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Well ID: 34-127-23311 | ![]() Sorry, we have no imagery here. Sorry, we have no imagery here. ![]() |
Country: United States | |
State: Ohio | |
County: Perry | |
Municipality: Hopewell Township | |
Operator Name: PALERMO PATRICIA | |
Well Pad ID: | |
Farm/Lease Name: BUSSE CLAYTON | |
License Status: Domestic Well | |
License Date: 1973-06-05 | |
Spud Date: 1973-06-08 | |
Spud Drilling Contractor: | |
Final Drill Date: 1973-07-06 | |
Well Total Depth: 2128.00 ft | |
Configuration: Vertical | |
Latitude: 39.840000 | |
Longitude: -82.250000 |
For data sources see[1]
Well Status | Well Status Date | Comment |
CO | 1973-06-05 | 1554 O'HARE-LEWIS OIL CO GeoDate 6/5/73 |
Original Spud | 1973-06-08 | |
Completed | 1973-07-06 | |
Reached Total Depth | 1973-07-06 | |
Change of Owner | 2015-06-02 | Operator changed from 1554, OHARE-LEWIS OIL CO to 9489, PALERMO PATRICIA |
Record Last Modified | 2015-06-02 |
For data sources see[2]
Stimulation Date | Chemical Agent | Chemical Agent Concentration (%) | Fracking Fluid Volume | Mass of Proppant Used (lb) | Fracking Company | Comments |
H2O | 0 | 1583 Bbl | 11300 | PUMPED 35.5 BPM AT 1100 PSI. |
For data sources see[3]
Period | Operator Name | Gas Quantity (mcf) | Oil Quantity (bbl) | Production Days |
1984 | JADOIL INC D VERNAU | 0.00 | 212.00 | 0 |
1985 | JADOIL INC D VERNAU | 0.00 | 189.00 | 365 |
1986 | JADOIL INC D VERNAU | 0.00 | 223.00 | 365 |
1987 | JADOIL INC D VERNAU | 0.00 | 148.00 | 135 |
1988 | JADOIL INC D VERNAU | 0.00 | 119.00 | 100 |
Period | Operator Name | Waste Type | Quantity (bbl) | Production Days |
1984 | JADOIL INC D VERNAU | Brine | 55 | 0 |
1985 | JADOIL INC D VERNAU | Brine | 0 | 365 |
1986 | JADOIL INC D VERNAU | Brine | 30 | 365 |
1987 | JADOIL INC D VERNAU | Brine | 26 | 135 |
1988 | JADOIL INC D VERNAU | Brine | 20 | 100 |
Inspection ID | Inspection Date | Inspection Type | Inspection Result | Inspection Comments |
-1609676885 | 2014-3-13 0:00: | PW | No Violations | 1.00 |
-586944922 | 2013-10-31 0:00 | PW | No Violations | 1.00 |
-978138946 | 2017-2-1 0:00:0 | PW | No Violations | |
0586944922 | 2013-10-31 | Production Wells | No Violations | I talked with Clayton Busse a couple of weeks ago. I let him know he needed to get identification on this well and get the ownership changed to his name. I stopped by this well to check on it. The ID has not been fixed. I left a note at his house with the permit number and well number for him. I gave him the guys phone number to contact who has the well on his bond. Clayton took this well over after his dad passed. He did not no that the well was not in there name. |
0978138946 | 2017-02-01 | Production Wells | No Violations | I was on location today to do a domestic well inspection on the Busse Clayton #2-J. The well has a pumping unit on it with rods and 2 inch diameter tubing in it. The well is currently hooked up and appears to be in use at this time. There are no violations to report on this well. |
1361564217 | 2013-02-22 | Production Wells | Violations Noted | The well has a pumping unit on it with rods and 2 tubing. There is no identification on the well or the tank. There needs to be identification on one or the other with owner, lease name, well number, permit number, county and emergency telephone number. I talked with the owner of OHARE-LEWIS OIL CO, and he said that a John Busse owned the wells. He also told me that John Busse has passed away. Will have to find who owns the well now. The last production report was from 1988. |
1418062776 | 2014-12-08 | Exempt Well Pre Transfer | No Violations | I was asked by Columbus to do an Exempt Well Pre Transfer on this well. The well is currently being used and is capable of providing domestic gas to the land owner. There are no violations at this time. |
1609676885 | 2014-03-13 | Production Wells | No Violations | I went out to this well to see if Mr. Busse has put an ID on the well yet and to see if he has had the well transferred over in his name. From my understanding he has owned the well since his dad passed away. His dad is the original owner but the well was in Ohare-Lewis Oil Co name because of the bond I believe. The last time I talked with Clayton he said he would get it transferred to his name. I left my card at the barn and his house on the farm. |
1865057322 | 2014-12-08 | Production Wells | No Violations | This well is in compliance. The land owner is the one who has been operating the well for the last several years and he is getting the wells transferred over to him. |
Inspection ID | Violation ID | Violation Date | Violation Code | Violation Comments |
1361564217 | US-OH-110517 | 2014-12-11 | Failure to legibly identify well |
For data sources see[8]