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Wellwiki uses four primary scripts in order to generate new pages. All of these scripts are located within ~/installers/wikimanager/
The first script updates the violation counts for wells in the well table of wellsdb_dev. It can be run from mysql by logging in as root, selecting wellsdb_dev as the database of choice, and running source ~/installers/wikimanager/pre_deployment.sql; within a mysql console.
The script takes about 1 minute to fully execute.
This script updates the violation counts for Colorado wells in the well table of wellsdb_dev, since their violation information is stored in a table separate from other states'. Usage: python pre_deployment_co.py
This script updates the well table based on information in permit, production, spud, municipality, and county. It should be run after new data is added to the well table in the database to ensure that well info is fully populated. It is located in ~/scripts/ and is run using python well_updates.py in this directory. If only specific update functions need to be carried out, this can be specified in if __name__=='__main__':. If only specific states should be updated, see the individual method(s) you are looking to execute and add an extra condition to the sql string.
The functionality of this script includes filling in the following fields where possible when they are empty in the well table:
The script can also set the following values to NULL when they are erroneously zero:
Finally, the script can cause string field containing empty strings to be set to NULL. The fields it may perform this operation upon are:
If the goal is to fill in municipality and county info beyond the extent of this script's capabilities, see Populating Municipality and County Pages Technical Information.
This is a script which adds any wells within the mysql wellsdb_dev database to the wikiManagerPages table within the wikidb database. This should be run prior to CreateEntitySources such that all necessary pages needed to be generated are able to be flagged for updates.
In addition to flagging wells for update, operator pages should also be set to be updated. This can be done on a state by state basis with the following:
UPDATE wikidb.wikiManagerPages
SET needs_update='1'
WHERE page_name IN
(SELECT page_name FROM
(SELECT u1.* FROM wikidb.wikiManagerPages u1 LEFT JOIN wellsdb_dev.operator u2 ON u1.page_name=u2.operator_name WHERE u2.operator_state='PA') AS p);
This is a script that will read through all wiki pages located in the wikiManagerPages table within the wikidb database that have "NEEDS_UPDATE" set to 1.
It uses scripts within DBUtil/ to query the mysql database, which in turn return dictionaries for each well in question in which keys correspond with column names from the mysql database, and values are the corresponding entries for a given well. Scripts within FileUtil/SourceBuilders/ generate page templates and output parsed files using well specific data from DBUtil results. Note that the *SourceBuilder.py scripts are used, while the *TableTemplateBuilder.py scripts are older versions of these and are therefore unused.
Each entry within the wikiManagerPages table will be queried for in the wellsdb_dev database, which then outputs newly generated pages to ~/PycharmProjects/WikiManager/WikiSources
Here is some sample SQL to flag all Pennsylvania pages for update:
UPDATE `wikiManagerPages`
This script is currently fully functional for at least the state of Pennsylvania.
This file takes a source directory as an argument, and begins adding all wiki pages within that source directory to the actual wikimedia database, making them available for viewing here.
Usage: python commit_staged_sources.py ~/PycharmProjects/WikiManager/WikiSources
This script adds Wikipedia infoboxes to county pages. It should be run exactly one time after county pages have been flagged for update and CreateEntitySources.py and commit_staged_sources.py have executed. Inboxes are added to all county pages that exist in both wikiPageUpload and wikiManagerPages.
Currently, all BC well pages are generated at once (not selectively by flagging individual pages).
Uncomment the lines dbClient = DBClient() (57) and CreateBCSources(dbClient) (60) and run as python CreateEntitySources.py. Newly generated pages are output to ~/PycharmProjects/WikiManager/WikiSources. Re-comment these lines when finished so that BC pages are not generated every time non-BC pages are generated.
See above.
The selection of data from the wellwiki_dev database in the form of pre-defined SQL statements that return results in the form of a dictionary or array. Located in DomainEntities/BC/.
Currently, all AB well and operator pages are generated at once (not selectively by flagging individual pages).
This script fills in the fields LATITUDE_DECIMAL and LONGITUDE_DECIMAL in the ab_operator table. This is a necessary step in order to display operator locations on the maps on operator pages. Located in ~/installers/wikimanager/.
Usage: python ab_operator_lat_lon.py
Uncomment the lines dbClient = DBClient() (57) and CreateABSources(dbClient) (59) and run as python CreateEntitySources.py. Newly generated pages are output to ~/PycharmProjects/WikiManager/WikiSources. Re-comment these lines when finished so that AB pages are not generated every time non-AB pages are generated.
Running this script causes the AB Orphan Wells page source text file to be generated in ~/PycharmProjects/WikiManager/WikiSources.
See above.
The selection of data from the wellwiki_dev database in the form of pre-defined SQL statements that return results in the form of a dictionary or array. Located in DomainEntities/AB/.
This file takes an argument to generate pages for Texas wells, operators, or counties. It makes use of OperatorSourceBuilder, WellSourceBuilder, CountySourceBuilder, and EntityController located within SourceBuilders/TX/. It makes use of the texas database rather than wellwiki_dev.
The generation of pages for Texas consists solely of running this script, followed by commit stages sources on the standard ~/PycharmProjects/WikiManager/WikiSources path.
Creating counties: python create_tx_pages.py county Creating operators: python create_tx_pages.py operator Creating wells: python create_tx_pages.py well
After the creation of Texas county pages, wikipedia infoboxes will need to be manually re-added.