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Operator Details

Operator Name: BROUGHER OIL, INC.
Other Operator Alias:

Addresses listed above are those on file with the relevant regulator.

For data sources see

Operator Well Data

Well ID State/Province County/Division Municipality/Subdivision License/Permit Date Spud Date Unconventional Configuration Well/License Status Well Pad ID
15-001-90233 KS Allen County ON LIST
15-009-00914 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-03189 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-06912 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-15117 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-20046 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-20823 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-21047 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-21154 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-22263 KS Barton County Cancelled API Number
15-009-22322 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-23111 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-23187 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-23198 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-23494 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-23621 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-23925 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-047-20692 KS Edwards County Plugged and Abandoned
15-047-20866 KS Edwards County Plugged and Abandoned
15-047-21162 KS Edwards County Plugged and Abandoned
15-053-20824 KS Ellsworth County Plugged and Abandoned
15-053-30160 KS Ellsworth County Plugged and Abandoned
15-065-01959 KS Graham County Plugged and Abandoned
15-065-21390 KS Graham County Plugged and Abandoned
15-065-22067 KS Graham County Plugged and Abandoned
15-065-22164 KS Graham County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
15-065-22194 KS Graham County ON LIST
15-097-10123 KS Kiowa County Plugged and Abandoned
15-145-00722 KS Pawnee County Plugged and Abandoned
15-145-00724 KS Pawnee County Plugged and Abandoned
15-145-00725 KS Pawnee County Plugged and Abandoned
15-145-20117 KS Pawnee County Plugged and Abandoned
15-145-20675 KS Pawnee County Plugged and Abandoned
15-145-20868 KS Pawnee County Plugged and Abandoned
15-145-20978 KS Pawnee County Plugged and Abandoned
15-145-21082 KS Pawnee County Plugged and Abandoned
15-145-21092 KS Pawnee County Plugged and Abandoned
15-151-21174 KS Pratt County Plugged and Abandoned
15-151-21486 KS Pratt County Plugged and Abandoned
15-155-20529 KS Reno County Plugged and Abandoned
15-155-20916 KS Reno County Plugged and Abandoned
15-159-01478 KS Rice County Converted to SWD Well
15-159-20013 KS Rice County Plugged and Abandoned
15-159-20157 KS Rice County Plugged and Abandoned
15-159-21567 KS Rice County Cancelled API Number
15-163-22262 KS Rooks County Plugged and Abandoned
15-163-22263 KS Rooks County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-01014 KS Stafford County Cancelled API Number
15-185-10616 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-20625 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-20626 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-21040 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-21047 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-21462 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-21741 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-21850 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-21916 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-21941 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-21968 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-22009 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-22010 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-22029 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-22087 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-22209 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-22213 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-22255 KS Stafford County ON LIST
15-185-22266 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-22297 KS Stafford County Plugged and Abandoned
15-185-22396 KS Stafford County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
15-193-20320 KS Thomas County Plugged and Abandoned
15-193-20328 KS Thomas County Plugged and Abandoned
15-193-20336 KS Thomas County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
15-193-20337 KS Thomas County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)

For data sources see[1][2][3][4][5]


  1. "Oil and Natural Gas Wells". Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data. 2019-09-24. Retrieved 2020-09-12. 
  2. "Petroleum related wells". U.S. Geological Survey. 2014-08-06. Retrieved 2020-09-12. 
  3. "RRC Production Data". Railrod Commission of Texas. 2020-10-15. Retrieved 2020-10-15. 
  4. "W97 Operator Data". Oklahoma Corporation Commission. 2020-10-29. Retrieved 2020-10-29. 
  5. "All Wells". Kansas Geological Survey. 2020-10-26. Retrieved 2020-11-18.