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Well Details

Well ID: 34-169-24898
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Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Sorry, we have no imagery here.
Country: United States
State: Ohio
County: Wayne
Municipality: Paint Township
Well Pad ID:
License Status: Producing
License Date: 1992-04-06
Spud Date: 1992-05-18
Spud Drilling Contractor: G & H DRLG
Final Drill Date: 1992-05-28
Well Total Depth: 6640.00 ft
Configuration: Vertical
Latitude: 40.690000
Longitude: -81.680000

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Well Status Well Status Date Comment
CO 1992-04-06 477 MILLER OIL & GAS GeoDate 4/6/92
Oil and Gas 1992-04-06 Issued Date 4/6/92 Expired Date 4/6/93 Acres 0080000 Tool Type RTAF Proposed Formation ROSE RUN/TREMP. Proposed Depth 06640 Proposed Drill Depth 06640
Original Spud 1992-05-18
Completed 1992-05-28
Reached Total Depth 1992-05-28
Completion Report Received 1992-11-23
Construction Permit Expires 1993-04-06
Change of Owner 2000-10-02 Operator changed from 477, MILLER OIL & GAS to 3059, MFC DRILLING INC
Record Last Modified 2017-02-15

For data sources see[2]

Perforation Treatments

Perforation Date Interval Top (ft) Interval Base (ft) Number of Shots
1997-06-29 6480 6536 65
6480 6536 65
6480 6536 65

For data sources see[3]

Stimulations Data

Stimulation Date Chemical Agent Chemical Agent Concentration (%) Fracking Fluid Volume Mass of Proppant Used (lb) Fracking Company Comments
H2O 0 90 Bbl 0 SALT

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Oil Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1992 MILLER OIL & GAS 7014.00 7077.00 217
1993 MILLER OIL & GAS 13495.00 6813.00 365
1994 MILLER OIL & GAS 6124.00 2592.00 365
1995 MILLER OIL & GAS 2970.00 923.00 365
1996 MILLER OIL & GAS 2680.00 794.00 365
1998 MILLER OIL & GAS 2954.00 1015.00 365
2000 MFC DRILLING INC 132.00 142.00 365
2001 MFC DRILLING INC 581.00 179.00 365
2002 MFC DRILLING INC 174.00 107.00 365
2003 MFC DRILLING INC 725.00 0.00 365
2004 MFC DRILLING INC 585.00 115.00 365
2005 MFC DRILLING INC 665.00 0.00 365
2006 MFC DRILLING INC 701.00 0.00 365
2007 MFC DRILLING INC 870.00 0.00 365
2008 MFC DRILLING INC 697.00 0.00 365
2009 MFC DRILLING INC 638.00 0.00 365
2010 MFC DRILLING INC 614.00 168.00 365
2011 MFC DRILLING INC 583.00 0.00 365
2012 MFC DRILLING INC 403.00 0.00 366
2013 MFC DRILLING INC 309.00 0.00 365
2014 MFC DRILLING INC 240.00 0.00 365
2015 MFC DRILLING INC 162.00 153.00 365
2016 MFC DRILLING INC 199.00 0.00 365
2017 MFC DRILLING INC 136.00 0.00 365
2018 MFC DRILLING INC 150.00 0.00 365

For data sources see[5] [6]

Waste Data

Period Operator Name Waste Type Quantity (bbl) Production Days
1992 MILLER OIL & GAS Brine 0 217
1993 MILLER OIL & GAS Brine 0 365
1994 MILLER OIL & GAS Brine 0 365
1995 MILLER OIL & GAS Brine 40 365
1996 MILLER OIL & GAS Brine 0 365
1998 MILLER OIL & GAS Brine 0 365
2000 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 0 365
2001 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 105 365
2002 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 193 365
2003 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 98 365
2004 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 0 365
2005 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 0 365
2006 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 75 365
2007 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 0 365
2008 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 87 365
2009 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 35 365
2010 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 75 365
2011 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 165 365
2012 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 0 366
2013 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 40 365
2014 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 120 365
2015 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 0 365
2016 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 0 365
2017 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 0 365
2018 MFC DRILLING INC Brine 170 365

For data sources see[7] [8]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
-2137918882 2013-12-26 0:00 PW No Violations 0.50
-412962791 2018-5-29 0:00: PW No Violations
0000006749 Preliminary Restoration No Violations PASSED Y WITNESSED 12/14/92 INSPECTOR HAROLD MORAVY DATE 12/1419/92 DATA FROM OLD VAX INFO
0304573797 2017-02-24 Preliminary Restoration No Violations Inspected production well on 02/24/2017. All drilling equipment and debris have been removed, pits closed, and the well placed into production. Preliminary restoration passes.
0412962791 2018-05-29 Production Wells No Violations Inspected production well on 05/29/2018. The tank battery consists of 2-210 bbl steel tanks, 1-vertical separator, 1-drip, 1-meter with a drip and regulator, 1-meter box, and 1-underground brine vault, located within an earthen dike. Well identification is clearly displayed at the tank battery. The well is equipped with a pump jack with an electric motor; 1-heater unit is located nearby. No problems were noted at the time of the inspection.
1079922732 2016-08-22 Production Wells No Violations Inspected production well on 08/22/2016. The tank battery consists of 2-210 bbl steel tanks, 1-vertical separator, and 1-underground brine vault, located within an earthen dike. Well identification is clearly displayed at the tank battery. The well is equipped with a pump jack with an electric motor. 1-heater is located nearby. No problems were noted at the time of the inspection.
1109611856 2015-09-16 Production Wells No Violations This producing pump jack well has no apparent problems nor compliance issues at this time.
1135166836 2017-02-24 Production Wells No Violations Inspected production well on 02/24/2017. The tank battery consists of 2-210 bbl steel tanks, 1-vertical separator, and 1-underground brine vault, located within an earthen dike. Well identification is clearly displayed at the tank battery. The well is equipped with a pump jack with an electric motor, and 1-heater unit. No problems were noted at the time of the inspection.
1302711825 2013-01-09 Production Wells No Violations This is a producing pump jack well. There were no problems noted at the time of the inspection.
2110959402 2020-5-27 0:00: PW No Violations
2137918882 2013-12-26 Production Wells No Violations This producing pumping unit well has no apparent problems at time of inspection.
304573797 2017-2-24 0:00: PL No Violations
6749 PL No Violations

For data sources see[9]

