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D S & W Well Servicing, Inc.

Operator Details

Operator Name: D S & W Well Servicing, Inc.
Other Operator Alias:

Addresses listed above are those on file with the relevant regulator.

For data sources see

Operator Well Data

Well ID State/Province County/Division Municipality/Subdivision License/Permit Date Spud Date Unconventional Configuration Well/License Status Well Pad ID
15-009-01055 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-03094 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-03355 KS Barton County Producing
15-009-03356 KS Barton County Producing
15-009-04040 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-19118 KS Barton County Cancelled API Number
15-009-21378 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-22552 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-22759 KS Barton County Producing
15-009-22968 KS Barton County Producing
15-009-23569 KS Barton County Authorized Injection Well
15-009-23668 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-009-23733 KS Barton County Plugged and Abandoned
15-047-20528 KS Edwards County Producing
15-047-20626 KS Edwards County Producing
15-053-01000 KS Ellsworth County Plugged and Abandoned
15-053-01002 KS Ellsworth County Inactive Well
15-053-01004 KS Ellsworth County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
15-053-01014 KS Ellsworth County Plugged and Abandoned
15-053-01016 KS Ellsworth County Expired Intent to Drill (C-1)
15-053-01018 KS Ellsworth County Plugged and Abandoned
15-053-20830 KS Ellsworth County Producing
15-053-20854 KS Ellsworth County Producing
15-053-20912 KS Ellsworth County Plugged and Abandoned
15-053-20946 KS Ellsworth County Plugged and Abandoned
15-053-20949 KS Ellsworth County Plugged and Abandoned
15-053-20969 KS Ellsworth County Plugged and Abandoned
15-053-70058 KS Ellsworth County Plugged and Abandoned
15-159-01710 KS Rice County Producing
15-159-01713 KS Rice County Producing
15-159-20105 KS Rice County Producing
15-159-20152 KS Rice County Plugged and Abandoned
15-159-20250 KS Rice County Plugged and Abandoned
15-159-20434 KS Rice County Producing
15-159-21495 KS Rice County Authorized Injection Well
15-169-00532 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-00534 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-00632 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-00888 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-00889 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-00890 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-00894 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-19005 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-19006 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-19016 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-20066 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-20069 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-20076 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-20107 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-20150 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-20165 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-20200 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-20310 KS Saline County Plugged and Abandoned
15-169-20332 KS Saline County Inactive Well

For data sources see[1][2][3][4][5]


  1. Jump up "Oil and Natural Gas Wells". Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data. 2019-09-24. Retrieved 2020-09-12. 
  2. Jump up "Petroleum related wells". U.S. Geological Survey. 2014-08-06. Retrieved 2020-09-12. 
  3. Jump up "RRC Production Data". Railrod Commission of Texas. 2020-10-15. Retrieved 2020-10-15. 
  4. Jump up "W97 Operator Data". Oklahoma Corporation Commission. 2020-10-29. Retrieved 2020-10-29. 
  5. Jump up "All Wells". Kansas Geological Survey. 2020-10-26. Retrieved 2020-11-18.