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Well Details

Well ID: 34-163-20816
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Vinton
Municipality: Knox Township
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: HANING FLOYD & MARY
License Status: Active Injection
License Date: 2006-06-26
Spud Date: 1984-03-26
Spud Drilling Contractor: CO TOOLS
Final Drill Date: 1984-04-01
Well Total Depth: 1356.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 39.220000
Longitude: -82.320000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
Enhanced Recovery 1983-08-09 Issued Date 1/17/84 Expired Date 7/15/84 Acres 0200000 Tool Type RTA Proposed Formation BEREA Proposed Depth 01356 Proposed Drill Depth 01356
Original Spud 1984-03-26 PRESSURE PARTING TEST PERFORMED 06/13/1990 R.I. 12-30-83
Completed 1984-04-01 PRESSURE PARTING TEST PERFORMED 06/13/1990 R.I. 12-30-83
Reached Total Depth 1984-04-01 PRESSURE PARTING TEST PERFORMED 06/13/1990 R.I. 12-30-83
CO 1984-08-15 116 J D DRILLING CO GeoDate 8/9/83
First Injection 1984-08-15 PRESSURE PARTING TEST PERFORMED 06/13/1990 R.I. 12-30-83
Completion Report Received 1984-08-29 PRESSURE PARTING TEST PERFORMED 06/13/1990 R.I. 12-30-83
Annulus Pressure Monitoring Approved 1998-02-27 PRESSURE PARTING TEST PERFORMED 06/13/1990 R.I. 12-30-83
APP 2006-06-26 Proposed Formations:BEREA-OHIO SHALE, Issued Date:6/26/2006, Expired Date:6/26/2007 6:00:00 AM, Drilling unit acres:200, Proposed Well Type:EOR, Proposed Well Class:ERP
Construction Permit Expires 2007-06-26 PRESSURE PARTING TEST PERFORMED 06/13/1990 R.I. 12-30-83
Last Compliance Report 2014-09-19 PRESSURE PARTING TEST PERFORMED 06/13/1990 R.I. 12-30-83
Record Last Modified 2017-02-15 PRESSURE PARTING TEST PERFORMED 06/13/1990 R.I. 12-30-83

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
2007-07-10 1178 1766 80
1178 1766 80
1178 1766 80

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
H2O 0 1000 Bbl 40000 FRAC WITH 1000 BBLS OF H2O AND 400 SACKS OF SAND

For data sources see[4]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-1040409659 2009-7-28 0:00: ER No Violations
-1040763659 2004-3-4 0:00:0 ER No Violations
-1172280435 2019-5-29 0:00: ER No Violations 4.50
-1233477216 2017-5-15 0:00: ER No Violations
-1239671430 2010-3-17 0:00: ER No Violations
-1324283852 2020-4-2 0:00:0 ER No Violations 1.80
-133108652 2019-4-30 0:00: ER No Violations 0.50
-1353108849 2016-3-17 0:00: ER No Violations
-136686185 2007-7-24 0:00: SC No Violations
-1380498696 2013-9-9 0:00:0 ER No Violations 3.00
-1421169035 2008-12-22 0:00 ER No Violations
-145533539 2019-8-1 0:00:0 ER No Violations 2.50
-1495158568 2007-8-30 0:00: ER No Violations
-1496900355 2004-7-29 0:00: ER No Violations
-154120006 2007-6-7 0:00:0 DD No Violations
-1625610094 2015-6-9 0:00:0 ER No Violations 1.50
-167943589 2011-12-13 0:00 ER No Violations
-1712774710 2009-7-21 0:00: ER No Violations
-1749466238 2015-5-21 0:00: ER No Violations 3.00
-1758397124 2019-5-28 0:00: ER No Violations 3.50
-1831054794 2004-1-15 0:00: ER No Violations
-1871094015 2014-6-25 0:00: ER No Violations 1.00
-1915502826 2018-7-3 0:00:0 ER No Violations 2.50
-1952287471 2011-12-13 0:00 ER No Violations 1.50
-20261367 2019-4-29 0:00: ER No Violations
-2034195211 2009-7-8 0:00:0 SC No Violations
-2081211388 2008-1-8 0:00:0 ER No Violations
-2114078885 2019-2-28 0:00: ER No Violations 2.50
-2143196788 2019-7-25 0:00: ER No Violations 5.00
-283494779 2015-8-10 0:00: ER No Violations 1.00
-329846897 2008-5-27 0:00: ER No Violations
-335271247 2007-5-25 0:00: DD No Violations
-341749175 2018-10-2 0:00: ER No Violations 2.30
-345613903 2009-6-30 0:00: ER No Violations
-397205016 2018-10-25 0:00 ER No Violations 2.00
-420589472 2013-7-29 0:00: ER No Violations 2.50
-514700544 2003-3-25 0:00: ER No Violations
-517527476 2019-11-13 0:00 ER No Violations 2.50
-577945144 2019-8-8 0:00:0 ER No Violations 5.60
-756650185 2019-8-5 0:00:0 ER No Violations 3.00
-788418440 2005-6-8 0:00:0 ER No Violations
-810331453 2019-7-19 0:00: ER No Violations 4.20
-817179485 2020-2-3 0:00:0 ER No Violations 2.00
-854106927 2007-1-11 0:00: ER No Violations
-864690662 2014-5-21 0:00: ER No Violations 1.00
-880527881 2015-8-11 0:00: ER No Violations 3.50
-890706753 2005-9-7 0:00:0 ER No Violations
-926064771 2015-9-15 0:00: ER No Violations 3.00
-975030473 2019-10-4 0:00: ER No Violations 2.00
0000PL2269 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Preliminary Restoration done information from Data Point
0000UIC780 1989-10-18 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations 1501:9-5-10 (D)(1)(2) Opera.,monit.& rept.
0000UIC781 1989-10-18 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations 1509.072 Restore distb.land
0000UIC782 1989-10-18 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations 1509.21 Permit cond.
000UIC1679 1997-08-20 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations 1501: 9-5-10 EXCEED MAX. INJ. PSI
000UIC1680 1997-08-20 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations 1509.03 RULES & REGULATION
001269i475 2001-10-31 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Follow - up , In - Compliance.
0028360868 2018-05-04 Enhanced Recovery Project Violations Noted Our records indicate that the Division has not received the 2017 Enhanced Recovery Well Annual Report (Form 204) that was due to the Division by April 15, 2018. Please submit the requested report by June 4, 2018.
005609i244 2001-07-12 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations No violations.
0069776853 2008-02-13 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations A follow-up inspection revealed non-compliance. Informed the pumper for JD Drilling that positive pressure is needed on the annulus, C&P removed inside the dike placed around the well, and new identification required.
0079178201 2011-08-04 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Id is faded. I notified Jonathan Reese.
0091166089 2003-04-21 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations No violations.
01269i1315 2002-08-20 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations No violations.
0136686185 2007-07-24 Surface Facility Construction No Violations The previous attempt to remedy the injection pressure deficiency, in June 2007 failed. JD Drilling is making an attempt to drill deeper, and again reset packer and test pressure on annulus between longstring and the tubing.
0150928193 2018-06-25 Enhanced Recovery Project Violations Noted Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification is posted on the tank. The containment dike has oil residue on the bottom of the dike liner up to 12 inches on the side. The fluid level during the inspection was even with the top of the sump. The injection pressure is 460 psi. The max injection pressure is 445 psi. Immediately decrease the injection pressure to below 445. Jonathan Reese (JD Drilling Field Supervisor ) was notified by text and phone call at 2:33 pm on 6-25-2018.
0154120006 2007-06-07 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations An inspection revealed no activity.
0154972707 2002-11-21 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations No violations at this time, lease rd will need graded and water breaks in spring.
0167943589 2011-12-13 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Accompanied by Andy Thomas MRI. Identification faded. Flow meter 12814 gallons.
0176085036 2013-09-06 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Inspected the containment dike, tanks, annulus pressure, and injection pressure. Containment dike is free of water. Good identification at the wellhead. Annulus pressure is zero. I called Tom Schoonover and he has scheduled a mini test for 9-9-13.
0181309218 2007-04-26 Enhanced Recovery Project Violations Noted An inspection revealed that company has exceeded maximum injection pressure.
0214567746 2005-01-12 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations No violation.
0258051282 2017-07-18 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations Quarterly UIC inspection. The annulus pressure was 0 PSI, the injection tubing was 299 PSI. The dike was free of fluid, Legible identification was posted. No violations noted.
0283494779 2015-08-10 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Assisted UIC section Geologist in measuring the containment dike. The contaminated area outside the dike has scald areas. I talked to Jonathan Reese and he has scheduled a meeting onsite for 8-11-15.
0329846897 2008-05-27 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations No violations were noted.
0335271247 2007-05-25 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations Witnessed squeeze job. Company will begin drilling deeper.
0341749175 2018-10-02 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations JD Drilling crew is rigging up the service rig and equipment to pull the tubing and packer in preparation for cleaning out the open hole portion of the well. Digging a pit and lining the pit with plastic.
0345613903 2009-06-30 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations A follow-up inspection was conducted with Mr. Robert Stonerock, Oil & Gas South Region District Supervisor. During the inspection, it was noted that the status remains the same as contamination and pollution observed and earthen dike would need to be repaired. Photographs were obtained from this inspection. Contacted JD Drilling employee, Mr. Jonathan Reese, on 7/1/2009 at 10:47 AM, in reference to inspection results and requirements for earthen dike and erosion from well site. He was also instructed to provide a sketch of proposed dike to Mr. Tom Tomastik. Mr. Reese states he would relay message to Mr. Spence Carpenter and that they would move onto location next week.
0368667115 2015-10-15 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification posted on the tank. Dike is free of fluids.
0397205016 2018-10-25 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations JD Drilling service rig is set up on the well. The injection tubing has not been removed from the well. The injection tubing master valve is closed. The annulus valves are closed.
0408411496 2012-10-24 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Good identification on the steel tank. Dike is free of water. Injection pump not operating during inspection.
0420589472 2013-07-29 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, injection pressure, and annulus pressure. Identification is posted on the tank. Dike is free of water. Annulus has a new 2 ball valve and new needle valve installed.
0482007541 2019-01-28 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations JD Drilling service rig is on the well, The injection tubing is shut in. There was no activity on site.
0494749536 2018-07-13 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, injection pressure and annulus pressure. The containment dike is free of fluids. Identification is posted on the tank.
0514700544 2003-03-25 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Follow-up on NOV, In-Compliance.
0606926315 2013-05-21 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Inspected the injection pressure, annulus pressure, containment dike and tank. Dike is free of oil and water. Accompanied by Kip Thompson MRI.
0711127573 2009-03-03 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations An inspection revealed no violations at this time. JD Drilling will be addressing the earthen dike and the liner, which contain small tears this summer.
0788418440 2005-06-08 Enhanced Recovery Project Violations Noted An inspection of the well revealed lease rd needs graded, need full ID at the well and storage tanks.
0788751631 2018-03-19 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations My inspection revealed the salt water injection well had 0 psi on the injection tubing and had 11 psi on the annulus. The well had a legible identification.
0842589917 2016-02-23 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification posted on tank. Containment dike is free of fluids.
0854106927 2007-01-11 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations No violations were noted.
0864690662 2014-05-21 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Inspected the containment dike, tank, injection pump, injection line, annulus pressure, and injection pressure. Good identification posted on tank in containment dike.
0880527881 2015-08-11 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Meet with Jonathan Reese and Tom Schoonover on site. The scald area soil and diversion ditch water was tested for chlorides with High Range Quantabs. The two soil results were 700 ppm Cl and 908 ppm Cl, The diversion ditch water tested at 908 ppm Cl. The contaminated soil needs to be removed and taken to an EPA approved landfill.
0890706753 2005-09-07 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Follow-up on NOV, In-Compliance.
0907209855 2006-07-12 Enhanced Recovery Project Violations Noted An inspection was conducted at the facility owned by JD Drilling Company on 7/12/2006. During the inspection, it was noted that the stuffing box (packing) on the pump was leaking, the lease road was beginning to erode and filters were being stockpiled.
0926064771 2015-09-15 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Compliance Notice # 1749466238 follow up inspection. Location has been graded to allow positive drainage across the site. Vegetative cover has been established on remediated area. The access road has been graded with water bars installed. Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification is posted on the tank. I called Tom Schoonover and told him that the 1/4 needle valve on the injection tubing is not shutting completely and will need to be replaced. We also discussed the need to keep pressure on the annulus. The annulus had 2 psi and the water level was at the surface.
0963939983 2007-05-24 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations An inspection revealed that company is making attempt to pull tubing and packer.
0995307548 2011-03-30 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations No violations at this time.
1035321039 2019-5-16 0:00: ER No Violations 8.00
1040409659 2009-07-28 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations A follow-up inspection was conducted with Mr. Robert Stonerock, Oil & Gas South Region Supervisor. Step pools with rock or rock channel will be suggested to company to eliminate erosion over the hillside. The well and tank battery location are in-compliance.
1040763659 2004-03-04 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations No violations.
1060688589 2008-09-11 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations No violations were noted.
1075016089 2013-05-21 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations I accompanied Jon Scott on the inspection of this well.
1099109903 2003-10-30 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations No violations
1106375939 2009-07-16 Surface Facility Construction No Violations A follow-up inspection revealed that the earthen dike has been constructed. JD Drilling employee states that the outside location around the dike will be graded along with seed and mulch. The observed erosion from well site located over the hillside (approx 50 length) below the dike will be addressed next week. The mylar liner will still need to be sealed. The tanks will also be painted next week along with new identification.
1147819525 2018-09-05 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations JD Drilling service rig is mast up on the well. The East wall of the earthen containment dike has had the liner pulled back and soil removed to allow access for the rig. The injection tubing is connected to a hose that connects to the top of an 100 barrel tank. Company plans to release packer and pull tubing and packer out of the well casing. Then run back in casing and clean out open hole portion of the well.
1158844173 2006-09-20 Enhanced Recovery Project Violations Noted An inspection was conducted at the facility owned by JD Drilling., on 9/20/2006. During the inspection, it was noted that this EOR well exceeded its maximum allowable injection pressure. The previously noted violations were resolved; Housekeeping conducted around the well, leak repaired and the lease road was graded.
1182780132 2007-06-13 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations No activity observed at the well.
1183741561 2007-06-04 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations An inspection revealed that the company is drilling deeper.
1186028528 2010-09-22 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations An inspection revealed no violations. Note: The gauge utilized for this inspection will require calibration.
1206375481 2008-03-24 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations A follow-up inspection revealed that positive pressure has been placed on the annulus. The well was pumping at the time of the inspection. The violations have been resolved.
1233477216 2017-05-15 Enhanced Recovery Project Violations Noted Our records indicate that the Division has not received the Enhanced Recovery Annual Report (Form 204) that was due on April 15th for 2016, despite a letter that was sent April 28, 2017 with a deadline of May 12, 2017 to submit the reports requested. please submit the requested Forms to the Division by 5/26/2017. REPORTS RECEIVED 7/3/2017
1239671430 2010-03-17 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations An inspection revealed no violations at this time.
1246387676 2009-06-12 Enhanced Recovery Project Violations Noted An inspection revealed that the lease road has been graded. New identification observed at the well and tank. The ERP# will need to be added to ID. A 10 x 3 area containing fresh oil was observed next to the concrete vault located inside the dike. Old oil remains inside the dike. The status of the earthen dike remains unchanged. The liner contains tears along the bottom and sides with exposed ground surface to include folded sections. The current dike dimensions are 40 x 20 x 6. The company has previously stated since 2007 that the dike would be rebuilt. Telephone calls had been placed to the Production Manager, Mr. Spence Carpenter and employee, Mr. Jonathan Reese on 3/13/2009, regarding contamination and pollution and earthen dike status. Both of which confirmed that the dike would be rebuilt this summer. Will consult with management regarding the status.
1248091109 2009-07-01 Administrative Inspection No Violations Contacted Mr. Jonathan Reese with JD Drilling by telephone regarding the status of earthen dike and 6/30/ 2009 inspection with Mr. Robert Stonerock, Oil & Gas South Region Supervisor. Mr. Reese states that he will talk with Mr. Spence Carpenter and will push to have this issue resolved next week. Instructed to also provide a drawing of proposed plans to Mr. Tom Tomastik.
1249405135 2009-07-10 Surface Facility Construction No Violations A follow-up inspection revealed that (2) 100 bbl tanks are being placed on top of concrete blocks inside the dike. Spoke with JD Drilling employee whom states that observed erosion over the hillside will be addressed after the dike construction.
1269i1315 2002-8-20 0:00: ER No Violations
1269i37509 2001-02-15 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations
1269i3750948 2001-2-15 0:00: ER No Violations
1269i475 2001-10-31 0:00 ER No Violations
1275756051 2007-12-17 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations A follow-up inspection revealed non-compliance. The annulus could not be tested. Vacuum was observed on the injection side of the well.
1278600320 2010-07-08 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations An inspection revealed no violations at this time. The lease road has been graded since the last inspection.
1286670337 2007-07-25 Surface Facility Construction No Violations A pressure test was performed on the annulus between the longstring and the tubing. The initial pressure at the beginning of the test was 479 psi. After fifteen minutes the pressure was 462 psi. The well passed the required test.
1308131816 2015-03-16 Enhanced Recovery Project Violations Noted Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Annulus had a slight vacuum then went to zero pressure. Containment dike has oil residue inside the dike. I called and talked to Jonathan Reese and told him that they need to do a mini test on the annulus and that they need to remove the oil from the containment dike. Jonathan told me that he will send someone out to test the annulus today.
1338445786 2012-08-28 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations There were no violations at the time of inspection.
1343144711 2007-06-27 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Witnessed UIC construction and testing. The packer was set at 1146 feet. The EOR well passed the required pressure test on annulus between longstring and the tubing.
1351091040 2019-02-25 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations JD Drilling service rig is set up on the well. The well is shut in. No activity on site today.
1353108849 2016-03-17 Enhanced Recovery Project Violations Noted Our records indicate that the Division has not received the Enhanced Recovery Annual Report (Form 204) that was due on February 15th for 2015, despite a letter that was sent March 1, 2016 with a deadline of March 15, 2016 to submit the reports requested. Form 204 received 7/13/2017
1380498696 2013-09-09 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Witnessed Mini test of the annulus. 335psi for 15 minutes with 5 psi loss.
1383426025 2017-12-14 Salt Water Injection Well No Violations My inspection revealed the salt water injection well had 520 psi on the injection tubing and 460 psi on the annulus. The maximum injection pressure for this well is 445 psi. The dike was free of fluids. Legible identification was posted. I called JD Drilling to inform them of the violation and the requirement to maintain the injection pressure below or at 445 psi.
1393437362 2014-02-26 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, annulus pressure and injection pressure. 25% of the dike has a skim coating of oil. There is a pool of oil and water at the sump approximately 10 feet in diameter and 2 deep. I called Jonathan Reese JD Drilling field supervisor, and told him of the oil and that it must be cleaned up. We also discussed the low annulus pressure and I asked when they plan to do their monthly test. Jonathan told me that he will have a crew out on 2-27-14 to clean up the oil and they will pump up the annulus by the first week in March.
1393955754 2014-03-04 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Compliance Notice Follow up for Compliance Notice issued on 2-26-14. Containment dike is free of oil. Containment dike sump has been pumped out into tank in the containment dike. Inspected injection pressure, annulus pressure, containment dike, tanks, injection pump and injection line. Identification is posted on a 100 barrel steel tank with in the dike. Injection pump was not in operation during the inspection.
1394479349 2014-03-10 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Witness monthly mini test. Well tender pressured annulus to 340 psi and lost 5 psi in 15 minutes. Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification posted on the tank.
1410793952 2014-09-15 Enhanced Recovery Project Violations Noted Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, annulus pressure and injection pressure. Identification posted on tank. Annulus pressure is zero. Annulus pressure must be monitored. I talked to Jonathan Reese and a mini test is scheduled for this week.
1411140832 2014-09-19 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Mechanical integrity test . Pressured the annulus to 500 psi. Lost 5 psi in 15 minutes.
1412265164 2014-10-02 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, annulus pressure and injection pressure. Identification posted on the 100 barrel steel tank.
1421169035 2008-12-22 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations An inspection revealed no violations. Note: Winter conditions at time of the inspection.
1426538926 2015-03-16 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Compliance notice follow up. Witnessed a mini test of the annulus at 320 psi for 15 minutes with no loss in pressure. Absorbent pads have been placed in dike and the sump pump was used to pump fluids into the tank.
1432909179 2016-08-08 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification posted on the tank, The containment dike is free of fluids.
1433505820 2015-06-04 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Compliance notice # 1749466238 Follow up inspection. Containment dike has been cleaned out and the geo fabric has been replaced in 75% of the dike. A new sump pump has been installed in the vault and plumbed to the 100 barrel steel tank in the containment dike. The injection pump has been placed on a new stand and the pump packing has been replaced. Currently remediating the scald areas outside of the containment dike. Seed and mulch have not been applied to location. Company tested the annulus prior to the inspection. Injection pump is currently off due to replacement of the electric service to the pump.
146870912 2020-6-1 0:00:0 ER No Violations 1.00
1470276434 2016-06-09 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Containment dike is free of fluids. Identification is posted on the tank.
1477268746 2007-05-29 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations An inspection revealed that company is constructing pits to begin drilling.
1495158568 2007-08-30 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations No violations were noted.
1496900355 2004-07-29 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations No violations
150928193 2018-6-25 0:00: ER No Violations 1.50
1530195710 2018-06-28 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Compliance Notice # 150928193 follow up inspection. Meet with Jonathan Reese on site. The injection tubing master valve is shut. The production well that pump brine to the well are shut in. A well treatment is scheduled for 7-2-18.
154972707 2002-11-21 0:00 ER No Violations
1558026438 2019-5-15 0:00: ER No Violations 6.50
1558460250 2019-5-17 0:00: ER No Violations 2.00
1559849252 2019-6-3 0:00:0 ER No Violations 4.00
1563801429 2019-7-17 0:00: ER No Violations 2.20
1564760471 2019-7-23 0:00: ER No Violations 2.20
1571234171 2019-9-30 0:00: ER No Violations 5.00
1576250968 2019-12-12 0:00 ER No Violations 4.00
1582457997 2017-04-10 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification posted. The containment dike is free of fluids.
1585969309 2007-06-05 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations An inspection revealed no activity.
1601299001 2019-6-27 0:00: ER No Violations 5.00
1625610094 2015-06-09 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Compliance Notice # 1749466238 Follow up inspection. Company is tilling up the remediated area outside the dike. Appling lime seed and mulch to site. Inspected containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, injection pressure, and annulus pressure. Containment dike is free of fluids.
1676465716 2012-06-14 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Good identification was observed on tank battery and well head.
1712774710 2009-07-21 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations An inspection revealed that the dike has been completed. Measurements for dike were 50 x 33 x 5. Tanks have been painted and new ID installed. The observed erosion over hillside will still need to be corrected.
1723566406 2007-06-26 Drill / Deepen / Reopen No Violations An inspection revealed that total drilling depth of 1766 feet has been obtained. Witnessed Wire Line Service on this well.
1746399192 2009-12-09 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations An inspection revealed that seed & mulch have been applied to the facility location since the last inspection. In order to prevent erosion from the well site, JD Drilling has diverted water from rainfall events. No violations were noted.
1749466238 2015-05-21 Enhanced Recovery Project Violations Noted Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Containment dike sump was full of oil and water, the containment dike had a skim coating of oil on approximately 1/4 of the dike floor. A total of 4 scald areas were noticed outside of the containment dike. 1st North East outer corner of the containment dike wall had a scald area 9 by 4. 2nd North outer edge of the containment dike on the downslope 21 by 9. 3rd North outer edge of the containment dike on the downslope 11 by 5. 4th 84 North and downslope from the containment dike a wet area 7 by 3 with no vegetative cover and small puddles of water with numerous deer tracks in the mud. A High Range Quantab was placed in the water, it recorded 4.2 on the strip which is 834 ppm Cl. A second High Range Quantab was placed in the near by intermittent stream and it recorded less than 1 on the Quantab. I called and informed Jonathan Reese (JD Drilling field supervisor) of my findings. We discussed the need to pump out the containment dike sump and to determine where the brine is leaking through the liner and then remediate the contaminated areas. We discussed the need to keep the containment dike free of oil and brine.
176085036 2013-9-6 0:00:0 DD No Violations 0.70
1761315946 2009-09-01 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations An inspection was conducted with Mr. Jeff Fry, West Region Oil & Gas Supervisor and UIC Field Supervisor. As previously noted, the removal of contamination and pollution and construction of new earthen dike have been completed. The two 100 bbl tanks have been painted. New identification installed at well and tank locations. No violations were noted.
1778541905 2007-11-01 Enhanced Recovery Project Violations Noted An inspection revealed that fittings for this well will need to be replaced. Unable to place gauge on injection side of the well. Pressure will need to be placed on the annulus.
1784168662 2016-10-12 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, injection pressure and annulus pressure. Identification posted on 100 barrel steel tank. The containment dike is free of fluids.
1803524998 2013-01-31 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations No violations were noted during the inspection. Good identification was observed on the tanks. The containment dike was free of fluid.
181309218 2007-4-26 0:00: ER No Violations
1831054794 2004-01-15 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations No violations.
1840955233 2007-04-19 Enhanced Recovery Project Violations Noted An inspection revealed that JD Drilling has exceeded the maximum allowable injection pressure of 445 psi. The pressure noted during the inspection was 630 psi. Mr. Spence Carpenter was contacted by telephone on 4/19/2007 and informed of inspection results. Mr. Carpenter was informed that a similar violation was noted 6 months ago. Mr. Carpenter stated that they have been experiencing constant pressure issues and plan to deepen this ERP.
1871094015 2014-06-25 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, injection line, annulus pressure, and injection pressure. Identification is posted on the 100 barrel steel tank with in the containment dike. Injection pump was off during the inspection. Dike is free of fluids.
1892705325 2006-10-12 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations An inspection conducted on 10/12/2006 revealed that the violations have been resolved.
1915502826 2018-07-03 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Meet with Jonathan Reese on location. Jonathan told me that they pumped heavy brine down the injection tubing to try and clear the tubing and perforations. The tubing pressure did not decrease to the desired level. They plan on continuing remedial work to clear the tubing. An acid job on the tubing is one method they are considering.
1952287471 2011-12-13 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Accompanied Jon Scott on inspection. Identification faded. Talked to Jonathon Reese about it on 12/20/2011.
1992571167 2014-02-26 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations FOLLOW UP TO NOV # 1393437362 Inspected the containment dike, tanks, injection pump, annulus pressure and injection pressure. 25% of the dike has a skim coating of oil. There is a pool of oil and water at the sump approximately 10 feet in diameter and 2 deep. I called Jonathan Reese JD Drilling field supervisor, and told him of the oil and that it must be cleaned up. We also discussed the low annulus pressure and I asked when they plan to do their monthly test. Jonathan told me that he will have a crew out on 2-27-14 to clean up the oil and they will pump up the annulus by the first week in March.
2029385681 2006-01-25 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations No violations, will need tested in spring.
2034195211 2009-07-08 Surface Facility Construction No Violations A follow-up inspection revealed that the company has addressed the contamination and pollution inside the earthen dike. At the time of the inspection, the dike walls were being re-constructed. Spoke with JD Drilling employee that was performing the dirt work. Explained and answered questions relating to the earthen dike construction. 25 x 40 x 30 are the proposed dimensions.
2047074024 2010-12-28 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations An inspection revealed no violations. Snow cover at time of inspection.
2068138288 2003-07-02 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Service rig not on well.
2081211388 2008-01-08 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations A follow-up inspection revealed non-compliance.
2114078885 2019-02-28 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations JD Drilling service rig is set up on the well. I talked to Jonathan Reese on site. They are planning on drilling out the open hole portion of the well soon.
2116026464 2019-04-23 Enhanced Recovery Project No Violations Chiefs Order # 2019-61 Follow up inspection. JD Drilling Service rig, Power swivel unit, air compressor, mud pump, trailer with 2 inch tubing string on location. No activity today. The packer and tubing are still in the well. The containment dike has one wall removed to allow access for the service rig. The injection tubing has zero pressure. The annulus has zero pressure. The well is shut in.
214567746 2005-1-12 0:00: ER No Violations
21877589 2019-6-4 0:00:0 ER No Violations 4.30
258051282 2017-7-18 0:00: SW No Violations 1.50
28360868 2018-5-4 0:00:0 ER No Violations
368667115 2015-10-15 0:00 ER No Violations 1.00
408411496 2012-10-24 0:00 ER No Violations 0.50
469899699 2019-5-6 0:00:0 ER No Violations 2.00
482007541 2019-1-28 0:00: ER No Violations 0.50
494749536 2018-7-13 0:00: ER No Violations 3.10
5609i244 2001-7-12 0:00: ER No Violations
606926315 2013-5-21 0:00: ER No Violations 1.00
69776853 2008-2-13 0:00: ER No Violations
711127573 2009-3-3 0:00:0 ER No Violations
788751631 2018-3-19 0:00: SW No Violations 0.50
79178201 2011-8-4 0:00:0 ER No Violations
793155800 2019-6-19 0:00: ER No Violations 4.50
842589917 2016-2-23 0:00: ER No Violations 1.50
907209855 2006-7-12 0:00: ER No Violations
91166089 2003-4-21 0:00: ER No Violations
915755431 2019-8-12 0:00: ER No Violations 6.80
963939983 2007-5-24 0:00: DD No Violations
995307548 2011-3-30 0:00: ER No Violations
iTOMK000141 2004-1-16 0:00: ER No Violations
PL2269 PL No Violations
UIC1679 1997-8-20 0:00: ER No Violations
UIC1680 1997-8-20 0:00: ER No Violations
UIC780 1989-10-18 0:00 ER No Violations
UIC781 1989-10-18 0:00 ER No Violations
UIC782 1989-10-18 0:00 ER No Violations

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Violation Code Violation Comments
0028360868 US-OH-122940 2018-08-03 Failure to file enhanced recovery annual report
0150928193 US-OH-114270 2018-08-13 9-5-10(D) Exceeding maximum allowable injection pressure
0181309218 US-OH-118103 2007-05-09 Exceeding maximum allowable injection pressure
0788418440 US-OH-128955 2005-06-13 Insufficient/No identification
0907209855 US-OH-130349 2006-07-24 Pollution/Contamination
0907209855 US-OH-130350 2006-07-24 Violation of injection tubing/fitting requirements
1158844173 US-OH-104203 2006-09-21 Exceeding maximum allowable injection pressure
1233477216 US-OH-106261 2017-07-13 9-5-10E Failure to file enhanced recovery annual report
1246387676 US-OH-106573 2009-07-13 Pollution/Contamination
1246387676 US-OH-106574 2009-07-13 Contamination at storage facility (permit after 6/1/82)
1308131816 US-OH-108701 2015-03-26 Contamination at storage facility (permit after 6/1/82)
1308131816 US-OH-108702 2015-03-26 Failure to monitor annulus pressure
1353108849 US-OH-110217 2017-07-13 9-5-10(E) Failure to monitor pressures or volumes/failure to file
1410793952 US-OH-112086 2014-09-25 Failure to monitor annulus pressure
1749466238 US-OH-117380 2015-10-08 Pollution/Contamination
1778541905 US-OH-117726 2007-11-09 Violation of injection tubing/fitting requirements
1778541905 US-OH-117727 2007-11-09 Failure to monitor annulus pressure
1840955233 US-OH-118384 2007-04-23 Exceeding maximum allowable injection pressure

For data sources see[5]
