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Well ID: 34-129-20059 | Loading map...
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Country: United States | |
State: Ohio | |
County: Pickaway | |
Municipality: Pickaway Township | |
Well Pad ID: | |
Farm/Lease Name: BJM COMPANY INC (SWIW#6) | |
License Status: Active Injection | |
License Date: 2000-07-10 | |
Spud Date: 1994-05-16 | |
Spud Drilling Contractor: KILBARGER DRLG | |
Final Drill Date: 1994-05-21 | |
Well Total Depth: 2518.00 ft | |
Configuration: Vertical | |
Latitude: 39.540000 | |
Longitude: -82.990000 |
For data sources see[1]
Well Status | Well Status Date | Comment |
Oil and Gas | 1994-05-13 | Issued Date 5/14/94 Expired Date 5/14/95 Acres 0020000 Tool Type RTAF Proposed Formation KNOX, KERBEL, ROME Proposed Depth 02518 Proposed Drill Depth 02518 |
Original Spud | 1994-05-16 | RBDMS Rec |
Completed | 1994-05-21 | RBDMS Rec |
Reached Total Depth | 1994-05-21 | RBDMS Rec |
CO | 1994-06-11 | 98 NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. GeoDate 5/13/94 |
Completion Report Received | 1994-06-15 | RBDMS Rec |
APP | 2000-07-10 | Proposed Formations:ROSE RUN, Issued Date:7/10/00, Expired Date:7/10/01 6:00:00 AM, Drilling unit acres:20, Proposed Well Type:SWD, Proposed Well Class:SWIW |
Annulus Pressure Monitoring Approved | 2000-10-06 | RBDMS Rec |
Construction Permit Expires | 2001-07-10 | RBDMS Rec |
Change of Owner | 2006-01-23 | Operator changed from 98, NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. to 1987, EXPLORE ENERGY CORP. |
Change of Owner | 2008-03-07 | Operator changed from 1987, EXPLORE ENERGY CORP. to 8347, WE ENERGY LLC |
Last Compliance Report | 2008-05-12 | RBDMS Rec |
Record Last Modified | 2017-02-15 | RBDMS Rec |
For data sources see[2]
Perforation Date | Interval Top (ft) | Interval Base (ft) | Number of Shots |
2000-08-14 | 2504 | 2519 | 0 |
2504 | 2519 | 0 | |
2504 | 2519 | 0 |
For data sources see[3]
Stimulation Date | Chemical Agent | Chemical Agent Concentration (%) | Fracking Fluid Volume | Mass of Proppant Used (lb) | Fracking Company | Comments |
0 | 0 | 0 | NOT TREATED |
For data sources see[4]
Period | Operator Name | Gas Quantity (mcf) | Oil Quantity (bbl) | Production Days |
1994 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | 0.00 | 1292.00 | 0 |
1995 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | 0.00 | 445.00 | 365 |
1996 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | 0.00 | 334.00 | 365 |
1997 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | 0.00 | 406.00 | 365 |
1998 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | 0.00 | 115.00 | 365 |
1999 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | 0.00 | 0.00 | 365 |
2000 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0 |
2001 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | 0.00 | 0.00 | 365 |
2002 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | 0.00 | 111.00 | 365 |
2003 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | 0.00 | 0.00 | 365 |
2004 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | 0.00 | 0.00 | 365 |
2005 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | 0.00 | 0.00 | 365 |
2006 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | 0.00 | 0.00 | 365 |
2009 | WE ENERGY LLC | 0.00 | 0.00 | 245 |
Period | Operator Name | Waste Type | Quantity (bbl) | Production Days |
1994 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | Brine | 620 | 0 |
1995 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | Brine | 140 | 365 |
1996 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | Brine | 1803 | 365 |
1997 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | Brine | 1797 | 365 |
1998 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | Brine | 908 | 365 |
1999 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | Brine | 365 | |
2000 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | Brine | 70 | |
2001 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2002 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | Brine | 130 | 365 |
2003 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2004 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2005 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2006 | NGO DEVELOPMENT CORP. | Brine | 0 | 365 |
2009 | WE ENERGY LLC | Brine | 5145 | 245 |
Inspection ID | Inspection Date | Inspection Type | Inspection Result | Inspection Comments |
-1266883740 | 2006-10-26 0:00 | SW | No Violations | |
-1291161568 | 2016-4-12 0:00: | SW | No Violations | 3.00 |
-1310885949 | 2016-3-7 0:00:0 | SW | No Violations | 4.00 |
-1446456374 | 2002-1-31 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
-1561974437 | 2007-9-28 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
-1611859616 | 2019-3-18 0:00: | SW | No Violations | 3.50 |
-1653896388 | 2001-11-20 0:00 | SW | No Violations | |
-1797379444 | 2008-1-16 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
-1948479413 | 2019-3-25 0:00: | SW | No Violations | 3.50 |
-1959301181 | 2006-3-15 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
-2010383072 | 2009-3-31 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
-2031942746 | 2015-1-30 0:00: | SW | No Violations | 2.50 |
-2044141935 | 2015-4-29 0:00: | SW | No Violations | 2.00 |
-2092430783 | 2018-3-15 0:00: | SW | No Violations | 2.00 |
-233129576 | 2003-10-21 0:00 | SW | No Violations | |
-261412215 | 2020-2-27 0:00: | SW | No Violations | 2.10 |
-329398520 | 2001-7-5 0:00:0 | SW | No Violations | 1.00 |
-388163387 | 2019-12-10 0:00 | SW | No Violations | 2.50 |
-426344588 | 2017-11-24 0:00 | SW | No Violations | 0.50 |
-436335578 | 2010-8-10 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
-499676285 | 2014-2-27 0:00: | SW | No Violations | 1.00 |
-505642339 | 2020-6-3 0:00:0 | SW | No Violations | 2.00 |
-721405884 | 2007-9-12 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
-898296840 | 2020-8-13 0:00: | SW | No Violations | 2.50 |
-918692864 | 2008-5-9 0:00:0 | SW | No Violations | |
-932096171 | 2017-6-2 0:00:0 | SW | No Violations | 1.00 |
-954943869 | 2001-3-28 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
-978544743 | 2019-10-24 0:00 | SW | No Violations | 1.70 |
-980904367 | 2011-6-29 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
0000020285 | Preliminary Restoration | No Violations | PASSED Y WITNESSED 12/21/94 INSPECTOR BOB MARTIN DATE 12/2119/94 DATA FROM OLD VAX INFO | |
0001248i25 | 2001-03-28 | Salt Water Injection Well | Violations Noted | Well is in operation and no identification is posted at the well head and/or the storage tank as required. Well is in violation of 1509.05 ORC and 1501:9-3-06 (G) OAC. |
0001248i29 | 2001-07-05 | Salt Water Injection Well | Violations Noted | ID POSTED ON THE STORAGE TANK IS INELIGIBLE AND NEEDS TO BE REPOSTED. WELL HEAD NEEDS TO BE IDENTIFIED. |
001248i100 | 2001-10-31 | Salt Water Injection Well | Violations Noted | VIOLATION: NO ID POSTED AT THE WELL HEAD, AND/OR THE STORAGE TANK. |
001248i199 | 2002-01-31 | Salt Water Injection Well | Violations Noted | WEATHER CONDITIONS: Partly cloudy 50 degrees. Inspection revealed annulus has ZERO (0) PRESSURE, AND IS ON A VACUUM. I timed this for 33 seconds before it equalized. The tubing has ZERO (0) PRESSURE. Im unable to determine if it is on a vacuum or not. NO ID Posted at the well and/or the tank battery. The dike at the storage tank has fluid in it. The pressure gauge on the discharge line shows approx. 100 PSI. At 10:20 A.M. I called Tim Russell (740)504-6706 I left a message advising him to call me in regards to the violations. |
001248i226 | 2002-02-19 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | WEATHER CONDITIONS: Cloudy ans 43 Degrees. Follow-up revealed owner has remoed the fluids from the dike and reposted the ID sign on the storage tank. The owner has a small tag wired on to the well head with Lease name, well No. SWIW #6 one side and SWIW #6 ,and P.N. 0059 on the other side. (see photo) |
001248i300 | 2002-03-18 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | WEATHER CONDITIONS: Cloudy and 48 degrees. OWNER HAS FAILED TO POST THE PROPER ID AT THE WELL HEAD AS REQUIRED. |
001248i394 | 2002-05-16 | Salt Water Injection Well | Violations Noted | Inspection revealed incomplete ID posted at the well head. Owner needs to place a complete identification sign on the well head and/or on a post at the well head. Fluid inside the dike at the storage tank needs to be disposed of in an approved manner. Copy of report left at site. WEATHER CONDITIONS: Cloudy and 61 degrees. |
001248i425 | 2002-06-26 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Inspection revealed No violations noted this date. Well not running. WEATHER CONDITIONS: Mostly sunny and 86 degrees. Owner needs to pump fluids out of the dike area. Left a note at the electric box. |
0062710086 | 2004-01-13 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Sign on tank has faded and unable to read, dike around salt water tank 2/3 full of water which is frozen.
- Signs on production tank have also faded unable to read. - Cover on pump has been removed and is frozen in water. Meter reading 690065 = 16430 barrels annulus 140 psi injection 0 psi - Weather low 30 to high 20 windy cloudy. Will mail operator notice on signs and dike with water. |
0062790681 | 2008-06-11 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - ID at well and on water tank.
- injection pressure 0 psi injection on vacuum annulus 580 psi - No water meter |
0076762797 | 2011-01-20 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations |
- ID at well and tank - Annulus pressure 420 injection 0 vacuum No water meter. - Water line from tank to injection pump disconnected. - Dike area has a small amount of water in it. - Weather partly sunny Temp 20s snowing frozen ground. |
0104031099 | 2004-10-14 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Well area clean, water in dike around water tank
- Well and tank has ID in place. - Pump not operating while on site. Meter reading 810096 gal = 19288 barrels |
0233129576 | 2003-10-21 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - On site for inspection, pump operating while on site.
- Dike around water tank over 2/3 full contacted operator left voice message at office and with Tim Russell. - Meter reading 644720 gal. = 15350.4 barrels flow reading 5.23 Injection psi 300 annulus psi 140 |
0252567143 | 2012-08-08 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - ID on well and tank, Dike free of water. Annulus pressure 520 injection pressure 0 vacuum water meter reading 48410 gallons = 1,152 barrels |
0329398520 | 2001-07-05 | Salt Water Injection Well | Violations Noted | FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1248i29 ID POSTED ON THE STORAGE TANK IS INELIGIBLE AND NEEDS TO BE REPOSTED. WELL HEAD NEEDS TO BE IDENTIFIED. |
0352993017 | 2009-06-10 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Annulus pressure 520 injection pressure 0 No water meter. ID on well and tank, small amount of water in dike area. |
0426344588 | 2017-11-24 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | My inspection revealed the salt water injection well had 340 psi on the annulus and the injection tubing was on vacuum. The master valve on the tubing was in the on position. The tank battery was free of fluid. Legible identification was posted. |
0433844349 | 2019-02-11 | Salt Water Injection Well | Violations Noted | The Division has not received the 4th quarter brine disposal fees for 2018. Please forward disposal fees and sheets to the Division by 3/12/2019. |
0436335578 | 2010-08-10 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - On site for inspection, ID on well, No ID on tank. Dike area free of water. Injection pump not operating while on site. Water meter reading 59030 gallons = 1405 barrels. Injection pressure 0 on vacuum annulus 100 PSI |
0499676285 | 2014-02-27 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - ID at well and on tank
- Annulus pressure 440 Injection pressure 0 - Water meter has been removed, injection line not connected at the injection pump. - Tank access location entry 39.55028 -82.99431 - Weather condition partly cloudy temp 22 windy ground condition frozen. |
0562567209 | 2016-11-22 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Inspected the containment dike, tank, injection pump, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification posted at the tank and well. The containment dike is free of fluids. |
0582823045 | 2008-05-05 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Berry Well Service rig on site. Release packer, will remove tubing and packer tomorrow 5/6/2008.
Weather Sunny temp 70s dry ground condition. |
0695430335 | 2001-08-17 | Salt Water Injection Well | Violations Noted | FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1248i54 IMPROPER ID POSTED AT THE WELL HEAD. MISSING ID AT THE STORAGE TANK. WEATHER 66 DEGREES AND SUNNY. ISSUED NOV # 25294 BY MAIL ON 08/20/2001. |
0721405884 | 2007-09-12 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - On site for inspection of well, ID on tank and well. Dike area free of water. Water meter reading 899 gallons = 21 barrels. Injection pressure 0 (vacuum) annulus 10 psi.
- Called Ron Ullman to request him to pressure up annuls, he plans to do the week of September 17, he will contact me when work is to be done. Operator plans on replacing 2 inch valve and all small valves. |
0768066614 | 2006-03-07 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Well has been sold in January of 2006, Operator hasnt replace ID on tank or well.
- Well ID not legible, Injection 0 psi annulus 100 psi. - Water in dike area, water meter broken, valve from injection pump to well closed. - Left voice message for operator to replace ID sign. |
0772076340 | 2018-12-13 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Compliance Notice # 1025021973 follow up inspection. The identification on the tank and well site have not been updated. The containment dike has 6 inches of water and ice in it. The used brine filters have been placed in a plastic bag and are stored under the injection pump stand. |
0799652870 | 2019-04-24 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Inspected the containment dike, tank, injection pump, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification is posted. The containment dike has 1 inch of water in the low portion of the dike. |
0859522098 | 2008-10-14 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Meeting with Ron Allman pumper for well. Asked Ron to install water meter on injection line to well. He is checking into different models to see which one is more compatible to the water that is being dispose of. |
0914782854 | 2004-03-10 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Follow up inspection of well and tank area, operator has posted signs and clean dike area.
- Injection pump has been removed - No pressure reading taking at this inspection. |
0918692864 | 2008-05-09 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Chk packer and ran it back in to 2385, circulated fresh water and inhibitor. Set packer and pressure up to 750 psi. Held pressure for 15 min. test. Past test. Ok to use. |
0932096171 | 2017-06-02 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Salt water injection well inspection. The injection tubing was on vacuum, the annulus pressure was 470 PSI. No violations noted. |
0948048703 | 2018-06-04 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Inspected the containment dike, tank, injection pump, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification is posted at the tank. There is 8 inches of fresh water in the containment dike. High range Quantab showed no CL. I called the phone number on the identification on the tank and was told that it was a wrong number. I then called Ron Ullman and was told that he is not the well tender anymore. Ron Gave me Tim Russels phone number and I called Tim and left a message regarding the water in the containment dike. I told him that the dike must be kept free of fluids. |
0954943869 | 2001-03-28 | Salt Water Injection Well | Violations Noted | FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1248i25 Well is in operation and no identification is posted at the well head and/or the storage tank as required. Well is in violation of 1509.05 ORC and 1501:9-3-06 (G) OAC. |
0965785689 | 2002-10-16 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Inspection revealed no violations noted this date. OWNER NEEDS TO REMOVE FLUIDS FROM THE DIKE AROUNF THE PUMP AND THE STORAGE TANK. WEATHER CONDITIONS: Cloudy and 45 degrees. |
0968129359 | 2012-06-14 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - ID on well and tank, dike area free of water and debris. Injection pump not operating while on site.
- Annulus pressure 480 injection pressure 0 on vacuum water meter reading 48400 gallons. |
0972536743 | 2008-04-08 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Well currently not in operation, out of service. Pressure is equal on annulus and injection. Ron Ullman will contact when service rig is available.
- All valve are close at the tank and at the injection pump. Water meter is broken. ID on well and tank, tank area has some water in it. |
0980904367 | 2011-06-29 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - ID on well and tank, dike area free of debris. Injection pump not operating while on site. Annulus pressure 560 injection pressure 0 on vacuum. Water meter reading 242140 gallons = 5,765 barrels |
0987303788 | 2017-03-03 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Inspected the containment dike, tank, injection pump, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification is posted on the tank and well. The containment dike is free of fluids. |
1003773745 | 2005-10-04 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Operator has place new ID sign on tank.
- Injection pump not operating while on site. - Water meter reading 982016 gallons = 23381 barrels. - Annulus 100 PSI injection 0 PSI |
1021513460 | 2009-10-27 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - ID on well, new tank recently install ID will be install in the next few days. Annulus pressure 460 injection 0. Injection pump not operating while on site. New water meter install 212 gallons = 5 barrels. |
1025021973 | 2018-12-05 | Salt Water Injection Well | Violations Noted | Inspected the containment dike, tank, injection pump, injection pressure and annulus pressure. The containment dike has 6 inches of water in it. The water was tested with high range Quantab with no Cl shown. The injection pump stand has a pile of 6 used brine filters under it. The identification on the tank needs refreshed due to the permit number being faded and the well tender number has changed. The identification at the well has had the sticker removed from the metal stand. The previous well owner Explore Energy is listed on the well site identification. I called and left a message for Bill Valentine about the containment water, used filters and identification issues. Bill called me back and we discussed the need to keep the dike free of fluids and to have legible identification with current information posted. Bill also stated that they will collect and store the filters for disposal. |
104031099 | 2004-10-14 0:00 | SW | No Violations | |
1042555185 | 2003-01-14 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | 1. Took pressure test at well haed, injection tubing vaccum psi, annulas 0psi.
2.At tank ok dike ok. |
1057163260 | 2003-07-02 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Pit around tank 1/2 full of water.
- Pump not operating while on site. |
1061399115 | 2003-08-20 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Belt broken on injection pump contacted operator to request to turn off electic power.
- Reading at well Injection 0 psi. Annulas 140 psi - Meter reading 610221 gal = 14529 barrels 585434 gal = 13938 barrels |
1070471811 | 2003-12-03 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Well area clean Soybean have been harvest
- Pump not operating while on site. - Weather Temp 27 Cloudy |
1075834091 | 2004-02-03 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Dike around water tank full, needs to be pump out. ID sign not legible.
- Pump at tank valve closed, meter reading 690065 gal. = 16430 barrels. - Production tank area has water in dike area, and ID sign are not legible - Will contact operator of these problems. - Contacted Tim Russell at 3:16PM 02/03/2004, he indicated that he would pump out dike and replace signs. To stay incompliance |
1086195454 | 2004-06-02 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Operator has paint water tank in the past few months, Some water in the dike area from recent rain fall.
Flow meter 751727 = 17,898 Barrels |
1091726368 | 2004-08-05 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Tank has been painted in the past months, water in dike due to recent heavy rainfall.
Reading injection 0PSI annulus 100 PSI Water meter reading 751723 gal = 17898 barrels this is the same reading that was taken 6/2/2004 Weather Sunny Temp high 70s |
1106796708 | 2005-01-26 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Dike 75% full of water due to resent heavy rainfall.
- Pump removed operator not operating well - Meter reading 859251 gal. = 20458 barrels |
1112723993 | 2005-04-05 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Well inspection annulus 120 psi Injection 0 pump disconnected at discharge line.
New ID sign on tank. |
1135047648 | 2013-01-17 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | ID on well and tank. Annulus pressure 420 injection pressure 0 No water meter
- The water line from the tank to the injection pump is disconnected at the pump. - The dike area has a small amount of water in it. - Weather condition cloudy temp 30 |
1147361690 | 2006-05-04 | Salt Water Injection Well | Violations Noted | Inspection of well and tank area, inside of dike area was about 1/2 full of water 1509.22(3), valves to injection pump were closed. ID not eligible and owner hasnt posted change on tank or well. Well sign not eligible 1501:9-3-06(H). Well injection line valve closed. Pressure 0 injection and 100 psi annulus.
- Have contacted operator in the past and left voice message of these violation, and no response from operator. |
1153923741 | 2008-09-10 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - ID on well and tank. Tank dike area free of water. No water meter on pump.
- Annulus pressure 560 injection 20 |
1168368866 | 2007-01-09 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Well injection on vacuum, annulus 160 psi. ID on well and tank.
- Dike area free of water. Injection pump line disconnect between pump and well. - Water meter reading 154351 gallons = 3675 barrels. - Weather Sunny Temp. 30s wet ground condition. |
1181231381 | 2007-06-07 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - ID on well and tank, Dike area free of water. Water meter broken, injection pressure 0 (vacuum) Annulus pressure 320 |
1210178282 | 2008-05-06 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Berry Well Service contactor to service well. Pipe tally for 2 3/8 tubing pulled from well 2,345.10 feet thread not included when measured. 75 total joint of pipe. Total length of packer 3.4 feet, top of packer to center of rubber 2 feet.
- New 2 3/8 tubing deliver on site. |
1210252802 | 2008-05-08 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | On site for Mechanical Integrity Test. Ran tubing and packer to 2385 establish circulation, pump inhibitor and try to set packer. Packer would not set. Pulled it and shut down for the day. |
1210i12573 | 2002-04-02 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Well not operating. Silver tag put up for ID at well. Has owner and SWIW # but not permit number. Only legible at hands length. |
1210i1257380 | 2002-4-2 0:00:0 | SW | No Violations | |
1214614479 | 2006-05-16 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Meeting with Ron Ullman, pumper for Explore Energy. Mr. Ullman has place new ID sign on water tank and at the well. Operator has repaired injection pump install new line from tank to the pump. Operator has also installed new flow line to well.
- Dike area free of water. - Cancel NOV operator in compliance |
1231268502 | 2009-01-06 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - ID on tank and at well, injection pump not operating while on site.
- Injection pressure 0 Vacuum Annulus pressure 420 - no water meter |
1234292458 | 2016-07-28 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Inspected the containment dike, tank, injection pump, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification posted. The access road to the well has been planted with soybean crop. |
1248i100 | 2001-10-31 0:00 | SW | No Violations | |
1248i126 | 2001-11-20 0:00 | SW | No Violations | |
1248i199 | 2002-1-31 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
1248i226 | 2002-2-19 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
1248i25 | 2001-3-28 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
1248i29 | 2001-7-5 0:00:0 | SW | No Violations | 1.00 |
1248i300 | 2002-3-18 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
1248i394 | 2002-5-16 0:00: | SW | No Violations | 1.00 |
1248i425 | 2002-6-26 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
1248i54533 | 2001-08-17 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | IMPROPER ID POSTED AT THE WELL HEAD. MISSING ID AT THE STORAGE TANK. WEATHER 66 DEGREES AND SUNNY. ISSUED NOV # 25294 BY MAIL ON 08/20/2001. |
1248i5453316 | 2001-8-17 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
1262697615 | 2010-01-05 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - ID on well, water tank recently painted. Annulus pressure 440 injection pressure 180. Water meter reading 714 gallons = 17 barrels. Injection line disconnect at injection pump.
Weather Temp. 15 Snowing, ground snow cover. |
1266883740 | 2006-10-26 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - ID on tank and well.
- Water pump not operating while on site, tank dike free of water. - Injection on vacuum, Annulus 0 pressure. Contacted operator to pressure up annulus. - Water meter 120155 gallons = 2,860 barrels |
1270293622 | 2002-05-16 | Salt Water Injection Well | Violations Noted | FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1248i394 Inspection revealed incomplete ID posted at the well head. Owner needs to place a complete identification sign on the well head and/or on a post at the well head. Fluid inside the dike at the storage tank needs to be disposed of in an approved manner. Co |
1291161568 | 2016-04-12 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | inspected the containment dike, tank, injection pump, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification posted at the well and on the tank. The containment dike had approximately 3 of water (rain event last night). |
1291748748 | 2010-12-07 | Salt Water Injection Well | Violations Noted | - ID at well No ID on water tank 1501:9-3-06 (H)
- Annulus pressure 400 injection 0 vacuum No water meter. - Water line from tank to injection pump disconnected. - Dike area has a small amount of water in it. - Weather partly sunny Temp 18 windy frozen ground. |
1300388392 | 2011-03-17 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - ID at well and Tank.
- Annulus pressure 340 injection pressure 0 Vacuum Water meter reading 162120 gallons = 3,860 barrels - Dike area clean and free of water. |
1300422260 | 2005-06-07 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - On site for inspection, joint inspection with Jeff Fry.
- Dike area free of water, injection pump valve close. - Water meter reading 912980 gallons - Annulus 120 psi injection 0 psi, Valve closed on injection line at well. - Weather Sunny Temp high 80s |
1310885949 | 2016-03-07 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | UIC inspection. The injection pressure was 0 PSI. The annulus pressure was 350 PSI. |
1316631717 | 2011-09-21 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Injection pump not operating while on site. ID at well and tank.
- Injection Pressure 0 Vac. Annulus pressure 520 - Water meter 356880 gallons = 8,497 barrels |
1328641978 | 2012-02-07 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Annulus pressure 440 Injection pressure 0 on vacuum
- ID at well and tank - Dike area free of water - Water meter reading 2637 gallons = 62 barrels - Weather condition Overcast temp low 30s |
1332244767 | 2012-03-20 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Annulus pressure 440 injection pressure 0 vacuum ID on well and tank Water meter 2949 gallons = 70 barrels.
- Weather 60s partly sunny |
1348601920 | 2012-09-09 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Joint inspection with Jon Scott. Annulus pressure 480 injection pressure 0 vacuum. ID on well and tank. Water meter 53210 gallons = 1,266 barrels. Dike area free of water. |
1364407047 | 2013-03-27 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - ID on well and on tank. Annulus pressure 420 Injection pressure 140 injection pump operating while on site.
- Water meter reading 7124 gallons = 169 barrels - Weather condition partly sunny Temp 40s wet ground condition - Dike has some amount of water contained due to recent melting of snow |
1372867004 | 2013-07-03 | Surface Facility Construction | No Violations | - Unable to check well pressure, Landowner has planted corn on lease roa.
- ID on tank, dike area free of water and debris. - Injection pump not operating while on site. |
1382538755 | 2013-10-23 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | ID on well and tank, Dike area has small amount of water in it due to the recent rainfall.
- injection pressure 0 annulus pressure 460 psi injection pump not operating while on site. Water meter reading 86250 gallons = 2,053 barrels - Weather conditions overcast light rain temp. 40s wet ground conditions |
1388810801 | 2007-04-11 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Well injection 0 annulus 140 PSI Water meter inoperable. Dike area free of water. ID on well and tank. Injection pump not operating while on site. |
1401884727 | 2014-06-04 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - On site for UIC inspection, ID on well and tank
- Annulus pressure 460 psi Injection pressure 120 -Water meter reading 58510 gallons = 1,393 barrels - Dike area free of debris - Weather condition cloudy Temp 65 Damp to Wet ground conditions |
1411486370 | 2014-09-23 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Inspection, ID on well and tank
- Annulus pressure 500 PSI Injection pressure 0 - Water meter reading 30,912 gallons = 736 barrels - Dike area free of debris - |
1433284117 | 2006-01-10 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - ID at well, injection pressure 0 Annulus pressure 100
- Water meter not working, water in dike area. - Weather Light rain temp 30s |
1446456374 | 2002-01-31 | Salt Water Injection Well | Violations Noted | FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1248i199 WEATHER CONDITIONS: Partly cloudy 50 degrees. Inspection revealed annulus has ZERO (0) PRESSURE, AND IS ON A VACUUM. I timed this for 33 seconds before it equalized. The tubing has ZERO (0) PRESSURE. Im unable to determine if it is on a vacuum or not. |
1446727049 | 2015-11-04 | Salt Water Injection Well | Violations Noted | Inspected the containment dike, tank, injection pump, injection pressure, and annulus pressure. Identification posted at facility and well. Containment dike liner has 6 holes ranging from 1/2 to 3. A plastic 1 line was in the containment and extended over the dike wall. This 1 line is being used to siphon water out of the containment dike. I called Ron Ullman (well tender) and told him about the holes in the containment liner and that they need to repair or replace the liner. The containment must be water tight. I also asked Ron about the 1 plastic line. Ron told me that he is siphoning out the containment. I told him to stop discharging out of the dike and to pump the water into the tank for injection. |
1453484578 | 2016-01-21 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Inspected the containment dike, tank, injection pump, injection pressure and annulus pressure. The injection line is disconnected at the 1 hammer union on the outlet side of the injection pump. All valves are closed. The containment dike is free of fluids. Identification posted at the facility and the well. |
1487130571 | 2019-02-21 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Compliance Notice # 1025021973 follow up inspection. The identification on the tank does not have the permit number and correct contact information. The identification at the well has the previous well owner information. The containment dike is full of water. A used filter sock is on the ground next to the injection pump stand. There is a plastic bag of used filters under the injection pump stand. |
1541115368 | 2015-06-22 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | UIC inspection. The annulus had 9 PSI, the injection side had 2 PSI. |
1561974437 | 2007-09-28 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Operator has pressure annulus and installed new 1/4 valves. Injection pressure 100 psi Annulus 300 psi. ID at well and tank. Temp 70s and partly sunny.
- Unable to read water meter. |
1568820942 | 2019-9-16 0:00: | SW | No Violations | 3.50 |
1590671837 | 2020-5-27 0:00: | SW | No Violations | 2.00 |
1595958372 | 2020-7-27 0:00: | SW | No Violations | 2.50 |
1611859616 | 2019-03-18 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Compliance Notice # 1025021973 follow up inspection. The containment dike has 6 inches of water in it. The identification on the tank does not have the well permit number or correct emergency contact phone number. The identification at the well is for the previous well owner. The containment dike sump pump is not plugged into electric. There is a used filter sock on the ground near the injection pump. Bill Valentine was contacted regarding the compliance issues. |
1678827568 | 2010-03-17 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - ID at well, annulus pressure 460 injection pressure 180. Water line from pump to well is disconnected. Water meter reading 714 gallons = 17 barrels. Water in dike area. |
1736618290 | 2012-09-06 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Accompanied Mike Mitchell MRI 3 on inspection of the injection well facilities and checking injection and annulus pressures. |
1785634959 | 2018-08-29 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Inspected the containment dike, tank, injection pump, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification is posted. The containment dike was being pumped out during the inspection. The dike water was tested with High Range Quantab with no Cl found. |
1796743858 | 2015-11-16 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Compliance Notice # 1446727049 Follow-up Inspection. All 6 holes in the liner have been repaired. The containment dike is free of fluids. Inspected the containment dike, tank, injection pump, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification is posted at the facility and the well site. A crew was on site constructing a sump area in the dike and plumbing a line from the sump pit to the tank. I was told that a sump pump has been ordered. Sand is being placed on top of the containment dike liner. |
1797379444 | 2008-01-16 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - On site for well inspection. Injection pump not operating, water tank valve are closed.
- injection pressure 100 psi Annulus perssure 100 psi well is equal. Will contact Ron Ulman. - Dike area free of water. |
1948479413 | 2019-03-25 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Compliance notice # 1025021973 follow up inspection. The identification on the tank and well are complete and in compliance. The used brine filters are being stored in a plastic bag under the injection pump stand. The containment dike water level is down to 1 inch in the low portion of the dike. A rain event is ongoing. |
1959301181 | 2006-03-15 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Operator hasnt update new ID on tank and well, has till March 24 to correct.
- Operator has removed injection pump at tank. Dike still contain rain water. |
1989643180 | 2006-06-07 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Operator has made several repairs to well, replace injection pump and electric motor, painted tank, replaced water line from tank to well.
- ID on tank and well. Annulus pressure 260 injection 0 (vacuum) water meter reading 466254 gallons = 11,101 barrels. Dike area free of water. |
2010383072 | 2009-03-31 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | - Inspection of well and tank, ID on well and tank. Injection pressure 0 annulus pressure 400 No water meter on injection line. Injection pump not operating while on site. |
2025091795 | 2015-09-23 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Inspected the containment dike, tank, injection pump, injection pressure and annulus pressure. |
20285 | PL | No Violations | ||
2031942746 | 2015-01-30 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | Inspected the containment dike, tank, injection pump, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification posted at well. The injection pump has been disconnected from the injection line. All valves are shut. |
2044141935 | 2015-04-29 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | UIC inspection. The annulus pressure was 410 PSI, the injection side was 0 PSI. |
2092430783 | 2018-03-15 | Salt Water Injection Well | No Violations | My inspection revealed the salt water injection well had 0 psi on the tubing and 310 psi on the annulus. The dike was free of fluids. Legible identification was posted. |
252567143 | 2012-8-8 0:00:0 | SW | No Violations | |
352993017 | 2009-6-10 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
433844349 | 2019-2-11 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
562567209 | 2016-11-22 0:00 | SW | No Violations | 3.00 |
582823045 | 2008-5-5 0:00:0 | SW | No Violations | |
62710086 | 2004-1-13 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
62790681 | 2008-6-11 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
695430335 | 2001-8-17 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
76762797 | 2011-1-20 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
768066614 | 2006-3-7 0:00:0 | SW | No Violations | |
772076340 | 2018-12-13 0:00 | SW | No Violations | 3.00 |
799652870 | 2019-4-24 0:00: | SW | No Violations | 2.00 |
823782035 | 2020-3-5 0:00:0 | SW | No Violations | |
859522098 | 2008-10-14 0:00 | SW | No Violations | |
914782854 | 2004-3-10 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
948048703 | 2018-6-4 0:00:0 | SW | No Violations | 3.00 |
965785689 | 2002-10-16 0:00 | SW | No Violations | |
968129359 | 2012-6-14 0:00: | SW | No Violations | |
972536743 | 2008-4-8 0:00:0 | SW | No Violations | |
987303788 | 2017-3-3 0:00:0 | SW | No Violations | 2.50 |
Inspection ID | Violation ID | Violation Date | Violation Code | Violation Comments |
0001248i25 | US-OH-106645 | 2001-04-04 | Failure to legibly identify well | |
0001248i25 | US-OH-106646 | 2001-03-28 | Permit not displayed | |
0001248i25 | US-OH-106647 | 2001-03-28 | Mechanical failure/contamination | |
0001248i29 | US-OH-106653 | 2001-07-05 | Permit not displayed | |
001248i100 | US-OH-106632 | 2001-10-31 | Permit not displayed | |
001248i126 | US-OH-106636 | 2001-11-20 | Operating withour a permit | |
001248i199 | US-OH-106641 | 2002-01-31 | Permit not displayed | |
001248i394 | US-OH-106663 | 2002-05-16 | Permit not displayed | |
0329398520 | US-OH-123441 | 2001-07-05 | Permit not displayed | |
0433844349 | US-OH-124657 | 2019-04-08 | Failure to report disposal fees | |
0695430335 | US-OH-127863 | 2001-08-17 | Operating withour a permit | |
0954943869 | US-OH-130903 | 2001-04-04 | Failure to legibly identify well | |
0954943869 | US-OH-130904 | 2001-03-28 | Permit not displayed | |
0954943869 | US-OH-130905 | 2001-03-28 | Mechanical failure/contamination | |
1025021973 | US-OH-100556 | 2019-06-06 | 9-3-06(K) | Failure to legibly identify well |
1147361690 | US-OH-103818 | 2006-05-11 | Failure to keep dike or pit free of brine or other wastes | |
1147361690 | US-OH-103819 | 2006-05-11 | Permit not displayed | |
1270293622 | US-OH-107537 | 2002-05-16 | Permit not displayed | |
1291748748 | US-OH-108239 | 2010-12-07 | Permit not displayed | |
1446456374 | US-OH-112968 | 2002-01-31 | Permit not displayed | |
1446727049 | US-OH-112980 | 2015-12-04 | Pits not liquid tight/Improper construction or use | |
1653896388 | US-OH-116327 | 2001-08-17 | Operating withour a permit |
For data sources see[9]