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Well Details

Well ID: 34-157-23313
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Tuscarawas
Municipality: Jefferson Township
Well Pad ID:
License Status: Producing
License Date: 1979-04-05
Spud Date: 1979-04-20
Spud Drilling Contractor:
Final Drill Date: 1979-04-25
Well Total Depth: 4908.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.410000
Longitude: -81.610000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
CO 1979-04-05 168 RED HILL DEVELOPMENT GeoDate 4/5/79
Original Spud 1979-04-20
Completed 1979-04-25
Reached Total Depth 1979-04-25
Record Last Modified 2019-06-04

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2006-09-11 4732 4794 6
4732 4794 6
4732 4794 6

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
H2O 0 3400 Bbl 0

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1984 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 8733.00 117.00 0
1985 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 7937.00 0.00 365
1986 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 5364.00 0.00 365
1987 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 4082.00 0.00 365
1988 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 2813.00 0.00 365
1989 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 2592.00 0.00 365
1990 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 1907.00 108.00 365
1991 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 1759.00 0.00 365
1992 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 1276.00 0.00 365
1993 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 1363.00 0.00 365
1994 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 1775.00 0.00 365
1995 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 1283.00 0.00 365
1996 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 670.00 0.00 365
1997 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 881.00 0.00 365
1998 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 474.00 0.00 365
1999 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 501.00 0.00 365
2000 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 379.00 0.00 365
2001 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 185.00 0.00 365
2002 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 404.00 0.00 365
2003 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 504.00 0.00 365
2004 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 511.00 0.00 365
2005 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 565.00 0.00 365
2006 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 379.00 0.00 365
2007 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 384.00 0.00 365
2008 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 350.00 0.00 365
2009 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 277.00 0.00 365
2010 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 404.00 0.00 365
2011 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 557.00 0.00 365
2012 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 652.00 0.00 366
2013 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 487.00 0.00 365
2014 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 337.00 0.00 365
2015 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 416.00 0.00 365
2016 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 475.00 0.00 365
2017 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 508.00 0.00 365
2018 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL 410.00 0.00 365

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1985 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1986 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1987 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1988 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1989 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1990 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1991 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1992 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1993 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1994 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1995 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1996 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1997 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1998 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
1999 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2000 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2001 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2002 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2003 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2004 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2005 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2006 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2007 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2008 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2009 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2010 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2011 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2012 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 366
2013 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2014 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2015 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2016 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2017 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365
2018 RHDK OIL & GAS LLC/DBA RED HIL Brine 0 365

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-261031622 2015-12-24 0:00 PW No Violations 0.50
-476626611 2005-1-4 0:00:0 PW No Violations
001252i400 2002-09-17 Production Wells No Violations no violations
0261031622 2015-12-24 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I found a 8 X 4 wellhead and a 4 X 2 wellhead, operated by a plunger systen the valves are in the open position. The tank battery is made up of one 210 bbl tank and a horizontal separator, all in an earthen dike. The tank is properly identified, the production reporting is up to date and there are no violations at this time.
0476626611 2005-01-04 Production Wells No Violations no violations dike ok
1252i400 2002-9-17 0:00: PW No Violations
195664006 2019-7-30 0:00: PW No Violations 0.60
2021763210 2005-01-04 Preliminary Restoration No Violations restoration ok
2062755467 2017-05-03 Production Wells No Violations On the day of my inspection I found the well equipped with an 8 5/8 inch diameter X 4 1/2 inch diameter wellhead and a 4 1/2 inch diameter X 2 3/8 inch diameter wellhead, operated by a plunger system the valves are in the open position. The tank battery is made up of one 210 bbl. tank and a horizontal separator, all in an earthen dike. The tank is properly identified; the production reporting is up to date and there are no violations at this time.

For data sources see[9]

