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Well Details

Well ID: 34-117-24252
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Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Morrow
Municipality: Perry Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: SEI K & B LANKER
License Status: Final Restoration
License Date: 2016-12-29
Spud Date: 2012-11-14
Spud Drilling Contractor: KILBARGER DRLG
Final Drill Date: 2012-11-26
Well Total Depth: 3984.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.580000
Longitude: -82.650000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
APP 2012-09-05 Proposed Formations:UTICA THRU TREMPEALEAU, Issued Date:9/5/2012, Expired Date:9/5/2014 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:40, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:POOL
Reached Total Depth 2012-11-26 LOCATION UPDATED PER SURVEYOR COORDINATES 06/29/17 ALE.
Completion Report Received 2013-03-18 LOCATION UPDATED PER SURVEYOR COORDINATES 06/29/17 ALE.
Change of Owner 2016-11-10 Operator changed from 1146, SCION ENERGY, INC. to 476, MARAM ENERGY CO
APP 2016-12-29 Proposed Formations:TREMEPEALEAU, Issued Date:12/29/2016, Expired Date:12/29/2018 12:00:00 PM, Drilling unit acres:40, Proposed Well Type:OG, Proposed Well Class:
Plugged/Abandoned 2018-04-11 LOCATION UPDATED PER SURVEYOR COORDINATES 06/29/17 ALE.
Record Last Modified 2018-08-14 LOCATION UPDATED PER SURVEYOR COORDINATES 06/29/17 ALE.
Construction Permit Expires 2018-12-29 LOCATION UPDATED PER SURVEYOR COORDINATES 06/29/17 ALE.

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2013-03-19 3914 3924 58
3914 3924 58
3914 3924 58

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
2013-01-09 ACID 15 2000 Gal 0 Producers Service Corporation

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2013 SCION ENERGY INC 0.00 60.00 365
2014 SCION ENERGY INC 854.00 121.00 365
2015 SCION ENERGY INC 0.00 0.00 0
2016 MARAM ENERGY INC 0.00 0.00 0
2017 MARAM ENERGY INC 0.00 0.00 0
2018 MARAM ENERGY INC 0.00 0.00 0

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
2013 SCION ENERGY INC Brine 1378 365
2014 SCION ENERGY INC Brine 3640 365
2015 SCION ENERGY INC Brine 0 0
2016 MARAM ENERGY INC Brine 90 0
2017 MARAM ENERGY INC Brine 900 0
2018 MARAM ENERGY INC Brine 360 0

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1018704140 2018-4-9 0:00:0 BH No Violations
-115332864 2012-11-14 0:00 DD No Violations
-1174948583 2017-1-5 0:00:0 PB No Violations
-1231306654 2013-1-25 0:00: CT No Violations
-1270749028 2013-2-5 0:00:0 CT No Violations
-1570015680 2018-4-10 0:00: PB No Violations
-1948569600 2012-11-15 0:00 DD No Violations
-2074013658 2018-4-20 0:00: PB No Violations
-208331334 2017-1-17 0:00: PW No Violations
-714039788 2013-1-2 0:00:0 PL No Violations
-830385061 2017-4-26 0:00: PW No Violations
-99262001 2012-11-23 0:00 DD No Violations
0099262001 2012-11-23 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Kilbarger #1 back to drilling 1810 on fluid.
0115332864 2012-11-14 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Kilbarger #1 is on location and rigging up. Miller roustabout delivered new conductor and surface casing.
0208331334 2017-01-17 Production Wells No Violations The operator has posted their own identification and emergency contact information. Status: ok.
0239441408 2017-04-26 Brine Hauler No Violations Inspect Knox Brine Disposal brine truck #2 parked on location. Red Volvo cab with white tank, black lettering. UIC-338 and BRINE and other identification properly marked.
0358686107 2018-04-11 Plug / Plug Back No Violations 9:17 am Cemenco hooked-up, broke circulation and pumped 10 bbls of fresh water ahead to clear casing, mixed and displaced straight Class A cement plug #2 (Newburg 1760-1560), Plug Down: 9:32 am. Maram laid down casing and shut down to wait-on-cement. 10:30 am Cemenco hooked-up, broke circulation and mixed and displaced Class A cement plug #3 (Big Lime 1375-1175) Plug Down: 10:42 am. Maram laid down casing. 11:25 am Cemenco hooked-up and swept surface casing clean with 30 bbls fresh water ahead at 3/5 bbls/min. Mixed and displaced Class A cement plug #4 (bottom-of-surface 785-585), Plug Down: 11:35 am. Maram laid down casing. 12:09 pm Cemenco hooked up and circulated Class A cement to surface plug #5 (120-0), Plug Down 12:17 pm. Plugging operations co-witnessed by Maram field representative Mr. Josh Chase. **The K&B Lanker #4 (#4252) is officially plugged and abandoned**
0510432614 2012-11-13 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Miller roustabout is digging the pits. Kilbarger #1 schedule to begin moving in Wednesday 11/14/2012.
0631589159 2012-11-19 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations 11/18/2012 Kilbarger #1 at 1756. Shut down for Thanksgiving Holiday.
0712049692 2017-06-22 Production Wells No Violations Operator setting up pump jack and making final adjustments to put well back into production after servicing and cleaning out well.
0714039788 2013-01-02 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Miller roustabout has filled and compacted the drilling pits. Drilling equipment removed, site is clean and well is currently undergoing completion testing. Preliminary restoration complete.
0830385061 2017-04-26 Production Wells No Violations Location Information for the Lanker #4 (#4252). WELL HEAD: Lat. 40.58529 Long. -82.65696 / CENTER-OF-STORAGE: Lat. 40.58643 Long. -82.65459 / ENTRANCE: Lat. 40.58656 Long. -82.65863.
1018704140 2018-04-09 Brine Hauler No Violations Inspect Knox Brine Disposal brine truck providing fresh water for plugging operations. UIC 24-338, BRINE and other identification clearly and properly displayed.
1174948583 2017-01-05 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Plug permit received. Issued: 12/29/2016 Expires: 12/29/2018
1231306654 2013-01-25 Completion Testing No Violations Berry well service has moved off location. Scion currently testing well.
1249755476 2015-10-29 Production Wells No Violations No change in status from previous inspection.
1270749028 2013-02-05 Completion Testing No Violations Berry well service is on the well performing service work. A green New River pump jack has been delivered to the location and is being prepped for installation.
1350918579 2012-10-22 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Miller roustabout continues to build the location, topsoil has been removed and silt fence erosion control is in place.
1351614264 2012-10-30 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Location is built, waiting on Kilbarger #1.
1353079111 2012-11-16 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Kilbarger #1 back to drilling 11 inch surface hole on air.
1353341822 2012-11-17 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Kilbarger #1 reach total depth on surface hole 717 on air (9:20pm). 1:00 am Os power tongs finish running surface casing at 685. 2:00 am Formation cementing rigging up, gain circulation, pump cement to surface, plug down 3:00 am. Rig down and wait on cement.
1353957618 2012-11-26 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Kilbarger #1 drilling ahead 3804 on fluid.
1354028500 2012-11-27 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Kilbarger #1 reached total depth at 3984 in the Trempealeau. Appalachian logged well. Ran used, tested, 4.5 casing to 3966 with latch down at 3961, Formation cemented with 140 sacks Class A plug down 9:30 pm.
1357151551 2013-01-02 Completion Testing No Violations Berry well service has moved on the well for completion testing.
1413566770 2014-10-17 Production Wells No Violations The operator has removed the pump jack from the well.
1474569793 2016-09-22 Production Wells Violations Noted Inspected the K & B Lanker #4 (#4252) as a complaint of an idle well from the landowner. The pumping unit has been removed and no production was reported in 2015. The K & B Lanker #4 is incapable of production and shall be plugged. **Scion Energy shall submit a written plugging schedule to Eric Daugstrup at Division of Oil & Gas Resource Management, 116 E. High St. Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050-3402 within 30 days, per OAC 1501:9-11-05(B), and plug the well within 180 days. The well owner/operator will be notified if the plugging schedule is approved or denied.**
1490794834 2017-03-27 Production Wells No Violations Maram Energy service rig has moved onto location for plugging.
1523293874 2018-04-09 Plug / Plug Back No Violations 9:33 am Cemenco hooked-up to the 2.375 inch tubing, gained circulation and pumped 50 barrels of fresh water ahead at a rate of 5 bbls/min to clear the casing. Mixed and displaced straight Class A cement plug #1 (Trempealeau 3960-3560) inside 4.5 inch production casing, Plug Down: 9:48 am. Maram laid down the tubing, emptied the lined workover pit and shut down for the day.
1570015680 2018-04-10 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Maram ran-in-hole and tagged plug #1 top at 3560 feet. Jet Wireline ran inside 4.5 inch production casing and ran bond log to find free point. Free pipe at 1850 (shale was collapsed in), shot off casing at 1826. Maram laid down casing to 1760 and shut down for the day.
1605504884 2018-03-29 Plug / Plug Back No Violations Maram service rig is on the well to begin plugging operations. Pump jack removed, pulling the rods. Valid plugging permit.
1827827952 2017-09-13 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Lanker #4 (#4252) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well. Status: ok.
1948569600 2012-11-15 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Kilbarger #1 spud at 10:30 pm 11/14/2012. Reach total depth on 17.5 conductor hole 158 at 12 pm 11/15/2012. Run 4 joints 11.75 conductor set at 156 feet. 5:00 pm Formation on location to cement conductor pipe. Formation break circulation and pump cement, excellent returns. Plug down 5:55 pm. Shut down and wait on cement.
1979277142 2014-04-22 Production Wells No Violations Inspected the Lanker #4 (#4252) as part of a standard production well status check. Inspect well, storage and identification. Status: ok.
2033944196 2012-10-16 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Miller Roustabout has begun building the location.
2056635298 2018-05-21 Final Restoration No Violations Inspected the Lanker #4 (#4252) as part of a standard final restoration status check. The electric pole and box have been removed at the entrance. The existing storage is commingled with the Lanker #1 (#4228. Status: received signed landowner waiver (form 5) for the following waived items. 1) establish vegetation at wellsite-the well is in farm ground. 2) backfill and grade access road-culvert and stone access will be left 50 from Twp. Rd. 87. 3) remove production facility equipment-2 flowline left underground, to prevent tile damage. Final restoration complete.
2074013658 2018-04-20 Plug / Plug Back No Violations The operator cut off casing, welded on a identification plate and buried the well, closed the workover pit and graded the wellsite and lease road.
2096534248 2012-11-24 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Drilling ahead on fluid at 2693 with 7.875 PDC bit. Stratagraph mudlogging trailer on location.
2113579010 2017-04-26 Production Wells No Violations The operators service rig was on the well to begin plugging operations and decided to place the well back into production for testing. The service rig has moved off location and the well is awaiting arrival of a pump jack. This was cleared with the landowner/complainant. Status: violation and complaint cleared.
239441408 2017-4-26 0:00: BH No Violations
358686107 2018-4-11 0:00: PB No Violations
510432614 2012-11-13 0:00 DD No Violations
631589159 2012-11-19 0:00 DD No Violations
712049692 2017-6-22 0:00: PW No Violations

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
1474569793 US-OH-113609 2017-05-11 NONE Well shall be plugged

For data sources see[9]
