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Well Details

Well ID: 42-235-33621
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Country: United States
State: Texas
County: Irion County
Operator Name: PETEX
Well Type: Gas
Lease Number: 162833
Latitude: 31.131355
Longitude: -101.094200

For data sources see[1]

Well History

Date Event
1997-01-09 Application Received
1997-01-10 Permit Issued
1997-03-02 Spudding Begins
1997-03-02 Surface Cased
1997-03-12 Well Status: FINAL-COMPLETION
1999-01-10 Permit Expired

For data sources see[2]

Production Data

Year Oil Volume (BBL) Gas Volume (MCF) Condensate Volume (BBL) Casing Head Gas Volume (MCF) Operator Name
1997 28932 0 244 0 LAVANCO ENERGY, INC.
1998 40939 0 34 0 LAVANCO ENERGY, INC.
1999 30422 0 12 0 LAVANCO ENERGY, INC.
2000 24354 0 13 0 LAVANCO ENERGY, INC.
2001 22781 0 30 0 LAVANCO ENERGY, INC.
2002 21600 0 1 0 LAVANCO ENERGY, INC.
2003 19418 0 0 0 LAVANCO ENERGY, INC.
2004 18536 0 0 0 LAVANCO ENERGY, INC.
2005 17407 0 15 0 BRECK OPERATING CORP.
2006 16315 0 0 0 BRECK OPERATING CORP.
2007 13510 0 28 0 BRECK OPERATING CORP.
2008 12585 0 0 0 BRECK OPERATING CORP.
2009 9430 0 0 0 BRECK OPERATING CORP.
2010 6576 0 0 0 BRECK OPERATING CORP.
2011 5384 0 0 0 BRECK OPERATING CORP.
2012 5495 0 0 0 BRECK OPERATING CORP.
2013 5480 0 0 0 BRECK OPERATING CORP.
2014 5009 0 0 0 BRECK OPERATING CORP.
2015 4356 0 0 0 BRECK OPERATING CORP.
2016 5174 0 0 0 BRECK OPERATING CORP.
2017 2020 0 0 0 BRECK OPERATING CORP.
2018 806 0 0 0 BRECK OPERATING CORP.
2019 246 0 0 0 PETEX
2020 2173 0 0 0 PETEX

For data sources see[3]


  1. "RRC Digital Map Data". Railrod Commission of Texas. 2020-10-15. Retrieved 2020-10-15. 
  2. "RRC Drilling Permit Data". Railrod Commission of Texas. 2020-10-15. Retrieved 2020-10-15. 
  3. "RRC Production Data". Railrod Commission of Texas. 2020-10-15. Retrieved 2020-10-15.