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Well ID: 37-129-28567 | |
Country: United States | |
State: Pennsylvania | |
County: Westmoreland | |
Municipality: Derry Township | |
Operator Name: XPR RESOURCES LLC | |
Well Pad ID: 148377 | |
Farm/Lease Name: FRYE SOUTH 1-2H | |
License Status: | |
Spud Date: | |
Permit Date: 2011-03-29 | |
Well Type: GAS | |
Unconventional Well: Y | |
Configuration: Horizontal Well | |
Conservation: Yes | |
Latitude: 40.375272 | |
Longitude: -79.286622 |
Date | Event |
2011-03-29 | New Permit Application |
2011-04-11 | Performed Spud Operation |
2011-06-09 | Drilling Completion |
2011-09-27 | Perforation |
2013-05-28 | DEVIATED |
For data sources see[4]
Job Number | Job Start Date | Job End Date | True Vertical Depth (ft) | Total Water Volume (gal) | Total Non-Water Volume (gal) |
1 | 2011-09-22 | 2011-09-22 | 8,101 | 5,742,265 |
Job Number | Trade Name | Supplier | Purpose | Ingredient Name | CAS Number | Additive Percentage by Mass | Job Percentage by Mass | Mass Used (lb) |
1 | Hydrochloric Acid | Halliburton Energy Services | Acid | Hydrochloric acid | 7647-01-0 | 30.00 | 0.10 | |
Sand- Silica Sand | Halliburton Energy Services | Proppant | Quartz | 14808-60-7 | 100.00 | 11.53 | ||
WG-36 Gelling Agent | Halliburton Energy Services | Gel | Guar gum | 9000-30-0 | 100.00 | 0.00060000 | ||
LP-65 | Halliburton Energy Services | Scale Inhibitor | Ammonium chloride | 12125-02-9 | 10.00 | 0.00430000 | ||
GBW-30 Breaker | Halliburton Energy Services | Breaker | Hemicellulase enzyme | 9012-54-8 | 15.00 | 0.00020000 | ||
Carbohydrates | 95.00 | 0.00110000 | ||||||
BE-9M | Halliburton Energy Services | Biocide | ||||||
Methanol | 67-56-1 | 30.00 | 0.00580000 | |||||
Tri-n-butyl tetradecyl phosphonium chloride | 81741-28-8 | 10.00 | 0.00190000 | |||||
SP Breaker | Halliburton Energy Services | Breaker | Sodium persulfate | 7775-27-1 | 100.00 | 0.00120000 | ||
FR-66 Friction Reducer | Halliburton Energy Services | Friction Reducer | Distillates, petroleum, hydrotreated light | 64742-47-8 | 30.00 | 0.02 | ||
Water | Carrier/Base Fluid | Water | 100.00 | 88.32 |
For data sources see[5]
Period | Operator Name | Gas Quantity (mcf) | Gas Production Days | Oil Quantity (bbl) | Oil Production Days | Water Quantity (bbl) | Water Production Days |
2011 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | 24,169.00 | 11 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 |
2012 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | 872,128.71 | 366 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 |
2013 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | 486,437.07 | 365 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 |
2014 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | 319,170.06 | 364 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 |
2015 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | 218,641.85 | 365 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 |
2016 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | 164,900.56 | 366 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 |
2017 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | 149,883.77 | 364 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 |
2018 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | 126,893.00 | 365 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 |
2019 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | 92,324.00 | 365 | 0.00 | 0 | 0.00 | 0 |
For data sources see[6]
Period | Operator | Waste Type | Quantity | Disposal Method | Waste Facility ID |
2011 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | Drill Cuttings | 1,854.00 Tons | LANDFILL | 100419 |
2012 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | Fracing Fluid Waste | 330.00 Bbl | CENTRALIZED TREATMENT PLANT FOR RECYCLE | PA0254185 |
2012 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | Produced Fluid | 2,275.27 Bbl | CENTRALIZED TREATMENT PLANT FOR RECYCLE | PA0254185 |
2013 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | Produced Fluid | 962.39 Bbl | CENTRALIZED TREATMENT PLANT FOR RECYCLE | PA0254185 |
2013 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | Produced Fluid | 5,212.50 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROC FAC (GENERAL PERMIT) | WMGR123SW005 |
2014 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | Produced Fluid | 1,380.00 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROC FAC (GENERAL PERMIT) | WMGR123SW005 |
2014 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | Drilling Fluid Waste | 18,811.00 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROC FAC (GENERAL PERMIT) | WMGR123SW005 |
2015 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | Produced Fluid | 605.00 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROC FAC (GENERAL PERMIT) | WMGR123SW005 |
2015 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | Fracturing Fluid Waste | 18.00 Tons | LANDFILL | 100434 |
2016 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | Produced Fluid | 330.00 Bbl | RESIDUAL WASTE PROC FAC (GENERAL PERMIT) | WMGR123SW005 |
2017 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | Waste comment only | 0.00 | ||
2017 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | Produced Fluid | 330.00 Bbl | CENTRALIZED TREATMENT PLANT FOR RECYCLE | PA0254185 |
2018 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | Produced Fluid | 460.00 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) | |
2019 | XPR RESOURCES LLC | Produced Fluid | 280.00 Bbl | REUSE (AT WELL PAD) |
For data sources see[7]
Inspection ID | Inspection Category | Inspection Date | Inspection Type | Inspection Result | Inspection Comments |
1957271 | Primary Facility | 2011-03-15 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | Inspection was in response to OG-57 Waiver Request for a site within 100' of a pond and a stream. Waiver is being approved with the following comments: |
1964443 | Primary Facility | 2011-04-01 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | Site visit was part of routine inspection. |
1969098 | Primary Facility | 2011-04-25 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | Site visit was part of routine inspection. |
1982095 | Primary Facility | 2011-06-09 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | Site visit was in response to reported spill on 6-7-11. |
1985336 | Primary Facility | 2011-07-01 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | Site visit was part of routine inspection. |
2140635 | Primary Facility | 2013-02-19 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | no violations noted |
2244302 | Primary Facility | 2014-01-11 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | At the time of inspection the Department notes that the well appears to be drilled and equipped for production. The well apparatus, brine tank and gas production unit appear to be in sound condition. The Erosion and Sedimentation Plan was onsite and appeared to be implemented as designed. The impoundment associated with the well also appears to be in sound condition and had the required 2' of freeboard. During a phone conversation with the Operator personnel the Operator indicated intention to move the water located from the pit onsite for disposal. During the conversation the Operator indicated the water was moved from the Marco Well pad site and was not used at this site. The Department suggests the Operator contact PA DEP Waste to review the 100% rule and proceed based on that conversation to ensure the pit located onsite does not become an unintentional transfer station The Department suggests the Operator continue to monitor the site weekly and after significant precipitation event to ensure the stability of the site in maintained. |
2452527 | Primary Facility | 2016-02-23 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | Access road gated and locked, shared with farm. At the time of inspection well appears equipped for production. Well tag present and affixed in a permanent manner. Four brine tanks located on site within secondary containment and appear to be structurally sound. Site permanently stabilized, no E& S issues in relation to site and/or access road. |
2474524 | Primary Facility | 2016-04-13 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | Well tagged-in production. Well head casing-production equipment-tank battery and dike look ok. |
2554689 | Primary Facility | 2017-01-24 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | Well tagged-in production. Well head casing-production set equipment-tank battery-dike containment looked ok. |
2621644 | Primary Facility | 2017-08-02 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | Well tagged-on. Well head casing-production set equipment-tank battery-dike containment look ok. |
2690473 | Primary Facility | 2018-02-01 | Routine/Complete Inspection | Violation(s) Noted | At the time of inspection well equipped for production. Four brine tanks within secondary containment and appear to be structurally sound. No E&S issues.
Site id sign updated to reflect current Operator information. PPC plan and ERP appears to reflect outdated Operator information. Department request Operator update documents accordingly in accordance with regulation. Violations are being issued under 25 PA Code 78a.55(i)(5)(i) and 25 PA Code 78a.55(i)(5)(iii). |
2738249 | Primary Facility | 2018-03-02 | Compliance Evaluation | No Violations Noted | ERP and PPC plan updated.
Previously issued violations have been corrected. |
2773065 | Primary Facility | 2018-09-11 | Routine/Complete Inspection | No Violations Noted | At the time of inspection well equipped for production. Brine tanks within secondary containment and appears structurally sound. No E and S issues. |
Inspection ID | Violation ID | Violation Date | Date Resolved | Violation Code | Violation Type | Violation Comments |
2690473 | 807608 | 2018-02-01 | 2018-03-02 | 78a55(i)5i | Environmental Health & Safety | |
2690473 | 807609 | 2018-02-01 | 2018-03-02 | 78a55(i)5iii | Environmental Health & Safety |
Violation ID | Penalty ID | Penalty Code | Penalty Status | Penalty Date | Enforcement Date | Penalty Amount | Amount Collected |
807608 | 361323 | NOV - Notice of Violation | 2019-01-23 | ||||
807608 | 371697 | CACP - Consent Assessment of Civil Penalty | COMP - Completed | 2019-01-23 | 2019-01-23 | $11,000.00 | $11,000.00 |
807609 | 361323 | NOV - Notice of Violation | 2019-01-23 | ||||
807609 | 371697 | CACP - Consent Assessment of Civil Penalty | COMP - Completed | 2019-01-23 | 2019-01-23 | $11,000.00 | $11,000.00 |
For data sources see[8]