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Well Details

Well ID: 37-127-20021
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Country: United States
State: Pennsylvania
County: Wayne
Municipality: Scott Township
Operator Name: HESS CORP
Well Pad ID: 147385
Farm/Lease Name: MILLER 1V
License Status:
Spud Date: 2010-09-05
Permit Date: 2010-07-28
Well Type: GAS
Unconventional Well: Y
Configuration: Vertical Well
Conservation: Yes
Latitude: 41.936969
Longitude: -75.467964

For data sources see[1][2][3]

Well History

Date Event
2010-07-28 New Permit Application
2010-08-03 Performed Spud Operation
2010-10-08 Drilling Completion
2012-11-03 Drilling Completion
2013-03-07 FULLY PLUGGED
2013-04-04 NEWLY DRILLED

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Gas Production Days Oil Quantity (bbl) Oil Production Days Water Quantity (bbl) Water Production Days
2010 HESS CORP 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2011 HESS CORP 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0
2012 HESS CORP 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0

For data sources see[5]

Waste Data

Period Operator Waste Type Quantity Disposal Method Waste Facility ID
2010 HESS CORP Drill Cuttings 456.00 Tons LANDFILL 301626

For data sources see[6]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Category Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
1912374 Primary Facility 2010-09-08 Drilling/Alteration No Violations Noted H&P 272. Drill on air to 6000 and then coring. Have 13 3/8" set to 750 and cemented. Have open tops for fluid and cuttings and discussed with CO. Man that 2' freeboard must be maintained in open tops. Secondary containment = plastic under entire substructure and cuttings handling area.
1917633 Primary Facility 2010-10-04 Drilling/Alteration No Violations Noted H&P 272. Depth of drilling 6988'. TD is 7075'. Coring is complete. BOP's tested and charts look ok. Cemented 13 3/8" and 9 5/9" with returns reported on both strings. Will set 5 1/2" at TD.
1939207 Primary Facility 2010-12-12 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted
2009762 Primary Facility 2011-10-11 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted DEP on site at 15:30. Operator is filing for Inactive Status. Site secured with gated entrance. Well is temporarily plugged. Protective steel barricades are in place around well head. No evidence of gas leaking in cellar. Gauges on annuli both read 0 psi. E&S controls appear to be in place and working sufficiently. No one on site at time of inspection. Site ID sign has been torn down and is laying on ground at entrance to site.
2113241 Primary Facility 2012-10-25 Plugging(Includes Plugged/Mined Through) No Violations Noted Key Ind. Service Rig on site. Duncan Hatch - Co. Man on site. Have cut 5 1/2" casing at 1900' and at 1895'. TOC estimated to be at 1950'. Tried pulling casing - were unsuccessful. Plan is to make another cut at 1500' and try to pull casing. Will then set a 100' plug of cement and CIBP at 1500', come up hole and set top plug at @835' (100' below surface casing shoe). Will top off with gravel to surface and cap well. No violations at this time.
2173552 Primary Facility 2013-06-07 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted Inspection conducted on 6/7/13 with Bob Wrazen, URS and Dean Jameson, Hess of the Miller Pad. Inspection based on site visit to discuss pad reclamation requirements. Hess is expecting to pick a contractor to reclaim the pad within the next week. The Department will allow the access road to stay if the land owner so desires. An inspection of the existing silt sock revealed that new silt sock will need to be installed up gradient of the existing silt sock. Well has been plugged. Site is temporarily stabilized at this time.
2284953 Primary Facility 2014-07-02 Site Restoration No Violations Noted Inspection conducted of the Hess Miller 1V Well Pad Site covered under ESCGP-1 ESX10-127-0004. Inspection conducted on 7/2/14 with Robert Wrazen, URS and Dean Jamieson, Hess. Inspection is to confirm Hess’s assessment that the site meets the minimum requirements as defined in Chapter 102.22(C) for permanent stabilization which would thus fulfill the physical requirements necessary for the permits termination. The Department’s determination is that the site is in fact stabilized and meets the criteria necessary for the permit’s termination.

For data sources see[7]

