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3rd edition | |
Authors: | Duncan Kenyon, Nikki Way, Andrew Read, Barend Dronkers, Benjamin Israel, Binnu Jeyakumar, Nina Lothian |
Publisher: | Pembina Institute |
Publish Date: | October 2016 |
PDF Download: | [Landowners' Guide] [Landowners' Primer] |
Initiation Phase General Advice Project Initiation and Consultation Application Development Negotiating and Leasing Disputes and Concerns Landowners and Media Outreach | |
Exploration Phase | |
Development Phase | |
Pipelines and Other Infrastructure | |
Environmental Impacts | |
Abandonment and Reclamation | |
Compensation, Rights, and Hearings | |
Appendices | |
If you need help with negotiations, you can ask the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) to facilitate your meetings with land agents or company representatives.[1] They have trained staff who can act as facilitators at everything from informal “kitchen table” meetings to more formal discussions between you and the company.
If direct negotiations fail, parties can use the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
process. The ADR process is an alternative to the hearing process, which can be
expensive and require a considerable time and financial commitment from all parties.
The process may be used for any disputes related to energy development in Alberta
(projects under the jurisdiction of the National Energy Board use a similar process, see
Working with the National Energy Board). The ADR process may involve facilitation, mediation, negotiation,
arbitration or a combination of these strategies (see Appendix E Glossary for
definitions). The ADR process isn’t limited to issues within the jurisdiction of the AER,
so in some cases this process may enable a broader range of issues and resolution than
what the AER can typically regulate, such as compensation. The process can be used at
any point in the project life cycle, from the project planning phase until after the project
is complete. Typically, the ADR program is voluntary, unless required by hearing
commissioners after an application has been recommended for a hearing.
The AER will attend ADR meetings to facilitate and provide regulatory and other
information, or act as mediators or negotiators. Mediation is helpful when situations are
too complicated or controversial to be settled through facilitation alone. Mediation is
usually provided by trained AER mediators; however, in some cases the AER may
recommend, or you can request, a neutral third-party mediator who has experience with
the energy industry. Those involved in a dispute can select an external mediator, either
from the list on the AER website,[2] or from the ADR Institute of Alberta (see Mediation and Arbitration).
Before full mediation through the ADR program is pursued, negotiating parties should
consider engaging in a preliminary Alternative Dispute Resolution (PADR) meeting.
This preliminary meeting will decide who will take part in the discussions, the issues to
be discussed, how the mediator will be selected, the role of advisors (such as AER staff,
lawyers and technical experts), what options are available to resolve the dispute, and
how costs will be allocated. One of the principles of the PADR program is that the
industry participants should cover the nominal costs of the preliminary meeting,
including direct third-party costs incurred by landowners and public. Anyone
considering using PADR or ADR should read the AER’s guidelines.[3]
The AER’s Alternative Dispute Resolution process has existed in some form or another since the early 2000s. In 2014, the ADR program resolved 90% of its cases fully or partially.[4] |
If you want to work in good faith to resolve issues with the company, but it seems that
negotiations may be lengthy and involve considerable time reviewing and writing
documents, it is not unreasonable to ask the company to provide partial or even full
compensation. When a company reimburses some or all of the costs, individuals and
groups can be more effectively involved in the process, and the company demonstrates
that it is willing to cooperate and shoulder the responsibility for inconveniencing
Although there are no formal cost recovery guidelines, the AER works with parties to
determine cost recovery. You should ensure that you agree in writing with the company
what they will cover for costs. Usually, the AER will facilitate this conversation at the
beginning of the ADR process (such as the preliminary ADR meeting), to ensure that
costs do not remain the focus of the conversation for too long. Like the cost recovery
program in the hearing process, costs might include your time and expenses, such as
long-distance telephone charges and photocopying. If travel is involved, mileage, meals
and accommodation costs should be recorded. Where possible, receipts should be
obtained for all the expenses, and you should keep track in writing the time needed for
all discussions, meetings or research. In the case of small groups and coalitions, it may
be best to ask the company to pay the group for time involved, leaving the group to
allocate the fund based on the relative contribution of time from its members.
You may want to get a sense of the company’s past compliance history, as a good track
record may give you more confidence in the outcome of negotiations and the project as
a whole. You can view their publicly available compliance record on the AER’s
Compliance Dashboard.[5] The compliance dashboard will include more recent incidents
under the AER, but you may need to contact the AER Inquiries line to get a more
complete history. You can also contact Environment and Parks information services,
which may be able to give you a summary of a company’s environmental compliance
record before the creation of the AER. Although the AER boasts a high compliance
rate,[6] much of the enforcement system relies on self-reporting and it is not unheard-of
for companies to breach, unintentionally or otherwise, rules and requirements.
It is important to know that the ADR process is confidential. This allows parties to speak
freely, and to determine appropriate solutions to the issues at hand without being
hampered by concerns about confidential information being shared outside the group.
However, this may limit your ability to speak about some of your issues in public,
including in subsequent hearings related to the conversation, or to share with your
neighbour for their conversations with the same company. All parties to the ADR
process must agree to allow any resolutions from the process to be unbound by the ADR
confidentiality clause in order for you to speak publicly about it.[7]
If the application has been submitted, yet you feel that a company is not seriously trying
to minimize potential impacts, you can ask the AER to hold a hearing by submitting a
statement of concern after the application has been submitted to the Regulator
(see When the Application is Filed: Submitting a Statement of Concern and Alberta Energy Regulator Hearings). If a hearing is recommended, but the hearing commissioners
feel that you have been less than cooperative in trying to resolve the issue outside of a
hearing, they have the power to deny you cost reimbursement for the hearing process.
Therefore, you should make a reasonable effort to address your concerns through
negotiation or the ADR process before deciding to pursue a hearing.
If there are difficulties concerning the location of an interprovincial pipeline, timing and method of construction, or protection of the land associated with that pipeline, you and the company can use the National Energy Board (NEB) Appropriate Dispute Resolution process (which is a similar process to the AER’s Alternative Dispute Resolution process, discussed above).[8] You and the company can also use this dispute resolution process, if you wish, to discuss the amount of compensation to be paid for the use of land or damage caused by construction or maintenance of the pipeline. However, as the NEB does not have a mandate to decide compensation, if the company and landowner cannot come to an agreement using the NEB process, they have to ask the Minister of Natural Resources to appoint a negotiator or an arbitration committee. The arbitration committee can, among other things, decide whether the company must pay compensation in a lump sum, or as annual or periodic payments.[9] If the NEB Appropriate Dispute Resolution process fails, matters will be dealt with at an NEB hearing (see National Energy Board Hearings).
More information about the NEB, pipeline regulations, and your rights as a landowner
can be found in the NEB landowner’s guide.[10]
If negotiations have failed and you want the AER to formally address your concerns (other than compensation) after the company has submitted their application, the next step is to submit a statement of concern to the AER. If the AER is aware of any outstanding concerns, the company is required to submit their application through the non-expedited process, and the AER will not make a decision on an application until after the filing deadline outlined in the notice of application has passed.[11] The notice of application will also outline other relevant information about the proposed project, and what you specifically need to address in your statement of concern. Companies are expected to send the notice of application to anyone who has outstanding concerns from the pre-application process. For example, anyone who submitted a pre-application concern should receive a notice of application. It is important for you to submit a statement of concern at this stage of the process if you want to trigger a formal process and ensure your concerns are still considered by the Regulator, because the Regulator is very unlikely to recommend an application for a hearing if no statements of concern have been submitted.
When submitting a statement of concern, you need to concisely explain why you believe
you are both directly and adversely affected by the Regulator’s decision; the nature of
your objection to the application; and the outcome you are looking for.[12] To try and
ensure the AER accepts your statement of concern and your request for a hearing, you
should clearly establish the connection between the concern you’d like addressed, and
how it may negatively impact you. It is helpful to be precise, and to “spell it out” for the
AER. What may seem like an obvious connection between the project and the issue of
concern won’t necessarily be obvious to those reviewing your statement of concern, and
the AER won’t consider facts that aren’t brought before it. Include all relevant details to
establish why the project or a specific element of a project is connected to the concern
you are expressing. For example, if you are concerned about flaring, it may help to
include a map that outlines where the potential flare stack may be located in relation to
your house, where you spend time in your garden, where animals are located, or where
your children play outside. If you believe that the close proximity of the project to
where you spend you time will exacerbate a health issue, clearly outline this.
In addition to the details about your concern, you need to include other relevant details,
such as your contact information and your location relative to the location of the
proposed energy resource activity. It is important to submit your objections within the
filing period. The AER will consider your statement of concern when reviewing the
application, and, if your statement of concern meets the requirements, assess whether it
will hold a hearing.
You can review recent participatory and procedural decisions from the AER on their
website. You will likely only find decisions on statements of concern that have not been
recommended for a hearing,[13] but these may give you a good sense of how the AER
decides who is directly and adversely affected as these decisions briefly outline the
reasoning for not recommending the application for a hearing.[14] Currently, the AER has
a fairly narrow interpretation of who is directly and adversely affected — typically
people who are not the direct landowners or immediately next to a project have a
difficult time establishing that they are directly and adversely affected.
Statements must be submitted in writing; calling the Regulator does not count as
submitting a statement. Statements of concern must be submitted individually by each
concerned party, or as a single submission on behalf of a group by one designated
representative under the group name (see Forming a Group With Landowners and Concerned Citizens below for more information on
working with groups).
You must submit your statement within 30 days of the notice of the application, or by
the date specified in the notice (which will be less than 30 days). The AER must wait for
the period for filing a statement of concern to pass before they will approve a project,
unless a project is submitted as a “routine application”. Companies are allowed to fill a
routine application if they do not require regulatory leniency, and if there are no
outstanding concerns.[15] If the Regulator does not receive any statements of concern,
they likely will not hold a hearing. If the Regulator has already made a decision on an
application, then they may not consider a statement of concern, so it is important to
submit your statement as soon as possible.[16]
Any statement of concern you submit will become part of the public record, so you
should not include personal, medical, financial, or other information that you wish to
remain confidential. If you have information that may aid in making your case that you
are directly and adversely affected but that you wish to keep confidential, it may help
for you to indicate that this additional relevant information is available but confidential
and that you would reveal it to the Regulator at a later time. You may wish to contact
the AER’s stakeholder engagement team to determine the best way to include this
Consult the AER’s EnerFAQ: Expressing Your Concerns for more information about
statements of concern.[17]
If the project is already approved and it is too late to submit an official statement of
concern, you can submit a request for a Regulatory Appeal or a request for an
reconsideration (see Regulatory Appeals for AER Decisions Made Without a Hearing or Reconsiderations and Legal Challenges to Hearing Decisions).[18]
Sometimes it is not possible to reach agreement, even through a combination of negotiation, facilitation, or mediation. If this is the case, the company or landowner can ask the AER to consider holding a hearing (Public Hearings and Regulatory Board Processes), or apply for a right-of-entry order through the Surface Rights Board (described in more detail in Right-of-entry orders when landowner and company cannot agree and Right-of-entry orders by the Surface Rights Board)
If you are thinking about asking the Regulator to hold a hearing, you need to have
strong evidence of the damage that an energy development could potentially cause you
or your family, or reasons why it is not in the public interest to allow the project to
proceed. While the AER has rarely prohibited a development, it may attach conditions
to licences that address concerns that the hearing board had with the application. You
will likely get a more satisfactory resolution of problems if you try to negotiate and
then, if necessary, ask the AER to facilitate or arrange mediation through the ADR
process, rather than do nothing and simply refuse access.
Occasionally a landowner may be so strongly opposed to a proposed development that
they are unwilling to attempt negotiation. If that is the case, it is important to consider
the implications. If a landowner refuses to negotiate and makes it clear from the start
that “No means No,” the company will inform the AER when they submit their
application. The AER may suggest that the landowner should negotiate with their
facilitator or with a third-party mediator, but if this is still unsuccessful, the company
may ask the AER for a hearing. If a landowner has not tried to resolve the issues through
negotiation or explained to the AER why any anticipated adverse effects cannot be
handled through negotiation, the AER may dismiss the objection and approve the
application without a hearing. If a hearing is triggered, the hearing panel may not grant
costs to the landowner if they believe that the issue should have been dealt with
through the ADR process. Thus, before taking this stand it is crucial for a landowner to
consider their chances of securing all of their demands at a hearing, given the fact that
the AER has made very few decisions that actually prohibit development.
If, after weighing the above considerations, you do decide to fight an application, you
will need to make a strong case. You may also want to garner the support of as many
surrounding neighbours as possible. Each person should write a clear statement of
concern to the AER, sending a copy before the deadline to the AER, as outlined in the
Notice of Application. Copies should also be sent to the company proposing the
development, the relevant MLA, the energy and environment critics for opposition
parties, and relevant media. If the application is non-routine (for example when there
are outstanding issues that the operator has identified), you should have 30 days to
submit a statement of concern, in which you can suggest that the project be considered
by a hearing. The AER has full discretion for when a hearing is triggered, but is most
likely to decide to trigger a hearing when one or multiple parties, considered by the
Regulator to be directly and adversely affected, makes their case that the issue is best
resolved by hearing.
Adequate preparation for a hearing, including obtaining legal counsel and arranging
appropriate technical expert witnesses, is essential; Public Hearings and Regulatory Board Processes provides more
information on hearings.