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Well Details

Well ID: 37-129-23933
Country: United States
State: Pennsylvania
County: Westmoreland
Municipality: Derry Borough
Well Pad ID:
Farm/Lease Name: POLLINS 3
License Status: ACTIVE
Spud Date:
Permit Date: 1996-06-05
Well Type: GAS
Unconventional Well: N
Configuration: Vertical Well
Conservation: No
Latitude: 40.408245
Longitude: -79.308381

For data sources see[1][2][3]

Well History

Date Event
1996-06-05 New Permit Application
1996-10-23 Performed Spud Operation
1996-10-28 Drilling Completion
1996-12-10 Perforation
1997-11-21 NEWLY DRILLED

For data sources see[4]

Production Data

Period Operator Name Gas Quantity (mcf) Gas Production Days Oil Quantity (bbl) Oil Production Days Water Quantity (bbl) Water Production Days
1997 PENTEX ENERGY INC 14016 365 0.00 0 0.00 0
1998 PENTEX ENERGY INC 7679 365 0.00 0 0.00 0
1999 PENTEX ENERGY INC 6628 365 0.00 0 0.00 0
2000 PENTEX ENERGY INC 4490 365 0.00 0 0.00 0
2001 PENTEX ENERGY INC 4609 365 0.00 0 0.00 0
2002 PENTEX ENERGY INC 4582 365 0.00 0 0.00 0
2003 PENTEX ENERGY INC 4362 365 0.00 0 0.00 0
2004 LINN OPR LLC 227 30 0.00 0 0.00 0
2006 LINN OPR INC 3916.00 365 0.00 0 0.00 0
2007 LINN OPR INC 3358.00 296 0.00 0 0.00 0
2008 XTO ENERGY INC 2261.00 365 0.00 0 0.00 0
2009 XTO ENERGY INC 2172.00 365 0.00 0 0.00 0
2010 XTO ENERGY INC 1,663.00 365 0.00 0 0.00 0
2011 XTO ENERGY INC 1,929.00 365 0.00 0 0.00 0
2012 XTO ENERGY INC 1,209.00 191 0.00 0 0.00 0
2013 XTO ENERGY INC 1,644.00 364 0.00 0 0.00 0
2014 XTO ENERGY INC 1,826.00 364 0.00 0 0.00 0
2015 XTO ENERGY INC 2,063.00 365 0.00 0 0.00 0
2016 XTO ENERGY INC 2,509.00 366 0.00 0 0.00 0
2017 ALLIANCE PETRO CO LLC 1,299.00 334 0.00 0 0.00 0
2018 ALLIANCE PETRO CO LLC 1,575.00 365 0.00 0 0.00 0

For data sources see[5]

Waste Data

Period Operator Waste Type Quantity Disposal Method Waste Facility ID
1997 PENTEX ENERGY INC Fracking Fluid 600.00 Bbl Brine or Industrial Waste Treatment Plt PA0095443
1997 PENTEX ENERGY INC Brine 110.00 Bbl Brine or Industrial Waste Treatment Plt PA0095443
1999 PENTEX ENERGY INC Brine 30.00 Bbl Brine or Industrial Waste Treatment Plt PA0095443

For data sources see[6]

Inspection Data

Inspections Performed

Inspection ID Inspection Category Inspection Date Inspection Type Inspection Result Inspection Comments
1227024 Primary Facility 2003-04-15 Complaint Inspection Administratively Closed equipped/E&S ok/tank&tag ok/evidence of small spill at tank outlet - notified operator to remediate affected area.
2520079 Primary Facility 2016-09-19 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted Well tagged-in production. Annulus was shut. Well head casing-equipment-1500 gallon plastic tank looked ok.
2670272 Primary Facility 2017-07-14 Complaint Inspection Violation(s) Noted At time of inspection well appears equipped for production.

Violation being issued for operator failure to collect brine and other fluids. The mailing of this NOV was delayed due to the processing of the paperwork associated with the transfer of ownership of this well.

2673375 Primary Facility 2017-12-13 Administrative/File Review Outstanding Violations - Viols Req'd Admin inspection to inspection record #2670272 where a violation was issued for operator failure to collect brine or other fluids.

Department contacted operator rep Nick Armstrong by phone. Mr. Armstrong stated that in mid July the impacted soils were excavated and placed on plastic awaiting disposal. Mr. Armstrong also stated that since that time, the landowner has taken the excavated soil from the plastic and put it back in the hole near the well head. Violation issued on 7-14-17 remains outstanding. A follow up inspection will be conducted at a later date.

2673552 Primary Facility 2017-12-19 Follow-up Inspection Outstanding Violations - Viols Req'd Follow up inspection to inspection record #2670272 where a violation was issued for operator failure to collect brine or other fluids.

At time of inspection, Department unable to enter site due to pasture gate being closed. No excavated soil placed on plastic is observed. Department unable to verify operator statement (see inspection record #2673375) that excavated soil was replaced in hole(s) near well head by landowner. If impacted soil was not properly disposed of, Department recommends that operator remediate area as per the Department document #800-5000-001, Addressing Spills and Releases at Oil and Gas Well Sites or Access Roads. Violation issued on 7-14-17 remains outstanding. A follow up inspection will be conducted at a later date. UPDATE 12-20-17: Department spoke with operator rep Nick Armstrong. Mr. Armstrong stated the impacted soil will be excavated soon after 1-1-18.

2673884 Primary Facility 2017-12-21 Follow-up Inspection Outstanding Violations - Viols Req'd ADMIN inspection to inspection record #2670272 where violation was issued for operator failure to collect brine or other fluids.

Department received operator response to NOV. Previously issued violation still exists for this site.

2705593 Primary Facility 2018-03-13 Administrative/File Review Outstanding Violations - Viols Req'd ADMIN inspection to inspection record #2670272. Operator rep Gordon Bish contacted Department by email (photo #1). Mr. Bish stated the remediation has been delayed due to weather. Operator hopes to remediate area within 7-10 working days.

Previously issued violation still exists for this site.

2716069 Primary Facility 2018-04-06 Follow-up Inspection Outstanding Violations - Viols Req'd Follow up inspection to inspection record #2670272 where a violation was issued for failure to collect brine or other fluids.

On-site meeting requested by operator to discuss site remediation. Present at meeting is operator reps Lisa Raffle, Gordon Bish, Ken Hoffman, Dusty Duckworth and Department rep Cindy Witham. Landowner also present. At time of inspection disturbed earth is present near well head area (photo #1). This area is not vegetated, seeded or mulched. Per inspection record #2673884, Operator reported a release of approximately 0.5 bbl of brine in mid July, 2017 and operator excavated impacted soil later that same month. Per same inspection record, landowner replaced impacted soil into hole near well head before operator could dispose of properly. Department recommends operator remove impacted soils again and dispose of in a manner approved by law. Ms. Raffle stated a statement of operator's plan to remediate area will be provided to Department. A follow up inspection will be conducted at a

2719116 Primary Facility 2017-07-13 Routine/Complete Inspection Pending This well was tagged and in production. The 7" well casing deteriorated which broke the 1 1/2" production casing. The production casing was shut in and the well was producing through the 4" production casing. A call was placed to the operator who immediately repaired the 1 1/2" production casing in order to maintain the mechanical integrity of the well. The 2" line to the fluid collection tank was broken with fluid potentially having spilled to the ground. I referred the fluid line issue to the Water Quality Specialist for follow up.
2722089 Primary Facility 2018-04-23 Administrative/File Review Outstanding Violations - Viols Req'd ADMIN inspection to inspection record #2670272 where a violation was issued for failure to collect brine or other fluids.

As per inspection record #2716069, operator submitted their remediation plan to Department (photo #1). Department requests operator submit disposal records to Department showing amount of impacted soil removed from site. Violation issued on 7-14-17 remains outstanding. A follow up inspection will be conducted at a later date.

2730253 Primary Facility 2018-05-14 Follow-up Inspection Outstanding Violations - Viols Req'd Follow up inspection to inspection record #2670272. At time of inspection it does not appear that operator has begun remediation of site. Location of the 0.5 bbl release remains un-vegetated (photo #1). Department recommends operator follow plan proposed in operator response to NOV (see inspection record #2673884) and excavate impacted soil and dispose of by a method permitted by law. As per inspection record #2722089, Department again requests disposal records showing amount of impacted soils removed.

Violation issued on 7-14-18 remains outstanding. A follow up inspection will be conducted at a later date.

2741588 Primary Facility 2018-06-12 Administrative/File Review Outstanding Violations - Viols Req'd ADMIN inspection to inspection record #2670272 where a violation was issued for failure to collect brine or other fluids.

Operator rep Gordon Bish contacted Department by email (photo #1). Mr. Bish stated remediation has been completed. A photo of remediated site was included in the email (photo #2). Violation issued on 7-14-17 remains outstanding. A follow up inspection will be conducted at a later date.

2746843 Primary Facility 2018-06-27 Compliance Evaluation No Violations Noted CEI inspection to inspection record #2670272 where a violation was issued for failure to collect brine or other fluids.

At time of inspection area of release appears to be seeded and mulched (photo #1). Vegetation beginning to grow. Department has not received disposal manifest requested on 4-23-18 (see inspection record #2722089). Violation issued on 7-14-17 appears to be corrected and is closed. Department will conduct further inspection(s) to ensure vegetative growth is maintained and sustained. Violation(s) may be issued at a later date if subsequent inspections indicate that improper/insufficient cleanup has occurred (stressed/dead/insufficient vegetation is observed).

771305 Primary Facility 1996-09-30 Drilling/Alteration No Violations Noted PLAN ON SITE; E&S OK
771323 Primary Facility 1996-09-16 Drilling/Alteration Violation(s) Noted NO E&S PLAN ON SITE
771447 Primary Facility 1996-10-25 Drilling/Alteration No Violations Noted AT 787'; PITS, E&S OK
772145 Primary Facility 1997-01-15 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted EQUIP/E&S, PITS, ID, OK
774926 Primary Facility 1997-08-01 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted EQUIP/UNRESTOR/E&S ADVICE
775183 Primary Facility 1997-08-14 Routine/Complete Inspection Violation(s) Noted ROAD, SITE UNSTABLE
775647 Primary Facility 1997-10-08 Site Restoration Violation(s) Noted SITE UNRESTOR/E&S SITE & ROAD
775914 Primary Facility 1997-11-12 Routine/Complete Inspection Violation(s) Noted DRL REST/E&S MEAS INAD/NOV SNT
776789 Primary Facility 1998-02-25 Routine/Complete Inspection Violation(s) Noted NOV SENT/INADQ E&S/SITE RESTOR
776790 Primary Facility 1998-02-24 Routine/Complete Inspection Violation(s) Noted NOV SENT/INADQ E&S/SITE RESTOR
776792 Primary Facility 1998-02-18 Routine/Complete Inspection Violation(s) Noted BRINE DISCHARGE TO GROUND
777094 Primary Facility 1998-03-30 Routine/Complete Inspection Violation(s) Noted NOV SENT/E&S OK/TAG & TANK
777690 Primary Facility 1998-05-13 Routine/Complete Inspection No Violations Noted EQUIP/E&S OK/TANK & TAG
778233 Primary Facility 1998-07-15 Site Restoration No Violations Noted EQUIP/RESTOR/TANK & TAG

Violations Commited

Inspection ID Violation ID Violation Date Date Resolved Violation Code Violation Type Violation Comments
2670272 804250 2017-07-14 2018-06-27 78.57(a) Environmental Health & Safety Violation issued on 7-14-17.
2673375 804542 2017-12-13 2018-06-27 78.57(a) Environmental Health & Safety Violation issued on 7-14-17.
2673552 804677 2017-12-19 2018-06-27 78.57(a) Environmental Health & Safety Violation issued on 7-14-17.
2673884 804679 2017-12-21 2018-06-27 78.57(a) Environmental Health & Safety Violation issued 7-14-17.
2705593 811145 2017-07-14 2018-06-27 78.57(a) Environmental Health & Safety
2716069 813171 2017-07-14 2018-06-27 78.57(a) Environmental Health & Safety
2722089 814536 2017-07-14 2018-06-27 78.57(a) Environmental Health & Safety
2730253 816708 2017-07-14 2018-06-27 78.57(a) Environmental Health & Safety Violation issued on 7-14-17.
2741588 819723 2017-07-14 2018-06-27 78.57(a) Environmental Health & Safety Violation issued on 7-14-17.
771323 107915 09/16/1996 1996-09-16 102.4NOPLAN - No E&S plan developed, plan not on site Administrative NO E&S PLAN ON SITE
775183 110074 08/14/1997 1997-08-14 102.4 - Failure to minimize accelerated erosion, implement E&S plan, maintain E&S controls. Failure to stabilize site until total site restoration under OGA Sec 206(c)(d) Environmental Health & Safety ROAD, SITE UNSTABLE
775647 110498 10/08/1997 1997-10-08 102.4 - Failure to minimize accelerated erosion, implement E&S plan, maintain E&S controls. Failure to stabilize site until total site restoration under OGA Sec 206(c)(d) Environmental Health & Safety E&S MEASURES INADEQU
775647 110499 10/08/1997 1997-10-08 206REST - Failure to restore site w/in 9 months of completion of drilling or plugging Environmental Health & Safety DRILL RESTOR INADEQU
775914 110556 11/12/1997 1997-11-12 102.4 - Failure to minimize accelerated erosion, implement E&S plan, maintain E&S controls. Failure to stabilize site until total site restoration under OGA Sec 206(c)(d) Environmental Health & Safety E&S MEAS INAD/SITE &
775914 110557 11/12/1997 1997-11-12 206REST - Failure to restore site w/in 9 months of completion of drilling or plugging Environmental Health & Safety DRILL RESTOR INADEQU
776789 111056 02/25/1998 1998-02-25 102.4 - Failure to minimize accelerated erosion, implement E&S plan, maintain E&S controls. Failure to stabilize site until total site restoration under OGA Sec 206(c)(d) Environmental Health & Safety INADEQUATE E&S - SIT
776789 111057 02/25/1998 1998-02-25 206REST - Failure to restore site w/in 9 months of completion of drilling or plugging Environmental Health & Safety INADEQUATE DRILL RES
776790 111058 02/24/1998 1998-02-24 102.4 - Failure to minimize accelerated erosion, implement E&S plan, maintain E&S controls. Failure to stabilize site until total site restoration under OGA Sec 206(c)(d) Environmental Health & Safety INADEQUATE E&S - SIT
776790 111059 02/24/1998 1998-02-24 206REST - Failure to restore site w/in 9 months of completion of drilling or plugging Environmental Health & Safety INADEQUATE DRILL RES
776792 111062 02/18/1998 1998-02-18 301307 - Unpermitted discharge of IW (brine, drill cuttings, & oil spills) Environmental Health & Safety DISCHARGE TO GROUND
777094 111478 03/30/1998 1998-03-30 206REST - Failure to restore site w/in 9 months of completion of drilling or plugging Environmental Health & Safety INADEQUATE DRILL RES

Penalties Applied

Violation ID Penalty ID Penalty Code Penalty Status Penalty Date Enforcement Date Penalty Amount Amount Collected
804250 360409 NOV - Notice of Violation 2018-07-16
804542 360409 NOV - Notice of Violation 2018-07-16
804677 360409 NOV - Notice of Violation 2018-07-16
804679 360409 NOV - Notice of Violation 2018-07-16
811145 360409 NOV - Notice of Violation 2018-07-16
813171 360409 NOV - Notice of Violation 2018-07-16
814536 360409 NOV - Notice of Violation 2018-07-16
816708 360409 NOV - Notice of Violation 2018-07-16
107915 8955 NOV - Notice of Violation Comply/Closed 1996-09-30
110074 7315 NOV - Notice of Violation Comply/Closed 1998-05-13
110498 7043 NOV - Notice of Violation Comply/Closed 1998-07-15
110499 7043 NOV - Notice of Violation Comply/Closed 1998-07-15
111062 6612 NOV - Notice of Violation Legacy Data 1999-09-13

For data sources see[7]
