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Operator Details

Other Operator Alias:
Country: United States
State: Ohio
Address: 1975 NEWELS RUN ROAD
Zip Code: 45768
Phone Number: (740) 228-2501

For data sources see[1]

Operator Well Data

Well ID State County Municipality Spud Date Permit Date Configuration Well Status Well Pad ID
34-111-21878 OH Monroe Benton Township 1978-03-21 1994-03-02 Vertical Producing
34-111-22148 OH Monroe Benton Township 1980-11-14 1980-11-13 Vertical Producing
34-111-22238 OH Monroe Benton Township 1981-04-13 1980-12-23 Vertical Producing
34-111-22537 OH Monroe Benton Township 1981-09-21 1981-08-19 Vertical Producing
34-111-22855 OH Monroe Benton Township 1982-06-21 1982-04-20 Vertical Producing
34-111-23195 OH Monroe Benton Township 1985-09-02 1985-07-19 Vertical Producing
34-111-23218 OH Monroe Benton Township 1985-12-27 Vertical Producing
34-111-23236 OH Monroe Benton Township 1986-08-11 1986-08-08 Vertical Producing
34-111-23238 OH Monroe Benton Township 1986-10-13 1986-10-10 Vertical Producing
34-111-63307 OH Monroe Perry Township Vertical Producing
34-111-63308 OH Monroe Perry Township Vertical Producing
34-111-63309 OH Monroe Perry Township Vertical Producing
34-111-63310 OH Monroe Perry Township Vertical Producing
34-111-63314 OH Monroe Perry Township Vertical Producing
34-111-65775 OH Monroe Perry Township Vertical Producing
34-111-65776 OH Monroe Perry Township Vertical Producing
34-111-65777 OH Monroe Perry Township Vertical Producing
34-111-65778 OH Monroe Benton Township Vertical Producing
34-111-65780 OH Monroe Benton Township Vertical Producing
34-111-65781 OH Monroe Benton Township Vertical Producing
34-111-65783 OH Monroe Benton Township Vertical Producing
34-111-65784 OH Monroe Benton Township Vertical Producing
34-167-20138 OH Washington Grandview Township 1939-11-23 Vertical Producing
34-167-20165 OH Washington Grandview Township 1940-12-01 Vertical Producing
34-167-20375 OH Washington Grandview Township 1944-06-02 Vertical Producing
34-167-20711 OH Washington Independence Township 1947-05-01 Vertical Producing
34-167-20796 OH Washington Grandview Township 1948-05-18 Vertical Producing
34-167-20797 OH Washington Grandview Township 1948-05-10 Vertical Producing
34-167-20877 OH Washington Grandview Township 1948-09-10 Vertical Producing
34-167-21984 OH Washington Newport Township 1955-03-09 1954-11-18 Vertical Producing
34-167-22470 OH Washington Independence Township 1961-04-12 1974-10-07 Vertical Producing
34-167-22929 OH Washington Grandview Township 1964-12-17 1967-10-06 Vertical Producing
34-167-22946 OH Washington Grandview Township 1965-04-20 1967-10-06 Vertical Producing
34-167-23091 OH Washington Independence Township 1967-02-16 1967-02-09 Vertical Producing
34-167-23361 OH Washington Grandview Township 1972-08-11 Vertical Producing
34-167-23411 OH Washington Independence Township 1994-03-02 Vertical Producing
34-167-24046 OH Washington Grandview Township 1979-05-05 1978-01-11 Vertical Producing
34-167-25103 OH Washington Independence Township 1979-10-30 1979-10-30 Vertical Producing
34-167-26339 OH Washington Independence Township 1981-02-02 1980-12-31 Vertical Producing
34-167-26644 OH Washington Independence Township 1981-05-21 1981-06-02 Vertical Producing
34-167-27097 OH Washington Grandview Township 1982-02-14 1982-01-27 Vertical Producing
34-167-29377 OH Washington Ludlow Township 1998-11-09 Vertical Producing
34-167-61676 OH Washington Grandview Township 1987-10-05 Vertical Producing
34-167-61726 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-61727 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-61773 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-61774 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-61776 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-61777 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-61783 OH Washington Grandview Township 1998-08-18 Vertical Producing
34-167-62142 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-62143 OH Washington Grandview Township 1998-08-18 Vertical Producing
34-167-62144 OH Washington Grandview Township 1998-08-18 Vertical Producing
34-167-62145 OH Washington Grandview Township 1998-08-18 Vertical Producing
34-167-62146 OH Washington Grandview Township 1998-08-18 Vertical Producing
34-167-63942 OH Washington Ludlow Township Vertical Producing
34-167-64616 OH Washington Newport Township 1998-08-18 Vertical Producing
34-167-65894 OH Washington Grandview Township 2000-01-20 Vertical Producing
34-167-65895 OH Washington Grandview Township 2000-01-20 Vertical Producing
34-167-65896 OH Washington Grandview Township 2000-01-20 Vertical Producing
34-167-65916 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-65924 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66068 OH Washington Independence Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66069 OH Washington Independence Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66070 OH Washington Independence Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66083 OH Washington Newport Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66147 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66149 OH Washington Independence Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66150 OH Washington Independence Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66168 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66174 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66207 OH Washington Independence Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66208 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66344 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66365 OH Washington Independence Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66366 OH Washington Independence Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66367 OH Washington Independence Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66545 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66546 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66547 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66563 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66564 OH Washington Grandview Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66565 OH Washington Independence Township Vertical Producing
34-167-66566 OH Washington Independence Township Vertical Producing

For data sources see[2]
