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Well Details

Well ID: 37-127-20017
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Country: United States
State: Pennsylvania
County: Wayne
Municipality: Damascus Township
Well Pad ID:
Spud Date: 2010-06-26
Permit Date: 2010-05-27
Well Type: TEST WELL
Unconventional Well: N
Configuration: Vertical Well
Conservation: No
Latitude: 41.765889
Longitude: -75.109389

For data sources see[1][2][3]

Well History

Date Event
2010-05-27 New Permit Application
2010-06-25 Performed Spud Operation
2010-08-28 Drilling Completion
2010-11-30 NEWLY DRILLED
2012-08-27 Drilling Completion
2012-12-27 FULLY PLUGGED

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Gas Production Days Oil Quantity (bbl) Oil Production Days Water Quantity (bbl) Water Production Days
2010 NEWFIELD APPALACHIA PA LLC 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0
2011 NEWFIELD APPALACHIA PA LLC 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2012 NEWFIELD APPALACHIA PA LLC 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0

For data sources see[5]

Waste Data

Period Operator Waste Type Quantity Disposal Method Waste Facility ID
2010 NEWFIELD APPALACHIA PA LLC Drill Cuttings 26 Tons LANDFILL 101247

For data sources see[6]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Category Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
1900332 Primary Facility 2010-07-22 Drilling/Alteration No Violations Noted UDI rig 48. 20" conductor set. Rigging up to start drilling 13 3/8" casing. Reserve pit in good condition. Freeboard = 5'. Work area is lined with plastic and perimeter around rig is bermed. Drillers log on site and up to date. Mudlogger on site to log hole fro surface to TD.
1912355 Primary Facility 2010-09-02 Follow-up Inspection No Violations Noted Well installation complete. Rig moved off location to Crum. Reserve pit still open and full of fluid. Freeboard ok and liner in good condition. Plan to solidify and encapsulate pit next week.
1912375 Primary Facility 2010-09-08 Follow-up Inspection No Violations Noted Complaint of Sulphur odor coming from site. Contractor in process of dewatering pit. Fluid transferred to frac tanks and then trucked offsite for disposal. When pumping- odor emiited through vents on tanks. Pit is going to be solidified and then encapsulated this week.
1926591 Primary Facility 2010-11-02 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted Mike O'Donnell and I conducted an inspection of this site. We recommend that the operator update the E&S plan to accurately reflect the controls as installed.
1966501 Primary Facility 2011-04-18 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted on site with WQS Ryan Klemish. Inspected site and well head. Well is shut in. Pressure gauge on well indicated 0 psi. Cellar full of water. No gas bubbling observed. Well head and cellar are protected by chain-link fence and gae with pad lock. There was no activity on site at time of inspection. no violations were observed at the time of inspection.
1966630 Primary Facility 2011-04-18 Follow-up Inspection Violation(s) Noted
1968208 Primary Facility 2011-04-20 Routine/Complete Inspection Outstanding Violations - No Viols Req'd Meeting with Newfield representative to discuss their response to my findings on 4/18/2011.
1969810 Primary Facility 2011-05-02 Follow-up Inspection No Violations Noted Followup to close out violations from 4/18/2011. No viols noted.
2009350 Primary Facility 2011-10-06 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted DEP on site at 10 am. Operator has filed for Inactive Status. Site is secured with entrance gate and chain-link fence around well head. Well is temporarily shut in. No leaks observed visually in cellar. No activity on site site during inspection. E&S controls appear to be in place and working sufficiently. DEP offsite at 10:30
2099639 Primary Facility 2012-08-30 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted On site 11:30. Gate locked. Operator provided access. No one on site at time of inspection. Well has been plugged. Well head removed and casing cut off below grade. A time of inspection cellar was full of water from recent rains. Could not see well. Operator has provided prictures of well with welded cap that has permit number welded on it. No violations observed.
2101959 Primary Facility 2012-09-19 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted Today is the second day of the reclamation activity being conducted of this pad. Monday, 9/17/12 was the first day of earth moving activity. Tuesday, 9/18/12 was a day of rain. Plans are on site, but in a weathered condition, need to be replaced. Weather is sunny today, with the next forecasted rain event being called for on Saturday, 9/22/12. Contractor is minimizing soil disturbance to north section of pad. Contractor is operating under the assumption that the originally installed silt sock is acceptable to meeting the designed runoff reduction criteria. A review of this “existing” silt sock shows that it needs to be replaced immediately. Also, debris from the existing silt sock needs to be removed. Told Ted that he can continue to conduct earth moving activities until a rain event is eminent. Hence, it was agreed that if new silt sock is not installed by the close of business on Friday, 9/22/12,
2102817 Primary Facility 2012-09-26 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted Inspection conducted with Ted Korb of Leeward Construction, contractor for Newfield Appalachia, on 9/26/12 of the Woodland Mgt. Partners well pad. Ted had called and left message on this past Friday, 9/21/12, stating that the required silt sock had been installed. Inspection revealed that the silt sock was installed as per plan, and was installed properly. Approximately 90% of the pad has been leveled back near original contours. After final leveling, top soil pile will be distributed and leveled over site. The access road built for the pad is under one acre, and hence can stay in place if land owner so desires.
2155629 Primary Facility 2013-04-09 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted Inspection conducted on 4/9/13. The lower third of the site needs to be regraded, seeded, and mulched. The ruts located in this area are beginning to turn into gullies. Please provide documentation of the E & S inspections conducted over the last month.
2273563 Primary Facility 2014-05-12 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted Inspection conducted of the Newfield Woodland Mgmt Partners 1 1 Well Pad Site covered under the E&S well pad plan for the Newfield Woodland Mgmt Partners 1 1 Well (127-20017). Inspection conducted on 5/12/14. Inspection is to confirm Newfield’s assessment that the site meets the minimum requirements as defined in Chapter 102.22(C) for permanent stabilization which would thus fulfill the physical requirements necessary for the permits termination. The Department’s determination is that the site is not permanently stabilized and does not meet the criteria necessary for the permit’s termination. The well pad site has areas in the lower section which do not have 70% vegetative cover. Also, the access road entrance is washing out. Looks like the road side ditch which feeds the first cross culvert needs to be cleaned out and reshaped. Also, the level spreader for this cross culvert may need to be lowered.
2322366 Primary Facility 2014-11-13 Site Restoration No Violations Noted Inspection conducted of the Newfield Woodland Mgmt Partners 1 1 Well Pad Site covered under the E&S well pad plan for the Newfield Woodland Mgmt Partners 1 1 Well (127-20017). Inspection conducted on 11/13/14. Inspection is to confirm Newfield’s assessment that the site meets the minimum requirements as defined in Chapter 102.22(C) for permanent stabilization which would thus fulfill the physical requirements necessary for the permits termination. The Department’s determination is that the site is in fact stabilized and meets the criteria necessary for the permit’s termination.

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Date Resolved Violation Code Violation Type Violation Comments
1966630 609115 04/18/2011 2011-04-18 102.4 - Failure to minimize accelerated erosion, implement E&S plan, maintain E&S controls. Failure to stabilize site until total site restoration under OGA Sec 206(c)(d) Environmental Health & Safety Violation for failure to properly stabilize topsoil pile. Operator was originally advised of this issue in inspection conducted 11/2/2010..

For data sources see[7]

