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Well ID: 34-157-21004 | Loading map...
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Country: United States | |
State: Ohio | |
County: Tuscarawas | |
Municipality: Sandy Township | |
Well Pad ID: | |
Farm/Lease Name: RICE ROY S | |
License Status: Producing | |
License Date: 1967-03-16 | |
Spud Date: 1967-06-30 | |
Spud Drilling Contractor: | |
Final Drill Date: 1967-07-11 | |
Well Total Depth: 4964.00 ft | |
Configuration: Vertical | |
Latitude: 40.620000 | |
Longitude: -81.320000 |
For data sources see[1]
Well Status | Well Status Date | Comment |
CO | 1967-03-16 | 64 BUCKEYE FRANKLIN CO GeoDate 3/16/67 |
Original Spud | 1967-06-30 | REV. LOC. 7-6-67 I.P. NAT. & I.P. FOUND IN NSR. |
Completed | 1967-07-11 | REV. LOC. 7-6-67 I.P. NAT. & I.P. FOUND IN NSR. |
Reached Total Depth | 1967-07-11 | REV. LOC. 7-6-67 I.P. NAT. & I.P. FOUND IN NSR. |
Change of Owner | 1997-11-21 | Operator changed from 64, BUCKEYE FRANKLIN CO to 56, BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO |
Record Last Modified | 2013-10-03 | REV. LOC. 7-6-67 I.P. NAT. & I.P. FOUND IN NSR. |
For data sources see[2]
Perforation Date | Interval Top (ft) | Interval Base (ft) | Number of Shots |
2006-09-11 | 4840 | 4896 | 28 |
4840 | 4896 | 28 | |
4840 | 4896 | 28 |
For data sources see[3]
Stimulation Date | Chemical Agent | Chemical Agent Concentration (%) | Fracking Fluid Volume | Mass of Proppant Used (lb) | Fracking Company | Comments |
H2O | 0 | 1455 Bbl | 56400 | |||
N2 | 0 | 140 Mscf | 0 |
For data sources see[4]
Period | Operator Name | Gas Quantity (mcf) | Oil Quantity (bbl) | Production Days |
1989 | BUCKEYE FRANKLIN CO | 1282.00 | 189.00 | 365 |
1990 | BUCKEYE FRANKLIN CO | 1119.00 | 155.00 | 365 |
1992 | BUCKEYE FRANKLIN CO | 80.00 | 171.00 | 365 |
1993 | BUCKEYE FRANKLIN CO | 888.00 | 157.00 | 365 |
1994 | BUCKEYE FRANKLIN CO | 744.00 | 169.00 | 365 |
1995 | BUCKEYE FRANKLIN CO | 669.00 | 235.00 | 365 |
1996 | BUCKEYE FRANKLIN CO | 799.00 | 183.00 | 365 |
1997 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 946.00 | 213.00 | 365 |
1998 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 853.00 | 102.00 | 365 |
1999 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 725.00 | 176.00 | 0 |
2000 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 560.00 | 111.00 | 0 |
2001 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 667.00 | 77.00 | 365 |
2002 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 563.00 | 78.00 | 365 |
2003 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 552.00 | 76.00 | 365 |
2004 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 643.00 | 97.00 | 365 |
2005 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 577.00 | 70.00 | 365 |
2006 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 394.00 | 57.00 | 365 |
2007 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 415.00 | 101.00 | 365 |
2008 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 528.00 | 299.00 | 365 |
2009 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 548.00 | 187.00 | 365 |
2010 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 727.00 | 161.00 | 365 |
2011 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 706.00 | 164.00 | 365 |
2012 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 380.00 | 122.00 | 366 |
2013 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 549.00 | 116.00 | 365 |
2014 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 546.00 | 154.00 | 365 |
2015 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 462.00 | 119.00 | 365 |
2016 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 407.00 | 121.00 | 365 |
2017 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 438.00 | 124.00 | 365 |
2018 | BUCKEYE OIL PRODUCING CO | 425.00 | 97.00 | 365 |
Inspection ID | Inspection Date | Inspection Type | Inspection Result | Inspection Comments |
-763076657 | 2017-11-9 0:00: | PW | No Violations | 0.80 |
0763076657 | 2017-11-09 | Production Wells | No Violations | I am onsite today to follow up on an inspection from 10/11/17. At that time, gas could be heard leaking and seen bubbling from the wellhead near where the tubing runs into it. Gas cannot be see visibly bubbling anymore however a slight amount of gas can be smelled in the area. |
1161215174 | 2017-10-11 | Production Wells | No Violations | On the date of my inspection, I found a gravel lease road with a locked gate leading to a wellhead equipped with a pumping unit, rods, 2.375 inch tubing, and 4.5 inch tubing. There is an identification sticker on a power pole near the pumping unit. The tubing and casing are tied into a 2.375 inch production line with both valves open. A pressure gauge on the tubing reads approximately 50 pounds per square inch. Gas can be heard leaking and seen bubbling from the wellhead near where the tubing runs into it. I called Ron with Buckeye Oil Producing about the leak, who indicated that he would come and look at it today. The production equipment shared with permits 3415720995, and 3415722444 is contained within an earthen dike and includes a 100 barrel tank, a 210 barrel tank with identification tag, vertical separator, drip, and an American Meter brand sales meter. Production records are current. |
1580481596 | 2020-1-31 0:00: | PW | No Violations | 0.40 |
For data sources see[9]