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Well Details

Well ID: 34-117-23972
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Morrow
Municipality: Bennington Township
Well Pad ID:
License Status: Producing
License Date: 1990-11-27
Spud Date: 1991-01-20
Spud Drilling Contractor: LBJ DRILLING
Final Drill Date: 1991-06-12
Well Total Depth: 3443.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.360000
Longitude: -82.810000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Oil and Gas 1990-07-23 Issued Date 7/23/90 Expired Date 7/23/91 Acres 0020000 Tool Type CRAF Proposed Formation TREMPEALEAU Proposed Depth 03443 Proposed Drill Depth 03443
CO 1990-11-27 121 HORTIN & HUFFMAN PET GEOL GeoDate 11/27/90
Oil and Gas 1990-11-27 Issued Date 11/27/90 Expired Date 11/27/91 Acres 0020000 Tool Type RTAF Proposed Formation TREMPEALEAU Proposed Depth 03443 Proposed Drill Depth 03443
Original Spud 1991-01-20 CHANGED STATUS FROM FR TO PR 2/10/06 JG RO 12-1-90, CHG FOOTAGE 9-7-91
Completed 1991-06-12 CHANGED STATUS FROM FR TO PR 2/10/06 JG RO 12-1-90, CHG FOOTAGE 9-7-91
Reached Total Depth 1991-06-12 CHANGED STATUS FROM FR TO PR 2/10/06 JG RO 12-1-90, CHG FOOTAGE 9-7-91
CO 1991-06-13 121 HORTIN & HUFFMAN PET GEOL GeoDate 7/23/90
Completion Report Received 1991-06-24 CHANGED STATUS FROM FR TO PR 2/10/06 JG RO 12-1-90, CHG FOOTAGE 9-7-91
Construction Permit Expires 1991-11-27 CHANGED STATUS FROM FR TO PR 2/10/06 JG RO 12-1-90, CHG FOOTAGE 9-7-91
Change of Owner 1999-06-01 Operator changed from 121, HORTIN & HUFFMAN PET GEOL to 3941, FISHBURN PRODUCING INC
Record Last Modified 2017-02-15 CHANGED STATUS FROM FR TO PR 2/10/06 JG RO 12-1-90, CHG FOOTAGE 9-7-91

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
1997-06-29 3362 0
3362 0
2006-09-11 3363 3370 14
3363 3370 14
3362 0

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
ACID 0 1500 Gal 0 ACIDIZED W/1500 GAL HCL

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1991 HORTIN & HUFFMAN PET GEOL 0.00 10974.00 180
1992 HORTIN & HUFFMAN PET GEOL 6171.00 8079.00 365
1993 HORTIN & HUFFMAN PET GEOL 0.00 10709.00 365
1994 HORTIN & HUFFMAN PET GEOL 2531.00 8565.00 301
1995 HORTIN & HUFFMAN PET GEOL 2639.00 7091.00 364
1997 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 772.00 2507.00 330
1998 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 1169.00 320
1999 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 448.00 350
2000 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 955.00 300
2001 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 669.00 320
2002 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 1172.00 300
2003 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 823.00 260
2004 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 0.00 224
2005 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 1424.00 320
2006 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 2170.00 279
2007 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 1379.00 325
2008 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 0.00 302
2009 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 169.00 300
2010 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 694.00 280
2011 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 847.00 310
2012 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 490.00 192
2013 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 1214.00 240
2014 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 1705.00 290
2015 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 1028.00 280
2016 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 710.00 285
2017 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 1509.00 307
2018 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC 0.00 330.00 194

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1991 HORTIN & HUFFMAN PET GEOL Brine 1080 180
1992 HORTIN & HUFFMAN PET GEOL Brine 43400 365
1993 HORTIN & HUFFMAN PET GEOL Brine 5370 365
1994 HORTIN & HUFFMAN PET GEOL Brine 6420 301
1995 HORTIN & HUFFMAN PET GEOL Brine 7005 364
1997 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 2420 330
1998 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 7715 320
1999 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 7320 350
2000 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 6390 300
2001 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 7200 320
2002 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 7835 300
2003 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 6600 260
2004 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 6215 224
2005 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 9830 320
2006 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 8630 279
2007 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 9370 325
2008 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 10415 302
2009 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 7460 300
2010 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 8220 280
2011 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 9365 310
2012 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 6530 192
2013 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 10910 240
2014 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 10360 290
2015 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 11110 280
2016 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 9540 285
2017 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 9580 307
2018 FISHBURN PRODUCING INC Brine 7015 194

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1330208918 2012-8-6 0:00:0 PW No Violations
-1438509889 2020-5-8 0:00:0 PW No Violations
-1632382745 2014-2-10 0:00: PW No Violations
-2018824445 2018-11-19 0:00 PW No Violations
-263565140 2018-8-3 0:00:0 PW No Violations
-50180928 2019-4-24 0:00: PW No Violations
-582174971 2018-3-5 0:00:0 PW No Violations
-662934723 2019-9-17 0:00: PW No Violations
-922973822 2020-6-23 0:00: PW No Violations
0000003159 Final Restoration No Violations PASSED WITNESSED 4/22/91 INSPECTOR S. FAUST DATE 04/2219/91 DATA FROM OLD VAX INFO
0000011293 Preliminary Restoration No Violations PASSED Y WITNESSED 3/27/92 INSPECTOR FAUST, SAMUEL E. DATE 03/2719/92 DATA FROM OLD VAX INFO
0000011294 Final Restoration No Violations PASSED WITNESSED 4/22/91 INSPECTOR S. FAUST DATE 04/2219/91 DATA FROM OLD VAX INFO
0000DP6543 Final Restoration No Violations Final Restoration done information from Data Point
0050180928 2019-04-24 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Fuller #1 (#3972) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok. The well was pumping at the time of inspection.
0263565140 2018-08-03 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Fuller #1 (#3972) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
0265867587 2014-12-09 Work Over Reconditioning No Violations The operator is on the well for work over.
0424874743 2015-02-24 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Fuller #1 (#3972) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok, the site is snow covered.
0582174971 2018-03-05 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Fuller #1 (#3972) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok. The well was pumping at the time of inspection.
0992651746 2018-03-05 Brine Hauler No Violations Inspected Fishburn Services brine truck #114 loading brine on location. BRINE, UIC number and other information clearly and properly displayed. Hauling to SWIW #45.
1052927964 2003-05-14 Production Wells No Violations Well has pump jack and is pumping.
11293 PL No Violations
11294 FR No Violations
1330208918 2012-08-06 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Fuller Unit #1 (#3972) as part of a standard productive well status check. The well is being pumped by a green Alten gas powered pump jack. The storage consists of two 210 barrel (#38184 and #37183) tanks a brine tank and a silver painted separator. The well identification is located at both the storage and well. The tanks have recently been tagged with graffiti.
1362515094 2013-03-05 Production Wells No Violations Check well location, storage and identification. Status: Ok.
1385054299 2020-7-29 0:00: PW No Violations
1391527102 2014-02-04 Work Over Reconditioning No Violations Fishburn service rig is on the well for work over.
1632382745 2014-02-10 Production Wells No Violations Location Information. ENTRANCE: Lat. 40.40335 Long. -82.86937 / WELL HEAD: Lat. 40.36502 Long. -82.81066 / CENTER-OF-STORAGE: Lat. 40.36150 Long. -82.80796.
1779122844 2014-02-10 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Fuller #1 (#3972) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: the well is currently out-of-service, the rods and tubing have been pulled and the service rig has moved off location.
2018824445 2018-11-19 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Fuller #1 (#3972) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
265867587 2014-12-9 0:00: WR No Violations
3159 FR No Violations
424874743 2015-2-24 0:00: PW No Violations
992651746 2018-3-5 0:00:0 BH No Violations
DP6543 FR No Violations

For data sources see[9]
