated that they are monitoring the seeps on the downside of the dam #1. Steve Lowry, Ohio EPA geologist, was on location to try and understand the migration pathway of the oil seeps.
0770621939 2014-05-08 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Inspection revealed that clean up efforts are going on at site of recent blowout and wellhead failure they suspect seal ring or possibly cracked wellhead may be the cause of failure.

Note: Retrievable bridge plug set@751 ft. and 13.1 oil based drilling fluid placed on top of plug too 100 ft. below surface and then plans were made to clean up cellar area before they rig down BOP stack and repair faulty equipment.

0869287828 2014-05-19 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location with Dan Goins, Joe Hoerst, and the state engineers. We walked the well pad with PDC personnel in order to discuss well pad construction improvements and recommendations. The well is currently under control and shut in. Blue Dot has arrived to use a freepoint locator for the drill pipe still stuck down in the hole.
0876023443 2014-06-12 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Accompanied Inspector Andy Thomas to observe the excavation/sampling of test pits and to inspect other clean-up efforts being implemented around the well pad by C-K Associates and PDC Energy.
0919432895 2014-07-31 Production Wells No Violations Review of the site remediation with inspector Jake Glascock.
0933373937 2014-05-28 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Compliance Notice Follow-up 1399294820: I arrived on location to meet with PDC EHS manager Randall Ferguson, and EHS specialist, Tony Long. We walked the perimeter of the pad location to inspect the latest cleanup and restoration activity. There are still two small seep areas, on each side of the pad in the streams where a small sheen still exists. The have built two small containment dams just downstream to capture the fluid. It is then soaked up/transported back up to frac tanks. There are several seeps on the pad slope which they are monitoring. The rest of the seeps are found in the unnamed tributary. I also met with Keith Nichols, C-K Sr. Project manager and his associates, who are overseeing the cleanup and restoration of the well pad and surrounding affected areas. He stated they will have a final draft Site investigation Work Plan for the well pad plan on Friday.
0972645314 2014-05-06 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location for the operation and safety meetings in regards to the PDC mechaical integrity failure at the wellhead. It was decided that today Wild Well Control would not kill the well until the proper equipment for cutting the drill pipe arrived on location. WWC would begin cleanup of the rig and all electrical components to perpare for the nex day. USEPA/Ohio EPA are on location sampling the surrounding streams.
1071221264 2014-05-16 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations On site to witness Blue Dot Service company attempt to retrieve packer from wellbore,they were able to get packer it broke just below packer assembly and they pulled it from well and then they had to wait on more fishing tools to retrieve drill string.
1099929692 2014-06-12 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Clean-up operations witnessed by Inspector Andy Thomas accompanied by Inspector LJ Parkins.

When I arrived, I was briefed on the progress of the clean-up operation by Mr. Tony Long of PDC and Mr. Hollis Miller of C-K. We then walked down to the pad and looked at the well head, cellar and mouse hole of the 1-H. A section of felt had been pulled away from the east side of the well. There was surficial contamination in a 6 ft. radius. After that, I witnessed the digging of test pit #3. It was on the east side of the pad near a catch basin. When the felt was removed from the area some surficial contamination was observed. The trackhoe took one scoop, and 6 in. below the surface the contamination disappeared. At 3 ft. clean soil was observed. The pit was dug 13 ft. deep. Most of the fluid was sucked out of the cellar of the 1-

1226106508 2014-02-11 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations The H & P Rig is currently drilling the 17.5 hole and plan on setting the 13 3/8 casing sometime in the early morning.
1317522358 2014-05-09 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations
1327501736 2015-03-11 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations There was no one present on location. Crew has recently installed silt fences along the west side of the well pad and have cleared the pumping equipment from around Dam 1 in preparation of the removal of the dam.
1369156865 2014-05-10 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations
1385913310 2013-12-01 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I am on site to witness the cementing of the conductor casing. Express Energy Services drilled 36

hole to a depth of 100. Express then cemented 100 of 30 casing in place with 315 sks of class A cement with 2% CaCl. There was 8 bbl of cement returns to the surface.

1387895377 2013-12-24 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Operator is currently setting up cranes to lay out the foundation for the arrival of the H & P rig.
1391861507 2014-02-08 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location to witness Universal Well Services cement 431 of 20 the surface casing. The conductor was set 11/27/2014 using Express Energy Services. PDC is now using the H & P Flex rig 385. When I arrived, they were unsuccessfully trying to establish circulation before pumping cement. The annulus was blocked with drill cuttings and so they had to work the pipe for quite some time before they achieved circulation. Cold weather brought multiple issues for equipment and they dropped plug around 12:30pm. They had good circulation and had 20 bbls of cement returns.
1392844638 2014-02-19 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location to witness Halliburton cement the 9 5/8 intermediate casing. The plug was down at 6:35pm and although there were gel returns the cement did not circulate to the surface.
1392920558 2014-02-20 Administrative Inspection No Violations Dave Gray called me and stated the 9 5/8 casing top was around 400 based on the temperature log.
1399294820 2014-05-04 Drill / Deepen / Reopen Violations Noted

1849: Mike Sherron (Ohio EPA Emergency Response) called me to get details and directions to the well site. 1934: I called Field Supervisor Dan Goins to update him on the situation. 1943: I walk

1399303909 2014-05-05 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations This morning there was a meeting which involved the USEPA/EPA discussion in regards to the on and offsite contamination containment and recovery. PDC representative stated that while drilling operator lost 70 bbls of oil-
1399463346 2014-05-07 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I arrived on location for the operation and safety meetings. At this time the well is producing very little gas. If it is bridged off they will know once the pull on the drill pipe by drag weight. During the operation meeting, it was discussed that PDC personnel will attempt to kill the well followed by the cutting and tripping out the drill pipe. They will then install a packer to control the well. They plan on using a radial cutting tool. Wild Well Control will be at the wellhead to determine the area of mechanical integrity failure.
1399563777 2014-05-08 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was notified en route this morning that the RCT (radial cutting torch) did not succeed in cutting the drill pipe so they set a back off charge and were able to free the drill pipe. They then POOH, installed the packer and TIH. When they were attempting to set the packer, the setting tool failed for unknown reasons, and it fell down hole and is currently on top of the drill pipe (fish). It is currently stuck somewhere around 700-
1399737620 2014-05-10 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations On site along with county inspector Jake Glascock to witness testing of BOP stack and releasing of bridge plug which was set at 751 ft.

Note: No testing performed at this point due to welder/wellhead tech missed measuring proper cut off point on 13 casing they had to cut off new wellhead and start over they will likely be ready to test BOP later this afternoon.

1399781604 2014-05-11 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location to witness the testing of the BOP. Full Circle Oilfield Services performed and passed all eighteen 5 minute tests on the BOP.
1399849936 2014-05-11 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Inspection revealed that rig crew and several third party contractors were cleaning on equipment preparing for USEPA inspection and if passed they will be allowed to proceed with removing packer from well bore and they fish for lost tools in well below the packer.
1399912506 2014-05-12 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations PDC has the rig shut down at this time and is currently working with USEPA/OEPA with the cleanup activities in and around location.
1399929954 2014-05-12 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Stopped by drill site for update on possible fishing job rig crew was still cleaning on equipment and third party contractors were still cleaning in area of creek beds.
1400092288 2014-05-14 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location with DOGRM geologist Kyle Baldwin and Southwest Region Supervisor Dan Goins to meet with PDC EHS Tony Long and USEPA Betsy Nightingale. We walked the pad location with Tetratech representative Andrew, and it was stated that there were 15 seep areas on the pad location that they were monitoring. Some of the areas were not even wet enough to collect samples. There were two seeps at the containment dam #1. One was on the downstream side of the dam itself and another which was out of tree root system in same area. At this time, it is most likely migrating through the dam and a result of all of the recent rain in the area. Tetratech and C-K Associates are cleaning and monitoring these areas, and Tetratech may install monitoring wells at the pad in the next few days. The general feeling at this time from all parties is that the majority of the product has been cleaned from the location and stream channels. They have strengthened both dams in anticipation for the rain heading this way tonight.
1400168411 2014-05-15 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Dave Ball was on location to witness the successful release of the retrievable packer. Soon after, I arrived on location to witness Bluedot trip into hole with magnet in order to fish out the lost packer assembly. They made two unsuccesful attempts and plan on going back into hole with a spear but are waiting on a sub tool.
1400186085 2014-05-15 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Inspection revealed that Blue Dot wire line services were able to retrieve top bridge plug and they attempted to fish second plug and were unsuccessful so decision was made to go in hole with overshot tool fish with but they were shy a needed changeover sub they will resume operations when sub arrives on site and tools are made up.
1400589600 2014-05-18 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Went by drill site to gather info on flaring of excess gas that was encountered after they backed off drill string@6154.

Note: Walked outer area of well pad to check for any new oil seepage from pad area.

1400591715 2014-05-20 Production Wells No Violations Compliance Notice Follow-up 1399294820: USEPA has left the location and handed over clean up supervision to Ohio EPA. At this time, the majority of the product has been cleaned up and is either in 500bbl frac tanks or hauled off of location for disposal. Crews continue to monitor and clean areas on and off well pad location. The operator is currently fishing for stuck tool and drill pipe. They are not producing or flaring gas at this time. I will continue to monitor activities until well is back in compliance.
1400800994 2014-05-22 Plug / Plug Back No Violations
1400835499 2014-05-23 Plug / Plug Back No Violations On site to witness Universal Well Services pump 300 cement plug on top of bridge plug once this task is completed they will come out of hole and set another bridge plug and then proceed to bond log 9.625 casing to determine accurate cement top on backside of casing.
1401733026 2014-06-02 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Compliance Notice Follow-up 1399294820: I arrived on location to do a follow-up inspection and to meet with Tony Long and Hollis Millard (C-
1402068787 2014-06-06 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations I was on location to meet with Blake Rouse and Tony Long. We walked the pad and discussed the next chain of events in regards to dismantling and cleaning the pads. There are various pieces of equipment on location however the rig and equipment have been moved to another county. Some of the house units still remain and we be moved by the end of the day. They will set up the pad cleaning containment area today. Once the pads are cleaned and removed, they will inspect the liner and issues underneath. They will then start removing the liner and begin digging pothole evaluation pits to determine the location of all subsurface issues leading to the two seeps on the slopes of the pad and the west and east laterals.
1402940090 2014-06-16 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Compliance Notice Follow-up 1399294820: I was on location with Tony Long to inspect the well pad following the complete removal of liner. There was minimal to no product found around the wellhead and the overall well pad was free of contamination. Some areas have minor staining. PDC plans on covering the pad with two felt and on plastic liner prior to bringing in completion crews on June 27. All areas will be monitored by C-K specialists during completions and around the clock until all equipment is removed offsite. I will continue to monitor the location.
1403632023 2014-06-24 Plug / Plug Back No Violations I stopped by location today and they were laying down and moving out the workover rig. They had just finished cleaning out the wells and had also installed the 2 7/8 production tubing.
1405969518 2014-07-21 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Compliance Notice Follow-up 1399294820: I walked the location and noticed some small areas of concern. The storage tanks up by the road had some minor breaches in the containment liners, however I was told that these tanks were to only be used for fresh water. There were also some small punctures in the liner on the wellpad. There was no noticeable sheen at any of the seep areas and the dam was being monitored on a regular basis. Two new sump pumps were installed at the two sediment traps for any rain events. I pointed out these issues to PDC EHS representative Tony Long and he stated that he would look into the areas of concern and meet with me this week. Completion operations were occurring while I was on location.
1407262608 2014-08-05 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Compliance Notice Follow-up 1399294820: I was on location with Jennifer Busby of C-K Associates in order to witness new test trench excavation. The trenched were upslope from the west lateral seep and about 50 downslope from the well pad. This trench was dug in order to evaluate the continued migration of product which is still showing up as a sheen in the stream. The trench was originally dug down 9 and around 50 long and 3 wide. There are several wet zones where the product is adsorbed on the surface of shale and siltstone interfaces. She then used an OV meter to test the extent of the product in the test trench which resulted in no reading on the upside of the trench. The consultants are going to continue to excavate test pits, study and monitor the areas around the well pad and streams in order to determine the best way to remediate the location. PDC is currently completing the two horizontals and plan to be finished in a week.
1410190827 2014-09-08 Plug / Plug Back No Violations PDC has removed all of the completion equipment off location and the wells are currently producing flowback water. The dike has been constructed and consists of six 500bbl tanks. Energy Services Corporation was installing equipment at the wellhead in order to monitor the surface casing pressures, and H & L Services was unloading flowback from one of the tanks. All of the storage tanks that were at the front near the entrance have been removed from location, and the operator has graded and seeded the area. Jennifer Busby, of C-K Associates, was present and stated that they are going to excavate more areas today and the rest of this week in order to further determine the extent of the product migration now that PDC has finished completing the well. She stated that the contamination is mostly on the perimeter of the pad and that PDC will most likely excavate these problem areas once they get more information.
1413474685 2014-10-16 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Compliance Notice Follow-up 1399294820: I was on location with Jennifer Busby of C-K Associates to witness the excavation and removal of product-saturated fill from the west side of the well pad. The dirt was being loaded into dump trucks and sent to Tunnel Hill Reclamation. At this point in time, over 2700 cubic yards of material have left location for the landfill. It was explained that they will continue to remove fill from the hot areas. C-K continues to sample and monitor all test areas and streams. EPA was out this week as well and has identified the presence of living aquatic creatures in and around the streams.
1415116714 2014-11-04 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Compliance Notice Follow-up 1399294820: I was on location for a site inspection. There were no visual signs of contamination on or around the wellpad, and the areas of excavation have been restored with vegetation.
1415656730 2014-05-24 Plug / Plug Back No Violations On site to witness the remaining plug job and to verify cement to surface and it stayed up good.
1419866099 2014-12-29 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Compliance Notice Follow-up 1399294820: I was on location for a site inspection. I walked the entire well pad and both laterals down to the dam. Operator has excavated a large pit in the west lateral from the stream to the well pad. The soil has been removed from the location. This is the location of the last test pit. They have placed silt fences in and around the entire area and have adsorbent material in the pit. There were no visible signs of product in this particular area. Silt fences were placed all around the perimeter of the wellpad and excavation areas. The east lateral had several sampling locations (ELS 14-A) just below the sump pit on the eastern swale and above Dam B where product was still visible. There were adsorbent pads in these locations. Down at Dam 1 there were adsorbent material lining the upside of the dam and product was visible on the surface of the water. The operator was still pumping water out of the monitoring well on the downside of the dam. Field person was on location and stated that they were still collecting product as a sheen from the well and around the dam. They frequently change out the adsorbent material.
1421350113 2015-01-15 Plug / Plug Back No Violations I was on location today with State geologist Rick Trippel, Theresa Wade. We met PDC Tony Long and CK Associated Keith Caywood for a full site inspection/update. They are currently excavating and hauling material from the east lateral just below the sediment trap #2. They are discovering areas of drilling fluid as well as areas with high PID readings. They will continue to excavate and remove the material until they reach zones that are under the designated limits. They will return tomorrow to remove the sediment basin.
1421443787 2015-01-16 Plug / Plug Back No Violations I was on location with Keith Caywood of CK and Associates. Energy Services Corporation personnel were operating the excavation equipment and had spent the day removing the east lateral sediment trap. The areas around the sediment trap had been excavated recently and the material has been removed to an appropriate landfill. ESC pumped the water from the trap up to a water truck. There were areas of high, low, and no PID reading in and around the sediment trap. The trap itself, once excavated, had very low readings and no major signs of product. Keith took soil and water samples in and around the area. PDC will remove all material showing signs of product in this area prior to restoration. They will move down to the dam at the end of January. I will continue to monitor their progress.
1422132650 2015-01-27 Plug / Plug Back No Violations I was on location with Engineers Ron Tivisonno and Andy Thomas to walk the pad and inspect the excavation and restoration areas. There were no crews on location at this time.
1425320224 2015-03-02 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Compliance Notice Follow-up 1399294820: I was on location with Tony Long (PDC), Hollis Millard (CK), Jerry Welch (DJ Construction), and Andy Thomas (ODNR DOGRM) in order to discuss the removal plan for Dam 1. Operator will begin by removing trees around the dam and prepping the site for construction. They will also prepare for dewatering the dam area prior to removal operations. This operation will take around 10 days to complete depending on the weather. A contingency work plan is in place for this operation.
1433870383 2015-06-08 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Compliance Notice Follow-up 1399294820: I was on location with Tony Long and Randall Ferguson (PDC), Hollis Millard (CK), Jerry Welch (DJ Construction), and Andy Thomas (ODNR DOGRM) to witness the beginning stages of the dam removal. A temporary collection dam was constructed upstream of Dam 1 to intercept runoff. Operator also constructed a temporary earthen berm and a temporary earthen underflow dam downstream of Dam 1 in order to reduce the potential for released hydrocarbon fluids or impacted sediment being transported downstream during the dam removal process. A pump and piping system was in place in order to intercept flow and dewater the excavation area if necessary. The excavation crew was in the process of removing the top layer of gravel from the dam. Erosion and sediment controls were in place throughout the work area. The upside of the dam was holding very little water at this time. There was no evidence of the product in the top layer of gravel.
1434035179 2015-06-10 Non Well No Violations Witnessed soil confirmation sampling at sediment trap 1 using Oil and Gas parameters. The dam below the site was also being removed today. The sediment in the pool above the dam was tested, found to contain no contaminates, mixed with sawdust, and stockpiled uphill to be composted in order to use as a top dressing once the reclamation has been completed. There is also a pile of topsoil and rip rap to be used for the reclamation work stockpiled on site. The top layer of the dam has been removed and was tested layer by layer until the contaminated soils from the original dam were found. The soil that was verified as contaminated is being bagged up and removed from the site to be hauled to an approved facility on roll off trailers. The lower catch basin and the three monitoring wells on the downhill side of the dam will remain in place until the work has been completed.
1467806142 2014-06-11 Plug / Plug Back No Violations I was on location to witness the beginning stages of liner removal and pothole excavation pit evaluation. The pit was located at the back middle of the well pad and was excavated down to 12 into virgin red clay. The top 6 consisted of 304 limestone and the rest of the profile consisted of broken rock and clay down to the red clay. The pit was dry and contained no product. C-K sent several of the samples in the first 5 off to the labs for analysis. The operator then filled the pit. Following pit excavations, the operator cut and removed a section of liner from the back of the well pad to the wellhead location and discarded it into a dumpster to be properly removed from location. I had them cut out a section of the felt adjacent to the wellhead, which was located underneath the plastic liner, in order to get a first glimpse at the condition of the limestone gravel. There were no puddles and minimal staining of product. PDC plans to continue removing the liner and felt in the next few days and excavating more test pits around the well pad location in order to get a better picture of what is taking place under the liner. They will then be able to correlate that data to the other areas of concern.
1532787579 2014-05-09 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations On site along with county inspector Jake Glascock to tour well pad and inspect faulty BOP stack and we walked the entire site to photograph containment dams in creek and make recommend placing containment around dirty water tanks that were used for clean up purposes from recent events that took place on well pad.
1671134647 2014-03-10 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations PDC had lost circulation issues while drilling the curve and lateral. They continued to lose mud while drilling so they set a cement plug from 5225-6425 using 466 sacks and skid the rig to the 2H. They plan on coming back to this well and possibly using a liner to control the thief zones in order to resume drilling the lateral.
1684512103 2014-05-23 Plug / Plug Back No Violations On site to witness setting of bridge plug and cementing of well, Universal Well Services pumped a total of 2048 sacks of cement during plugging operation and according to bond log cement top on backside of 9.625 was at ground level.
1787864939 2014-05-05 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations 0600: Safety meeting. Everyone on site was involved. It was held by Wild Well Control personnel. They gave explicit instructions about getting the cellar pumped out so that they could see down inside to determine the cause of the leak. The well was not blowing any drilling mud at this time, but still had tremendous gas pressure on it. They still could not see to determine the cause of the leak.

Universal Well Services were on site to perform any pumping that may be needed after a plan was in place. Accompanied by Inspector Jake Glascock.

1791972313 2015-06-17 Production Wells No Violations Stopped by site to assess the removal of Sediment Trap 1 and the upper dam. Pictures taken.
1838867012 2015-06-09 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Compliance Notice Follow-up 1399294820: I was on location with Hollis Millard (CK), Jerry Welch (DJ Construction), and a CEC representative. They had removed all of the gravel and over 6 of soil from the dam. There were no signs of product at this time. DJ was spreading the soil up slope from the dam. They were also adding sawdust to the upstream side of the dam in order to better solidify the material. This was then excavated and transported just up slope where it was spread in a designated area. Erosion and sediment controls were in place. Excavation was also taking place at the west lateral sediment trap and catch dam. CK associate Hollis Millard tested the soil underneath the riprap with a PID meter and had no detection of product. There was small readings of VOCs with the meter in the sediment trap which were being excavated and removed to lined storage containers. Tomorrow, CK will collect confirmation soil samples to the extent appropriate for analysis of benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) from the dam and sediment trap.
1859041712 2016-01-05 Production Wells No Violations On my inspection today I was accompanied by Tony Long with PDC, Jake Glascock, and Andy Thomas with ODNR for a compliance notice follow up and site review. This well pad is equipped with three well heads and a tank battery with six 400 bbl tanks and two separators. The land owner has put fencing along the outsides of the well pad. Vegetation has been established around the well pad, and the land owner currently has cattle grazing along the slopes. There were no signs of contamination along the West Lateral, Unnamed Tributary, and the East Lateral. Dam One has been excavated and reduced in size. There is a culvert in place and no signs of any contamination. Vegetation around Dam One has been restored. There are no issues at this time and the operator is now in compliance.
2054898290 2015-02-10 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Compliance Notice Follow-up 1399294820: I was on location with CK & Associates Geologist Jennifer Busby. We walked and inspected the east lateral for signs of sheen. Between sediment trap twos location and sample location ELS-15A, there was a seep that was giving off a strong drilling fluid odor. Jennifer plans on getting excavation group together this week to properly remove this material.
2124647262 2014-05-28 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations PDC is currently tearing dowm and cleaning the H & P rig. They will be moving off location on Tuesday.
370724392 2014-7-31 0:00: PB No Violations
399851492 2015-2-26 0:00: PW No Violations 5.00
521438614 2014-5-20 0:00: DD No Violations
620066483 2014-5-4 0:00:0 DD No Violations 7.50
770621939 2014-5-8 0:00:0 DD No Violations
869287828 2014-5-19 0:00: DD No Violations
919432895 2014-7-31 0:00: PW No Violations 2.50
933373937 2014-5-28 0:00: DD No Violations
94606286 2015-1-13 0:00: PB No Violations
972645314 2014-5-6 0:00:0 DD No Violations 6.00

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
0620066483 US-OH-126994 2016-01-08 Drilling operation causing pollution and contamination
1399294820 US-OH-111832 2014-05-21 Drilling operation causing pollution and contamination

For data sources see[3]
